Home > Sea Glass Hearts (Baytown Boys, #15)(7)

Sea Glass Hearts (Baytown Boys, #15)(7)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Glad that the severity of the situation had now struck her, he continued. “We’ll leave your vehicle and trailer here.” Her mouth opened, but he continued talking. “There’s no debate. We have to leave it here. As soon as the storm gives us a bit of a break, we can come to get it.”

Once again, she simply nodded, her bravado slipping as the severity of the situation finally hit. “I don’t know you. I need to talk to Tori.”

“We need to get going, but you’re right. Let me give Mitch a call. I’ll put it on speaker.” She remained silent as he dialed, glad when the call was answered quickly. “Hey, Mitch, it’s Liam. I’ve got—” He turned and looked toward her, his head cocked to the side.

“Amy Carruthers.”

“Amy Carruthers. Yeah, she and her daughter were on their way to Baytown but the storm halted their progress. No, it’s okay, they’re fine. I’ve got them and we’re not far from my house. Yeah… my house. It’s the closest safe place I can get them to. No, it’s all good. Is Tori there? Amy wants to talk to her.” Mitch called for Tori, who must have been listening to the conversation, and hit the speaker button.

“Oh, my God, Amy! Are you okay?” Tori asked, her voice raised.

“Yes, yes, we’re fine. I wasn’t stranded… well, at least not exactly. Rosie had spilled her juice box, was screaming, and I just needed to pull to the side to deal with the mess and a very upset pre-schooler.”

“How lucky you are that Liam found you!”

“Well, that’s partially why I’m calling. He wanted me to find out the scoop on him since we’re going to his house.”

“Oh, you’re in the best hands. Liam is the Sheriff. Mitch grew up with him, and I’ve known him for several years. He’s the best person who could have come across you in a storm, and you can absolutely trust him.”

Liam grinned at Tori’s resounding reference. He glanced to the side, seeing Amy’s chest heave as she let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Tori.”

“Listen, you stay with Liam and stay safe. We’ll get together when the storm passes. I can’t wait to see you again and meet Rosie.”

With goodbyes said, he looked at her, waiting. She nodded. “Okay, it seems as though you’re the man to trust right now.”

With no more objections, he opened the door and squinted against the sting as the force of the rain hit him in the face. Making it to his vehicle, he climbed inside and started the engine, pulling to the side of her SUV. Calling dispatch, he reported. “Sheriff Sullivan. The 10-46 stranded vehicle was not mechanical. Pregnant woman and small child. Out of state, traveling to Baytown. I’ve got them and taking them… to safety.”

Disconnecting, he shook his head. I must be crazy! Even as he climbed from his vehicle again, already drenched to the skin, he could not come up with an alternative plan that would ensure the safety of the woman and child. At least for the night they would be warm, dry, and fed. As soon as the winds slowed, he’d drive them to Baytown, getting a deputy to follow in her vehicle so he could be sure they arrived safe and sound.

The woman had unlocked the back of her vehicle from inside, and he lifted the hatch. Grabbing the two largest suitcases, he transferred them to the back of his SUV. Ducking his head, trying to keep the rain from hitting him straight in his face, he transferred the other smaller bags, one obviously filled with toys. Slamming the back of both SUVs, he walked around to her side.

“Do you think it’s best if I just hold her in my arms?”

Shaking his head, he replied, “No, ma’am, I’m sorry. It’s against the law in Virginia to transport a child that’s not in a car seat.” He looked into the back, seeing the little girl staring back at him, a curious look in her big blue eyes, so similar to her mother. “How old is she?”

“She’s almost four but little for her age. She’s very quiet and won’t talk much until she gets used to someone.”

“I’ll have you take her out of the seat, and I should be able to transfer it to my backseat quickly with both our doors open. I’ve even got an extra jacket that I can throw over it so it won’t get wet. It’ll take a couple of minutes to make the transfer and get it secured properly in my vehicle.”

“That’s fine.”

He glanced back to her and she smiled. It struck him that that was the first time he’d seen her smile since they’d met. It also didn’t miss his attention that her smile made an already beautiful woman appear even more exquisite. He wanted to ask why she was on the road by herself. Why wasn’t her husband with her? Why was she making such a move late in her pregnancy? And why was she heading to a bed-and-breakfast with a trailer full of possessions? There was no time for questions now, but as soon as he got her settled, he wanted answers.

He waited while she unbuckled the child—Rosie— and brought her to the front seat where the little girl nestled on her mom’s lap, laying over the baby bump, her face pressed against her mom’s chest, watching him carefully. Opening the back door, and with an extra coat over the top of the car seat, he managed to get it unbuckled and transferred into his vehicle with only a modicum of difficulty. Once it was secure, he closed her back door and then turned to the front passenger seat.

“Okay, ma’am, it’s time. I don’t want to upset Rosie, but the ground is slick, and I can’t be sure that you won’t fall trying to carry her yourself. So, I’m gonna take her from you, get her buckled in, and then I’m going to come back for you. I know she’ll cry, but she’ll be safe.”

She held his gaze for just a few seconds, then turned and smiled widely at her daughter. “Sweetie, you’re going to have to be a really brave girl for Mommy. This nice man is going to carry you and put you in his big car, and then he can help Mommy get in, too. We’re going to go for a fun ride.”

Rosie’s arms tightened about her mom. “Mommy, I don’t wanna go.”

“Baby, you’ve got to be a big girl and let the nice man take us to his house to play. He’s taking your toys, too.” Amy gently unwound her daughter’s arms and leaned back, allowing Liam to pull her against his chest, but she screamed.


“What?” He jerked, looking around in confusion.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Amy leaned over the seat again and grabbed a very worn stuffed rabbit. “Here’s her Bubbie. She won't go anywhere without him.”

Liam reached out and took the stuffed animal from her and handed it to Rosie. She clutched it tightly, growing still and quiet. Breathing a sigh of relief, he wrapped the extra jacket over Rosie’s head before he carried her, careful to keep the pelting rain from slashing against the little child. She was whimpering by the time he got to his vehicle, but he managed to get her buckled into her car seat. Just as the tears begin to fall in earnest and a wail left her lips, he hustled back into the raging storm to get Amy.

She had slung her purse strap crossways over her body and swung her legs out of the car. With his hands holding her firmly, he assisted her to a standing position, wrapping her body in his large jacket, pressing her close to his chest. The wind knocked her even closer to him, and they walked slowly to his vehicle. He wanted to hurry but didn’t want her feet to slip out from under her.

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