Home > Their Dragon Mate(6)

Their Dragon Mate(6)
Author: Elle Boon

“What the heck is going on here?” Lula looked from Niall to Alaina, not understanding how the two of them could be so drawn, when neither of them were in labor.

“Niall, we need more...stuff,” a male roared.

“Zayn, I’m fine,” a female murmured.

Lula raised her head and breathed deeply, trying to find Sky’s scent through the chaos. “Where’s Sky?”

Alaina flapped her hands in front of her. “She’s in the master bathroom. Go on in and see if you can...help.” She moved behind Lula, shoving her toward the door she’d just exited.

Although she could’ve prevented the other woman’s actions, Lula decided to go along with her, and see what was going on behind the door. The first wave of pain slammed into her as soon as she entered. Not her own, but Cora’s. Zayn’s mate who was clearly in labor and trying to stay strong. A contraction had the poor female’s face twisting in a grimace.

She’d watched many births, had even helped a few babes come into the world. Yet, none of the females she’d witnessed had been as pained as Cora. Without asking, she allowed her essence to float into Cora, checking the mother for issues, finding none. Next, she went to the babe. Her heart lurched as she recognized what the issue was. Within the tiny female, she used her golden light to adjust the cord that had wrapped around the infant’s neck. His blue eyes, alpha eyes like his father’s stared at her. Lula blew him a kiss and couldn’t wait until he was born so she could kiss his chubby cheeks in reality. With a last sweep of his body, she gave Cora extra strength from her own stores before flowing out of her.

“Thank you, Lula,” Cora sighed.

Lula staggered and would’ve fallen, but Niall caught her. “What did you do?” A worried frown creased his face.

She patted his arm as she took the seat he gave her. “The babe was in distress. His cord was around his neck, which was preventing her from pushing him out. I just fixed it and eased Cora a bit.”

The door to the bathroom opened, Sky walked out looking ashen. “Lula?”

No sooner had she said her name than Lula recognized why her dragon pulled her there and why poor Sky wasn’t so well herself. “Congratulations, Sky.” Her voice broke, joy and happiness bringing her out of the chair.

Sky held her stomach. “Are you sure? Is it a wolfagon?” Her lips trembled.

Lula smiled, placing her palm over Sky’s still-flat tummy. “You’re most definitely having a wolf, no dragon.” She allowed her magic to settle Sky. “Where are your mates?”

“Oh, they’ll be here before too long. I couldn’t help but call out to them when I was...getting sick.” She grinned.

She laughed, imagining exactly how Sky had called out to her mates, and how they both handled that little bombshell. “Are you better now?” She took a deep breath, feeling less nauseous herself.

“Thank you, Lula. I owe you so much. We all do.” Sky’s arms went around her abdomen, just as Cora yelled from the bed.

“I should be going.” Lula moved backward.

“Oh no you don’t. You stay,” Zayn ordered.

“Please stay,” Cora begged between pants.

The room was filled with Mystic Wolves and their mates, yet they made her feel welcomed. Lula gave a nod, taking a spot next to Sky. Shifters were used to stripping down and shifting in front of one another, so giving birth in a room full of people clearly wasn’t uncommon. Lula had encountered many species who did the same, and others who didn’t. To her, it was a sacred thing, witnessing new life being brought into the world.

Ten minutes later, Cora and Zayn welcomed their son, a healthy baby boy with a head of dark hair and blue eyes. When Niall held the child, his son Nolan gave a little howl, then the entire pack followed suit. Lula wished she had a little bit of wolf in her so she could join in the howling. Again, she felt like an outsider, always staring in. She shook the feeling off, not wanting to taint such a beautiful moment with her own sorrow.

Nolan was the first to stop, his gaze catching her own. He crossed the room and took her hands in his. “Thank you for saving him.” His young voice strong like his father's. He’d make a wonderful leader one day.

Lula nearly faltered, wondering how the young boy knew, since he hadn’t been in the room until just a few minutes ago. However, she regarded him and the baby, recognizing the connection between the two, sort of like the relationship between Niall and Zayn. Had the baby who’d yet to be named shown Nolan what she’d done? “It was nothing,” she said.

“I like to introduce you all to Zed,” Zayn announced. His eyes were suspiciously wet while he held his son.

Lula turned to stare at the little family, her dragon approving of the name they’d chosen. It was a strong name, not too fancy and not too strange. A door crashing in the other room had Sky straightening next to her.

“Oops, I think my mates are here,” Sky murmured.

“River, Raydon, if you fucking broke anything, I’ll beat both your asses,” Niall boomed.

The twin mates of Sky stopped inside of the doorway, their eyes darting around the room until they landed on Lula, then Sky. “Is she okay?” they asked in unison, their question aimed toward Lula.

Lula nodded.

“Hello? I’m right here.” Sky held up her arm and waved it in the air.

Both men moved quickly, covering the space separating them in a few steps. Lula moved out of their way, instinctively knowing they wanted to touch their mate. Again, her heart panged. Jeez, she was becoming one of those whiners who thought of what she didn’t have instead of what she did. She thought of all the things she’d been blessed with and mentally kicked her own dragon ass. While the wolfies were all busy congratulating the new family, and Sky was clearly being loved on by her mates, Lula flashed away, not wanting to bring any negativity to such a wonderful moment.


ATIKA WOKE WITH A RAGING headache. He raised his head, searching for Abyle who he knew had to be feeling just as bad as him. Sure as shit, his brother was half on, half off the other sofa. “What the hell were we thinking?” he mumbled, his mouth felt as dry as if he’d had a cotton ball stuffed in it.

Abyle lifted his head then dropped it back, throwing his arm over his eyes. “We weren’t, but damned if it wasn’t good to not think for a...few hours. Shit, is the sunup?”

“No, asshole, that fire burning my retinas is a lightbulb. Of course, the sun is up.” He rolled off the couch, landing on his hands and knees, groaning at his body aches. “How much did we drink, and how far did we run?”

Again, his brother lifted his arm, red blood shot eyes meeting his own. “Why do you keep asking me stupid questions, like I should know the answer?”

Atika got to his feet, glad he was able to stay upright, especially with his head pounding like a motherfucker. “I think I got an idea while I was somewhat lucid. Did we discuss it, or did I imagine it?”

Abyle mimicked him, rolling to the side trying to get to his feet. “You said something about Iron Wolves and heading south. I know our new sister is a wolf, and I like her and all. But...why we going to go visit a bunch of wolves?”

Atika walked into the kitchen; the large open area allowed him to watch as Abyle struggled to get his feet below him. He’d have laughed, but he wasn’t in much better shape, and the thought of his own laughter made his sore head throb. Damn, those mountain fuckers sure did make their moonshine potent. Mentally he noted they were never going to drink with them ever again. Ever.

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