Home > Not Without Your Love (The Boys of Jackson Harbor #7)

Not Without Your Love (The Boys of Jackson Harbor #7)
Author: Lexi Ryan

The Boys of Jackson Harbor, Book 7



Table of Contents

Title Page

Other Books by Lexi Ryan



About this Book

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One





Orchid Valley

Every Little Piece of Me (Brinley and Marston’s story, includes their prequel novella)

Every Sweet Regret Stella and Kace’s story)

Every Time I Fall (Abbi and Dean’s story)

Every Chance with You (Savvy’s story, coming in 2022!)


The Boys of Jackson Harbor

The Wrong Kind of Love (Ethan’s story)

Straight Up Love (Jake’s story)

Dirty, Reckless Love (Levi’s story)

Wrapped in Love (Brayden’s story)

Crazy for Your Love (Carter’s story)

If It’s Only Love (Shay’s story)

Not Without Your Love (Colton’s story)


The Blackhawk Boys

Spinning Out (Arrow’s story)

Rushing In (Chris’s story)

Going Under (Sebastian’s story)

Falling Hard (Keegan’s story)

In Too Deep (Mason’s story)


LOVE UNBOUND: Four series, one small town, lots of happy endings


Splintered Hearts (A Love Unbound Series)

Unbreak Me (Maggie’s story)

Stolen Wishes: A Wish I May Prequel Novella (Will and Cally’s prequel)

Wish I May (Will and Cally’s novel)

Or read them together in the omnibus edition, Splintered Hearts: The New Hope Trilogy


Here and Now (A Love Unbound Series)

Lost in Me (Hanna’s story begins)

Fall to You (Hanna’s story continues)

All for This (Hanna’s story concludes)

Or read them together in the omnibus edition, Here and Now: The Complete Series


Reckless and Real (A Love Unbound Series)

Something Wild (Liz and Sam’s story begins)

Something Reckless (Liz and Sam’s story continues)

Something Real (Liz and Sam’s story concludes)

Or read them together in the omnibus edition, Reckless and Real: The Complete Series


Mended Hearts (A Love Unbound Series)

Playing with Fire (Nix’s story)

Holding Her Close (Janelle and Cade’s story)




Hot Contemporary Romance

Text Appeal

Accidental Sex Goddess


Decadence Creek (Short and Sexy Romance)

Just One Night

Just the Way You Are



For Kim Jackson, mama to the other Jake Jackson



First, a big thanks to my family. Brian, Jack, and Mary, thank you for giving me the time and space to write and for understanding why my books are so important to me! To my mom, dad, brothers, sisters, in-laws, aunts, uncles, various cousins and cousins-in-law, thank you for cheering me on—each in your own way.


This book is dedicated to my friend Kim Jackson (no relation to the Jackson Harbor clan), who is not only an incredible person but who was instrumental in helping me understand the most important facets of this book. I went to her for help on the legal implications of Veronica’s custody battle and came away understanding Colton’s character so much better. Thank you, Kim, for being so generous with your knowledge and so open about your journey. Any errors are my own.


To everyone who provided me feedback on this story along the way—especially Tina Allen, Larissa Cardozo, Heather Carver, Lisa Kuhne, Samantha Leighton, and Janice Owen—you’re all awesome. Rhonda Edits and Lauren Clarke at Creating Ink, thank you for the insightful line and content edits. You both push me to be a better writer and make my stories the best they can be. Thanks to Arran McNicol at Editing720 for proofreading. Thank you to Sarah Eirew, who took the gorgeous cover photo and did the design. I’m grateful for this team!


To all of the bloggers, bookstagrammers, readers, and reviewers who help spread the word about my books, I am humbled by the time you take out of your busy lives for my stories. I can’t thank you enough. You’re the best.


To my agent, Dan Mandel, for believing in me and staying by my side. Whew! It’s been a year!


Finally, a big thank-you to my fans, who couldn’t get enough Jackson Harbor. I thought I was leaving after Shay’s book, and when I missed my fictional little beachside town, your enthusiasm persuaded me to return. Because of you, I live my dream every day. I couldn’t do it without you, and I don’t take one second for granted. You’re the coolest, smartest, best readers in the world. I appreciate each and every one of you!





From New York Times bestseller Lexi Ryan comes a sexy new enemies-to-lovers office romance about two people who never thought to hope for their own happy ending.


Two and a half years ago, I hit rock bottom and lost everything. Since then, I’ve turned my life around—no more booze, no more drugs, no more self-sabotage. With a new business to run and old promises to keep, the last thing I need is smart-mouthed hellcat Veronica Maddox disrupting my world.


Veronica’s as beautiful as she is infuriating. She pushes all my buttons. Maybe that didn’t matter before, but now she’s working for me. She keeps this place running. As a business owner, I appreciate that. As the man she hates and the one who can’t forget our wild night together, I’m slowly losing my mind. I told myself I could resist her, but we only get along when our hands are doing the talking. Before I know it, our relationship is anything but professional.


As a single mom, Veronica has a difficult past of her own, and when it comes knocking at her door, I find myself feeling inexplicably proprietary. Because no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise, what started as two enemies looking for release has developed into something neither of us imagined possible. And while Veronica’s a complication I never wanted, she is exactly what I need.



Not Without Your Love is the seventh novel in The Boys of Jackson Harbor series. These books can all be read as standalones, but you’ll enjoy reading them as a series!





I read a lot of romance novels, but until Colton McKinley came into my life, I never understood what the authors meant when they talk about the hero growling. What is he, a bear?

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