Home > Hunter : BWWM, Cowboy, Pregnancy,Marriage, Billionaire Romance(16)

Hunter : BWWM, Cowboy, Pregnancy,Marriage, Billionaire Romance(16)
Author: Katie Dowe



She was inside the game room and was standing against the pool table when she felt his presence just inside the doorway. She stiffened and turned slowly to face him. He had taken off his hat. His hair was disheveled and the shirt he was wearing was clinging to his chest.



“I was just exploring….”


“I don’t mind. How was lunch?”


“Not bad.” She pressed back against the table. “How was whatever you were doing?”


“We have a possible outbreak. I am glad I see you.”


She frowned at that. “What does that mean?”


“We had one five years ago. Some kind of aggressive flu virus. One ranch hand is down, and three others are displaying symptoms. I do not want you out in the ranch yard. Especially….” He gestured towards her flat stomach.



“Do I have anything to worry about?”


“No. I have been tested and there are no symptoms. Only those four so far but I am not taking any chances.” He came further into the room and stood in front of her. He started to reach out to her and pulled back his hand. “If you are not displaying any symptoms, we could wait until your next doctor’s appointment.”



She nodded. “You told me that you had broken off things with her.”


“Who…? Marie?”




“I have. Why?”


“She was in the kitchen this morning and she said something that indicated that you are still together – not that it is any of my business,” she rushed to add.



“I am no longer with her.” He repeated. “And I don’t appreciate repeating myself. I happen to be a man of my word.” He moved closer and this time Sophie moved forward. His large hand cupped her cheek and tilted her head up. “I am dirty.”


“I don’t care.” She whispered.



“What do you want Sophie?”


“I don’t know.” She moaned as he touched her bottom lip.



“You do.” He said hoarsely. “I want you and I am being honest about it. I have not been able to stop thinking about that night. Have you?”



“It will complicate things further.”


“It’s already complicated.” He removed his hand and stepped back. Sophie thought he had changed his mind and gasped as he lifted her as easily as he would have lifted a chair and placed her onto the table, coming to stand between her thighs. “So small.” He whispered. “I could break you.” He loosened her hair and watched as it tumbled down her back. His head lowered and he brushed his lips against hers, her tremors igniting something deep inside him. Sophie’s hands came up and she gripped his shirt in tight fists as she opened her mouth eagerly. His tongue touched hers and she felt the flames flowing through her body. Liquid fire came to mind as he deepened the kiss. His hand came up to grip the back of her head and positioned her as he deepened the kiss. She pressed against him, her nipples mashed against his chest and she could feel them hardening into tight painful buds. The heat invaded her body and unconsciously made her move even closer. Hunter’s arms came around her small waist and almost lifted her off the table. His cock was throbbing, a painful reminder of how much he wanted to sink himself deep inside her. Her mouth was like honey and he could feel himself drowning, swirling into the essence of her. His fingers dug into her scalp, his hold a little cruel as he dragged her head towards him. He could not stop tasting her, did not want the kiss to end but he wanted more; his body demanded more. Dragging his mouth from hers, he stepped back, his breathing shallow and uneven, his blue eyes darkened with passion. He did not want to take her here. His bedroom or hers. He had to have her but even though the staff had gone for the day, he could not take any chances.



He was silent for so long that Sophie misinterpreted the cause of it and slid off the table, her humiliation and dissatisfaction complete. “Where are you going?” He rasped.



“I thought you wanted to stop.”


He let forth a harsh laugh and pulled her close to him. Sophie gasped at the evidence of his desire and felt faint with need. “I don’t want to take you here.” She moaned as he swung her into his arms and strode from the room. She buried her face inside his chest and inhaled the scent of sweat and his tangy cologne. He bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time, not stopping until he had pushed the doors open and strode into his suite. He placed her gently onto the bed, stepping back to take off his shirt and toed off his boots. Next his dusty faded denims as he came and sat on the edge of the bed. He did not say anything as his eyes roved over her frame. Lifting a hand, he dragged his fingers through her hair and watched the contrast against the light blue cotton pillows. He unbuttoned her blouse slowly and lifted it over her head, unhooking the front clasp of the bra, his eyes flaring as he gazed at the puckered nipples. “They are small.” He murmured as if to himself as he cupped the nearest breast to him, his thumb flickering over the tight bud and causing her to squirm. “In a matter of months, my baby will be suckling from them,” his head lifted, and he stared at her. “Will you be breastfeeding?”


Her breath was backing up inside her throat and she could not breathe. “Yes,” She whispered thinly as she moved restlessly.



“Good,” He bent his head and used his tongue to flick over the nipple. Sophie’s fingers closed around the sheet as she lifted her body to his seeking mouth. She gasped as he bit the nipple gently and then soothed it with his tongue.



“Please.” She whispered.



He obliged her by pulling the nipple inside his mouth, pulling on the teat hard enough to send arrows of desire shooting through her body. His hands bracketed her rib cage as he lifted her against his mouth. He was devouring her, ravishing her, his fingers digging into her flesh as he suckled her nipple. He was hard, harder than before and was uncomfortable with it. He released her and lowered her against the pillows, fighting the raging desire that was making him lose control.



“Give me a minute,” he told her thickly as he finished undressing her. He stifled a groan at the skimpy light blue lace that barely covered her sex. “Jesus!’” He whispered as he took off his underwear and joined her on the bed.



Chapter 7

He splayed his hands over her flat stomach and let it stay there for a few minutes. “It’s amazing.” He said hoarsely.



“What is?”


“My seed growing inside you.” He lifted his head and his eyes connected with hers, a shade darker than the usual color. “What do you want? A boy or a girl?”

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