Home > Mr. Nice Guy(3)

Mr. Nice Guy(3)
Author: Loni Ree

After parking in front of the café, I pull down the visor to take one more look in the tiny mirror. I’ve delayed long enough. Drawing in a deep breath, I step out of my small convertible and walk to the Coffee Shot. It’s show time.

I step inside the brightly lit café and glance around. “Ruby.” Aaron stands and waves. “Over here.” Pasting a fake smile on my face, I head to the table. He holds a chair out for me and asks, “What would you like?”

I haven't found the time to try out this little coffee shop, so I go with my usual. “I’ll take a White Chocolate Mocha.” I’m not really sure why we met here at six o’clock at night. In my hometown, we only drink coffee in the morning. Oh well. I might be wide awake all night long, but at least this date will be over.

“I’ll be right back.” He smiles and heads for the front counter. Trying to hide my unease, I look around the nearly empty coffee shop. Three high school-aged girls are working on computers in the back corner, and a group of older ladies is seated near the counter. For the millionth time, I wonder why I accepted this date. The sense of foreboding running through me increases as I wait for Aaron to return.

The bells above the front door ring and I glance over. Holy cow. The muscular hunk walking in is fine. I mean wowzah! He almost seems unnaturally handsome. His thick, dark hair is brushed back with a little piece daring to hang over one side of his forehead. The stranger’s chocolate brown eyes meet mine, causing me to gasp as unfamiliar emotions bombard me. I realize I’m fantasizing about a stranger while on a date with someone else. What in the world? I watch a smirk break out on the hot guy’s plump lips and wonder if I’m talking out loud. It’s almost as if he can read my mind.

My heart pounds away in my chest as he walks straight to me. “Hello.” He holds out his hand. “I’m Silas Sinclair.”

Forgetting all about poor Aaron, I take the stranger’s hand and whisper back, “Ruby Briggs.” He ignores the tremor running through my hand as he lifts it to his lips. After placing a soft kiss on my knuckles, he again smiles, causing my pulse to beat erratically. The entire room disappears around us as electricity shoots through my blood.

“Hello, Silas.” Aaron walks up and interrupts the moment. Pulling my hand away, I sit back and attempt to control my raging hormones. I’m a freaking hussy, lusting after a stranger while on a date with another man. “I see you’ve met Ruby.” He glances between the two of us, and a small frown breaks out on his face. “She’s staying at the Briggs’ Estate.”

“I was just introducing myself,” Silas replies before turning back to me. “It appears I’m your neighbor.” Oh. That means he lives in the large mansion on the hill.

“Well, I don’t want to sound rude, but we’re on a date.” Aaron steps between us, and I could swear I hear a soft growl rumble from the other man’s throat.

Silas stares at him silently for a few seconds, then glances over to smile at me. “I’m sure we’ll run into each other again.” His eyes hold mine captive before he winks and turns to walk away.

Swallowing, I wonder how in the world I’m going to get this date over with. Aaron Roth pales in comparison to Silas Sinclair. According to my heart, I just met the perfect man. The Mr. Nice Guy I’ve been searching for.

I take a sip of the rapidly cooling coffee and listen to Aaron drone on and on about himself. This date is a nightmare. I’m wondering how to escape without being outright rude when he suddenly chokes on his coffee.

“Are you okay?” I ask and watch a bright red stain move across his cheeks. He hops to his feet and turns in circles, looking around the café.

“What? What are you doing to me?” Holy cow. He’s insane. As I sit quietly, my date talks to an imaginary person. “Leave me alone.” Begging, he grabs his head. This is too weird for me. I’ve had enough of this disastrous date.

“You know,” I grab the first excuse in my mind, “I think I left the curling iron on.” I don’t use a curling iron, but my date is too preoccupied to care. “I’ll talk to you later.” I rush out the Coffee Shot before he’s able to stop me.

The entire drive home, I keep glancing in the rearview mirror, hoping he isn’t following me. Just my luck. I attract the crazy ones.

After rushing inside the house and locking the door, I turn to find Butters curled up on the sofa. I set the alarm and reach for my Yorkie. “Boy did I have a crazy night.” I pet his head as I head up to my bedroom. “You won’t believe what happened.” I don’t really understand it myself.









A smile breaks out on my face as I listen to the asshole beg me to leave him alone. I should feel guilty, but I don’t. He’s lucky I’m only fucking with him a little bit. An uncivilized man would’ve killed him for daring to take my soulmate out on a date.

His taillights begin to fade in the distance, and his voice cuts in and out in my mind. “Get out of my head,” he roars in frustration, and I decide I’ve fucked with him long enough.

“Then stay away from Ruby,” I growl in his mind. “I won’t be so nice if I have to warn you again.”

There’s no response, and I realize he’s driven out of my telepathic reach.

After pulling my black sports car into the garage, I head straight out to the path. I need to assure myself that Ruby is okay. I hide in the shadows of her front porch and wait. I’m rewarded when my mate’s smoky voice reaches my ears.

“I’m telling you, Butters. Aaron Roth is nuts.” Smiling, I rub my bottom lip and listen to my girl talking to her dog. The first part of my plan is complete. I got rid of the competition. Now, time for part two. Getting my girl.

I spend the entire next day staring wide awake at the darkened ceiling while missing Ruby. Taking things slowly with her is nearly impossible. As soon as the sun sets, I’m going to make my move. I race through a shower and carefully choose my outfit. After pulling on my emerald green, cable knit sweater and blue jeans, I head up to the kitchen. “Going over to see Ruby?” Edward steps out of the storage cupboard with my glass of Crimson blood. There’s a walk-in wine cooler hidden in the large pantry that we use for my meal storage.

“I’m going to knock on her door and ask her to dinner.” I take a deep breath as my plan runs through my mind. “Can you put something together for tomorrow night?” I ask him.

“Of course,” he assures me. “I’ll go online and put in a grocery order.”

After thanking him, I rush downstairs to brush my teeth, then head out to see my mate. I could make it there quicker by foot, but I don’t want to advertise my skills so I decide to take the SUV. The sound of tools banging hits me as I park in the circular drive in front of the old farmhouse. I step from the vehicle and sniff the air. I smell several men, but none of them are Aaron Roth. Good.

I walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell. Her heart jumps and I feel the sensation in every molecule of my being. “Coming,” she calls, and I close my eyes trying to bring my raging blood under control. My cock laughs at my efforts, and I pull my sweater down to hide the evidence of my arousal. Her stunning cornflower blue eyes widen when she sees me. “Oh. Hello, Silas.” She smiles and I barely resist the urge to throw her over my shoulder and run.

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