Home > Southern Sunshine (Southern #8)(2)

Southern Sunshine (Southern #8)(2)
Author: Natasha Madison

"It’s because there are so many of you." She laughs at her own joke.

"I want to see what else is out there." I put one hand on my stomach. “I want to travel and see the world. If I stay here." I look at her, and she turns her soft hazel eyes toward me. "I’ll die a little each day." She is the most beautiful girl I know, and she doesn’t even know it. "Thank you,” I say, turning on my side now. “For being there these last couple of months." My hand comes up to touch her face. “I just have one regret."

"Really?" she says. “You said you never have regrets." She throws my words in my face.

"Well, I have now." I smirk. “Don’t you want to know what it is?"

"I’m dying with anticipation,” she says, and I don’t think I’ve ever not laughed when I’ve been around her.

"That we didn’t get close sooner,” I say, licking my lips. My stomach dips as I look at her eyes go just a touch lighter. She looks down now, almost afraid of me seeing her. "Look at me,” I say. She looks up at me, and I can see the tears in her eyes. “Are those tears for me? You continue like that …" I try to joke, ignoring the pull at my chest. “Then I’m going to think you like me." She moves her hand to push me, but I grab it and pull her closer to me. “I’m going to miss you, Hazel.” I’ve practiced saying that since last week but have been too chicken to say it out loud. “I’m going to miss you the most, I think." My voice trails off into a whisper.

"I’m going to miss you, too, Reed,” she says softly. “Very much so." I release her hand, and it drops onto the hay. I lean my head in, and she meets me halfway, her lips meeting mine. Her tongue slides in to tangle with mine, and I roll her on her back. I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to kiss her. I can’t believe I’ve finally gotten the courage, and I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ve waited for this moment for what feels like my whole life. She melts in my arms, and I swear I’ll remember this for years to come.

There in the middle of the barn, I have her for the first time. We spent the night getting lost in each other until the sunshine starts to pour into the barn. I stand and put my shirt on, holding out my hand for her. She slips her hand in mine, and we slowly make our way out of the barn.

I hold her neck in my hands as I give her one last kiss. “You should get going before my grandfather comes out," she says, and I nod, turning to walk away from her.

I turn back to face her, walking backward. “You, Hazel Bennett"—I smirk—“are the best thing this town has given me." I hold my hands out to my sides.

I watch her smile one last time before I walk away from her and this town.



Chapter 1




Six years later

After parking the Jeep in the same spot I always park in, I turn it off and open the door. A hiss leaves my mouth when I stretch my leg and pull the stitches tight. "Motherfucker,” I say, getting out of the truck and slamming the door.

I walk slower than I want to, but the fact that I’m walking without a cane right now is a big deal. Even though they pushed it on me, I refused it every time. I was just going to push myself harder.

Eight weeks and three days ago, we were ambushed in our convoy. I close my eyes, and all I can hear is the sound of whizzing as the bomb came straight for us. I was pinned under the truck. I felt the metal pieces all the way down to my bone and knew I should have stayed put. I also knew that if I did stay put, I would die, so I ripped my leg from under the truck. I felt the bullets whizz by all of us, and I could call for close air support to assist in pushing back the assault. I would do what I needed to do to make sure we all left here together.

Heading up the concrete walkway, I pull open the glass door. I nod to a couple of the guys while I make my way down the white corridor. My heart beats erratically in my chest. I feel like I did when I first joined six years ago. I had no idea what or how long I would be in the military, but I fell in love with it and knew this is where I was meant to be. In ninety days, I’ll sign on for another four years.

I get to my commander's door and raise my hand to knock. “Enter." When I hear him speak, I open the door. He looks up, and a smile spreads across his face. “Staff Sergeant Barnes." He gets up from his chair and comes over to me, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Lieutenant Colonel Rizzotto." I say his name, shaking his hand since he extended his hand to me first.

"You’re looking good." He looks down at my leg. “I heard it was tough."

"I’m fine," I say, and he gestures to the empty chair in front of his desk. I sit down, and my good leg starts to bounce as I wait for him to round his desk and have a seat. "Like I told the doctors in Germany, I’m good to go." I look at him.

"From what I read, you and your squad were all accounted for with zero casualties." He leans back in his chair. “And from the pictures I’ve seen, it’s a miracle." I nod at him, not adding anything else to it.

"I’m ready to get back to duty," I say. My leg clenches at the same time as I say it, but I push it back.

"I read that, too.” He puts his hands on his desk and entwines his fingers. “But I also got the report from the doctors."

I sit up. “All I need is some extra physical therapy, and I’ll be all good."

"And that is what you are going to get,” he says. “I’m not going to beat around the bush. You know better than anyone that I also have my orders. And as per the doctors, you aren’t as ready as you want to be."

"I might be a bit slow," I say. Deep down, I know I’m not ready, but admitting it will be harder to do.

"You are going on convalescent leave.” He says the two words I’ve been dreading. "Come back in thirty days, and we’ll assess you again. I have no doubt you’ll be good to go, and you can sign that next contract with us." He smiles, and I nod. One thing I know is that you never go against the doctor's orders.

"Yes sir,” I say even though my heart is breaking. For the past six years, this is all I’ve known. This is all I’ve wanted.

"I’m looking forward to having you back." We stand, and I shake his hand.

"I’ll be back better than ever," I tell him, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind me softly.

The phone rings in my back pocket. Taking it out, I see it’s my father. “Hello,” I say, answering him as I walk out of the building.

"Hey," he says. “I was wondering if you were going to send me to voice mail," he jokes.

“I did that one time, Dad,” I say. “One time three years ago."

"And I’m still holding it over your head." He laughs now. “How did the meeting go?"

"I’m on convalescent leave,” I say, and the words are bitter in my mouth. It’s going to be a tough pill to swallow.

"What are you going to do?" he asks as I open my truck door.

"What do you mean?"

"Why don’t you come home?” His voice goes soft. “I’ll set everything up here for a physical therapist to work with you. You can even stay in the white house. You know that no one will bother you there." I laugh, knowing he is right. No one likes going there because it’s like a museum. He’s bargaining with me because I haven’t been home since I left all those years ago. Not once. "You know Grandma and Grandpa have been asking for you."

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