Home > Wild With You (Light My Fire, #1)(6)

Wild With You (Light My Fire, #1)(6)
Author: J.H. Croix

“We just like doing our jobs. Anyway, you’ve got a bunch of office supplies that came with everything else I picked up in Fairbanks. Thought you might wanna know. Beck beat feet in there because apparently, he likes new stuff,” I said dryly.

Maisie shook her head and laughed softly. “He does. He’s like a kid. Thanks for getting those supplies for me.”

“No problem. I was going anyway.” I tapped my fingers on her desk as I pushed away. “Catch you later.”

She waved as she sat down and took another call for dispatch. I pushed through the swinging door into the police side of the building. Rex was taking a call, but he hung up when I peered into his office. He and Cade looked remarkably alike. Rex was more weathered, with deep laugh lines around the corners of his green eyes. Leaning back in his chair, he ran his fingers through his brown and silver curls.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Just stopping in to let you know your stuff is in the storage area.”

Rex nodded. “All right, good to know. Thanks again. You saved us some money by not having to ship it down here.”

“Happy to help. Catch you later. I’ll be in tomorrow because I’m on duty.”

Rex’s phone was already ringing as I stepped back, lifting my hand in a quick wave. I headed down the hallway, returning to the parking area. After a quick stop at the grocery store, I figured I’d grab some pizza to go.

Walking into Alpenglow Pizza a while later, I ran into Levi with his wife, Lucy. In all honesty, Lucy intimidated the hell out of me. Although she was petite, she was fierce. That said, she smiled when Levi greeted me for the second time today. “Hey, man, sounds like you had the same idea we did.”

“Pizza to go?” I returned as I stopped beside them.

“Yep. This pizza is freaking amazing,” Levi added.

“Sure is.”

“How’s everything out at your place?” Levi asked as the line inched forward.

“Pretty good. I need to make some repairs, though.” I glanced at Lucy. “Do you and Amelia do small projects?”

“We do anything,” she replied.

Along with Cade’s wife, Amelia, Lucy ran Kick-Ass Construction. It had the best reputation in town as far as construction companies went.

“Perfect. I can do the work myself, but I don’t have time. I’ll stop by and chat with you two at some point. Maybe next spring, though. I’d like to say I could get it done before winter, but it ain’t happening. Are you all booked up?”

“We’re always busy,” she offered with a quick shrug. “For smaller jobs, we can usually find a way to fit things in. Beck knows our office number.”

By then, they were at the front of the line. “I’ll call next spring when I have time to plan.”

In short order, I was headed home with a large pizza. Allie and I wouldn’t finish it tonight, but leftover pizza was the best. As I was driving home, I idly noticed there were lights on at Harold’s old place. He hadn’t been here in years and had passed away. I was curious if the place had sold recently.

When I got home, my daughter, Allie, was waiting for me. “Hey, Dad!” She threw her arms around my neck, and I squeezed her tight with my free arm for a second before she bounced away.

“Ooh, you got pizza!”

I grinned. “Sure did. You hungry?”

Allie shrugged, and her brown curls bounced with the motion. “Kinda. Gram had a snack for me after school, but I still want pizza.”

I walked past her after toeing my boots off and aimed for the kitchen. “Well, let’s eat.”

A few minutes later, I was just about to bite into my pizza when my cell phone rang. I was surprised to see Rex Masters’ name flash on the screen. I swiped my thumb across the screen. “What’s up, Rex?”

“I was wondering if you minded swinging by and checking on Harold’s place. We’ve had two calls that the lights are on there. I don’t want to assume it’s a break-in, but he hasn’t been here in at least two years. Janet James was checking on the place, but she’s out of town tonight. I left her a message but haven’t heard back.”

“I’ll drive over right now,” I said.

“Thanks. Give me a call if I need to drive out there. You’re right next door, so I figured I’d ask you first.”

I took a quick bite of pizza to stave off my hunger pangs. Allie looked up when I stood from the table. “Where are you going?”

“Rex wants me to check on the place next door. Be right back.”

Allie nodded and took another bite of pizza. Minutes later, I rolled to a stop in Harold’s driveway. Before he passed away, Harold was what was known as a snowbird in Alaska. He built his home for hunting and spent summers here, but he left every winter. Roughly two years ago, he’d called to let me know he was having health problems and had moved into a long-term care facility.

Glancing around the small circle at the end of the driveway, I studied the closed garage. With the lights on, I presumed whoever was here was parked in the garage. I climbed out of my truck and walked up the stairs. I knocked on the door, wondering who was here.

A moment later, I heard a sharp bark. I hoped whoever was about to open the door didn’t have an asshole of a dog. The door swung open, and my chin might’ve hit the floor. Madison Glen stood there.

Unsettled and rattled by my body’s instantaneous jolt of lust, I led with, “Breaking and entering?”

Madison’s eyes flashed, and she put a hand on her hip. “Absolutely not. I own this place.”

Annoyance prickled through me. “I know you don’t own this place. It’s owned by Harold Brady. He passed on a few years ago, but as far as I know, it hasn’t sold.”

Madison let out a heavy sigh. “Harold was my grandfather, and he willed me his place after he passed away.”

“Bullshit,” I countered as Wilbur trotted out and circled my feet.

“Wilbur! Don’t be nice to him,” Madison ordered.

I looked down at the dog with his stub of a tail wagging. I leaned over to stroke my palm down his back. Straightening, I ignored the way the hairs stood on my body, attenuating to Madison’s presence as a hum of desire coursed through me. “Harold used to come here every year. I knew him well because I live next door.” I gestured to the trees.

Madison’s gaze followed the direction of where I pointed. “In the trees?” she returned, her tone tart.

I rolled my eyes when she looked back at me. “No. Not in the trees. Through those trees is another house. Harold specifically said he didn’t have any family, if you’re wondering why I’m doubting you.” I was feeling downright mulish about Madison’s presence here.

“Well, he lied. He also wasn’t on speaking terms with my mother, who was his daughter.”

A chilly breeze gusted through the trees, and Madison’s eyes narrowed. “It’s cold. Am I free to remain in the house I own?” she pressed, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

“Look, I need to call the police.”

“What?!” she squeaked.

“I didn’t come here because I’m nosy. The police chief asked me to check on the house.”

“Oh, my God. You’ve got to be freaking kidding me,” she muttered. “Whatever, come here, Wilbur.” She snapped her fingers, and he immediately stopped circling my feet and trotted to her.

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