Home > Sinister (Raiders of Valhalla MC Book 2)

Sinister (Raiders of Valhalla MC Book 2)
Author: Elizabeth Knox






Two Months Ago . . .



Lennon Stella plays in my earbuds as I walk into the back. I just closed up shop, and now it’s time to sanitize the rooms. For the most part, I already have everything done, but two clients left right at close. Luckily, the rooms are directly across the hall from each other. I’m the only one here in the building after my massage therapists left. It’s not the first time I’ve closed by myself, but every time I do, I get the heebie-jeebies.

I go into the room on the left first, holding onto my cleaning tote. I place it down on the floor and take out my disinfectant and a microfiber cloth. Giving the table a few sprays, I wait a couple minutes, then rub in circular motions until the table is dry. I then spray the doorknob and any place where someone might touch. I get sick as a dog very easily. While I’m at it, I make sure to grab the used robes from today’s clients and bundle them into my arms. I leave the room, push open the door across the hall, and set my cleaning bucket on the floor.

Lennon Stella’s voice pumps through my ears and I even turn it up a notch. I can’t help it. The lyrics to “Older Than I Am” really hit my soul deep. Once I’m finished turning my volume up, I grab the robes in this room and proceed to walk into the laundry room. If I start a load now, it’ll be more than ready in the morning. Dropping the robes in the laundry, I throw a pre-measured pod in and start the baby up. The other rooms have already been cleared out, so I’m good to go there.

I’ll probably be here another thirty or so minutes before I can leave, but I told Nikki she could leave early. She had a baby ten weeks ago, so she wanted to go get her from the daycare. Today was really hard on her since it’s her husband’s birthday. You see, she’s a widow. I haven’t known her very long, but I already think she’s one of the strongest women I know.

I pick up my cleaning tote again and head down the hall. Heading back to the saltwater bath room, I flip on the light switch and head to the tub. It’s already drained, so I spray the bleach and water mixture in the tub, letting it set for a couple minutes before I use another microfiber cloth to wipe it away.

Starting to feel a bit warmer, I rip off my black cardigan and toss it on the floor beside me. I have to lean to clean the tub really well, so I do it. I lean over the edge and get the crevasses very well, especially looking for any loose hairs. I kind of treat cleaning the spa like I would my own home. If I’d get skeeved out by it, I’m sure a client would too.

There’s an odd smell wafting through the air, so I grab the disinfectant spray and press the button on the top. The aerosol can sprays the lavender and vanilla scent throughout the room. I think nothing of it, assuming maybe the last person in here had some bad BO. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve experienced something like this.

I wait for a minute and I still feel warm. In fact, it’s like the heat is creeping up on my back. The scent only gets worse, and I turn behind me with the can in my hand. The sight in front of me is terrifying, and I’m stuck frozen in place.

Red and amber flames engulf the door I came through minutes before. How did this happen? I was just out there. I swallow hard and back up, only to fall into the tub. The back of my head hits against the tub and a daze comes over me. I fight the throbbing pain coursing through my head, using my hands to pull myself out of the tub.

Standing back up, the flames are worse than I thought. I spot my cardigan on the floor, so I grab it and cover my mouth with it. Sure enough, the smoke begins to coat my lungs, and I’m unable to stop coughing.

With every inhale, it becomes more difficult, and my heart beats so hard I can feel it in my head. Fuck, I’m starting to have an anxiety attack. Shit. This isn’t the time. This is so not the time!

I tear out my EarPods, disconnect my Bluetooth and tap on the screen, but nothing works. It’s getting even hotter, and my phone begins to burn my fingertips. Shit! I end up dropping my cell and my gut clenches in fear. Dammit. How am I supposed to get out of here?

I turn around and glance over the now smoke-filled room. Swallowing hard, I see a window. I can probably fit through it to get out. A hot teapot-like sound causes me to look back. The whistling keeps getting louder and louder until an explosion breaks out in front of me.

Pain, God, there is so much pain. I scream even though no one can hear me and my chest begins to feel heavier. No, I can’t get panicked right now. I need to get out. I have to.

Wetness spills over the left side of my face. For some reason, I want to touch my skin, so I do, but as I bring my hand down, it’s covered in blood. God, this is really happening. My life isn’t supposed to be an episode of Chicago Fire, for fuck’s sake!

I run over to the door, take the cloth away from my mouth and use it as a protective barrier to slowly pull the window open. I’m terrified with every push, but eventually, it’s open enough for me to get out. All I have to do now is get the screen open, so I punch my fist through it and pull back the mesh so I can fit through.

I jump out through the window and hit the ground. While it hurts, man, it’s better than the alternative. I stay on my side and breathe in and out slowly, crawling straight ahead to get away from the building. The rumbling of a motor comes up before it cuts off and heavy footsteps are hitting the pavement, growing closer with each step.

“Fern, fuck.” Runes’s deep voice hits me like a ton of bricks. He rushes up to my side and, out of instinct, grabs my arms, but I scream the second his hands touch me. I’m hot all over. Everything is burning. It’s worse than anything I’ve ever experienced. “Shit, I’m sorry. Fuck.” Runes fishes out his phone and calls 9-1-1. I’m listening the entire time he’s on the line with them, telling them to get her first, that I’m hurt really bad.

“F-fuck,” I groan in complete agony and look up at him.

The look of sadness crossing his face kills me.

“We’re gonna get you help, baby. I promise. You just gotta stay with me until the medics arrive, alright?”

“Mhm,” I groan out. Reaching for his hand, I squeeze it while my body is aching all over.

Sirens come in from the distance, and tears slip from the corner of my eyes. Thank goodness they’re here. I don’t know how much longer I can handle this pain.



Chapter One




Present Day . . .



Sitting at the bar of our new satellite clubhouse, I look around. When we first moved here a while back, I found this place right on the edge of town. To make this all happen so quickly, the brothers and I put our hands together and did all the hard work ourselves. While it was work, we’re all glad we did it. The place looks fuckin’ amazin’ if you ask us.

Each of us has our own room here at the clubhouse, with private bathrooms down one hall. There’s another hall for the hóras. They’re what we call the clubwhores who want to stick around for us to use at free will.

When the Raiders of Valhalla MC first formed, a few words were to be used from old Norse. One of them is hóra. Another is minn, which means mine. Minn has only been used recently, and it’s when Fenrir claimed his ol’ lady, Charm. There’re a few others, but the one that gets used the most is kirkja. We use it when we’re calling for church.

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