Home > A Rogue in the Making (Forever Yours #11)(7)

A Rogue in the Making (Forever Yours #11)(7)
Author: Stacy Reid

Juliana had used all of that knowledge to her advantage, and everything had been going well. Then a few hours ago, in his chamber, she had seen a revelation on his face. Something about her had rattled him…and there had been another emotion in his eyes that had sent her heart surging with alarm.

How frightening and strangely thrilling the entire encounter had seemed to Juliana’s overwrought nerves. And then in the library just now! How shocking it had been for the earl to invite her to drink and play chess with him! As if they were acquaintances of similar rank. So many people wouldn’t have deigned to lower themselves to have a drink with people of a class they considered beneath their own.

Her nerves had almost shattered at their interlude in the library. Despite her nonexistent charms, she had wrapped her breasts with linen and cut her waist-length hair to make it easier to fit a wig. Yet the earl’s probing stare had been frightening. Almost as if he could see through her, see that she was indeed a lady.

She wondered what thoughts robbed him of sleep and hoped the earl demanding her presence in the late-night would not be a frequent occurrence. Despite his assurance she could sleep late, Juliana wouldn’t dare. This job was too important to her for any missteps.

“Enough,” she muttered, thoroughly aggrieved.

Juliana pushed away from the door and hurried toward the servant’s quarters. The rest of the house slept, and she made her way up the winding staircase and to her small chamber that was surprisingly comfortable.

She closed the door behind her and removed her men’s clothes. With a sigh of relief, she undid the bindings, opened her small armoire, and took out her nightshirt. Once clothed, she slipped beneath the sheets and turned onto her side.

Why did you notice me?

It was then she acknowledged the grave disquiet sitting in her belly. What if the Earl suspected her identity? Surely he would have booted her out of his house or have her arrested for fraud?

“He did fire me,” she muttered, turning onto her other side. “But I am still here.”

Perhaps there was nothing to worry about, and she only needed to ensure her duties were executed well. “I am simply to be his personal attendant for the next seven weeks. I’ll ensure his clothes are tip-top, clean his boots, carry up the water for his bath, put out his clothes for dressing, shave him if necessary, assist him in dressing if required, and pack and unpack his clothes when he travels. Also, load his rifle whenever he goes shooting or hunting, stand behind his chair at dinner, wait at his breakfast and luncheon!” Juliana huffed out a groan. “How am I to last for seven more weeks?”

Bloody hell!



Chapter 3



A few hours later, Juliana trudged up the servant’s staircase of the palatial country house, a bit breathless from the exercise. A pretty maid with curly blonde hair under a lacy cap and large gray eyes, deliberately rubbed her hips against Juliana’s as she passed her.

“Mornin’ Julian,” she said a bit breathlessly. “I didn’t see you at supper last night!”

“I was reading,” Juliana mumbled, averting her stare from the girl’s flirtation and continuing her trek. And playing chess, drinking brandy, and trying not to ogle the earl.

“I know I am not supposed to have followers, but…I like you, Julian. Tomorrow is my off day, would ye like to take a stroll with me in the village,” she said expectantly.

She was gorgeous, and playing a game Juliana did not have the time for. “Look…Molly—”

“It’s Mary!”

Juliana stared at her for a few seconds until the girl fidgeted. “Mary, I am not able to walk with you. You should ask Thomas.” That footman seemed madly in love with the girl, bringing her flowers at least twice a day.

“What do I want to be asking him for?” she said with a pout and flounced away down the stairs.

With a sigh, Juliana continued toward the first-floor landing. She had been hiding in the earl’s country home for five days and was already mixed up in some love affair. Thomas made calf eyes at Mary, who seemed determined to flirt with Juliana. Pretending to be a servant had been a mad scheme born of desperation and a stroke of genius on her part, but it did have its complications.

Juliana was panting by the time she reached the third floor to the earl’s chamber. The earl palatial rooms consisted of a large private sitting room, bedroom, dressing room, and a bath chamber. She did not enter right away but took a few moments to gather her nerves. This she had to do each morning to prepare herself to interact with him to not betray her disguise.

She opened the door and padded inside. The fire did not need to be stoked, so she walked over to the windows. Juliana tugged open the large blue drapes, glancing at the overcast sky. It would be another hour before the earl rose, and the order she had been given on her first day was that the earl should always awake to see the breaking day. No such luck for him today. It seemed as if it would rain again this morning.

His soft snoring sounded behind her, so she moved carefully, not wanting to disturb his slumber. Stifling an indelicate yawn, she went about her duties with grim efficiency, feeling as if a valet were the worst position she could have filled in this household. She had always been an early riser, enjoying riding before the sun peaked. However, valets were required to awaken at the unholy hour of five in the morning, to ensure their master’s day started right.

A soft snort escaped her as she removed from the armoire the earl’s clothes for the day. She selected a superfine dark blue jacket, tan trousers, white shirt, socks, neckcloth, and shoes she’d polished during the previous evening, before heading for the library. Juliana then hung his apparel upon a stand. She would make her way below stairs for hot water for the earl to shave away his morning stubble. Thankfully, he did that himself, even though it was one duty she would be sure to perform well. A wistful ache went through her heart at the memory of helping her papa shave many mornings.

Her papa hadn’t used a valet. Either Juliana or her mama would assist him in shaving or tying a neckcloth if needed. Mostly it had been her mother who would steal quick kisses while she fixed his cravats. That warm memory had her smiling genuinely for the first time in weeks.

Hurrying toward the door, she faltered when a voice drawled, “A minute, Julian.”

Juliana froze. When the butler had given her the list of ‘to-dos and don’ts’ at the very top had been to leave the earl’s chamber after setting out his clothes. This would be the very first morning he roused while she was still there. She gripped the doorknob, her heart pounding. “Yes, my lord?”

Arghh! Why was there a squeak in her voice? Juliana cleared her throat and slowly turned around. The earl was sitting at the edge of his bed, and his chest was bared.

Her entire face flamed, and her heart clamored erratically. Do not be silly!

Thankfully, a sheet was draped across his hips and hanged down to the floor.

When she had entered the house a week ago, she had been desperately afraid the man would take one look at her and knew her to be a lady! But he had been just like her stepfather, looking through her or past her. Yet, Juliana had come to realize it was not because he thought her so inferior to his station, and she did not deserve the honor of his direct stare. The man was simply too occupied with whatever was going on in his head.

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