Home > Possessive Stepbrother(3)

Possessive Stepbrother(3)
Author: MINK

She explains it with such logic. It really is a wonderful plan. Too bad I’ll never let it happen. What Allegra doesn’t understand is that I’ll happily stay at war with those asshole Perths as long as that means Alessa stays far, far away from them.

“I don’t need an easy path, Allegra. I’ve never asked for anything like that.”

“Then what do you need?” She blinks slowly.

I need Alessa. Those are the words that dance on the tip of my tongue, but they’re also the ones I can’t say.

After a while, she sighs. “You need to accept it, Torino. While I find your protectiveness of your sister very endearing, you can’t let it cloud your judgment. When you’re head of the family, you’ll understand that some hard choices have to be made sometimes.”

I accept nothing.

A short staring contest ensues. I win, and when she drops her gaze, she does it with a slight shake of her head. “It’s done, Torino. Leave it be.”

Turning on my heel, I stride from the room. The very last thing I’ll do is leave it be. I can see why Allegra thinks this is a good idea. I truly can. Her motives are in the right place. When I overheard their conversation earlier, I tried to put myself in Allegra’s shoes. It didn’t work. I could never accept a marriage between Alessa and Finnegan. I never will.

Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m on the second floor of the north wing. Alessa’s room is just down the hall. I stop and stare at the door, the dark mahogany hiding her from me.

I don’t do this. I don’t enter her room unless she’s asleep or in the shower. Letting her know that I’m here will only cause problems. Besides, I enjoy watching her when she has no idea. She’s so vulnerable then, so open. I swear sometimes I can almost hear her thoughts, feel her emotions. It’s like we’re having a silent conversation, one that’s been going on for years.

Moving closer, I put my palm on her door. I can’t hear her inside, but I know she’s there.

A bell pulls my attention down the hall. Tinker trots up, his chin wet with cat food or maybe some cream. He rubs against my pants like he always does, leaving a trail of fur in his wake.

Before I can stop him, he stretches out a paw and scratches at Alessa’s door. He gives me a smug look before doing it again.


Thinking quickly, I back down the hall, then start walking as soon as her door handle starts to turn. Hopefully she’ll think I’m just walking down the hall, not stalking her like a goddamn predator … Which is exactly what I’m always doing whenever she’s concerned.

She opens the door, and Tinker darts in, then she turns and sees me. “Oh.”

I come to a stop in front of her and stare down into her warm brown eyes.

“Why do you care if I’m on birth control?” she blurts.

I don’t answer.

She shifts from one foot to the next. “Torino?”


“Answer my question.”

Because I want to fuck babies into you. Because when I claim your cunt, I want there to be nothing between us, not even something as small as a pill. I want all of you, every last bit, and I want you bare.

“Why are you so keen on marrying Finnegan Perth?”

She huffs out a breath. “You know I have nothing to do with that.”

“Nothing to do with getting married?” I counter.

“I mean, obviously, I’m the bride. But it’s not like I picked him.”

“Would you have picked him?” The question is covered in all sorts of sharp edges. If she says yes… Fuck, if she says yes, I’ll leave this house and go right to wherever that bastard is and put a bullet right between his eyes.

“Of course not.” She bites her lip.

I stow away my murderous impulse. For now.

“Then why are you so quick to agree to marry him?”

She rolls her eyes. “You know why. It’s for the family.”

I step closer. So close that we’re almost touching.

Her breath hitches, and her tongue darts out to wet her pink lips.

“You’d do anything for the family?”

She nods. “You know I would. Wouldn’t you?”

“Yes.” It’s the only reason I haven’t taken her virginity, haven’t made her toes curl while I eat her pussy, haven’t spread my seed deep inside her again and again.

“Then you understand. And you should also understand that whether or not I take birth control is my choice. Not yours. Why are you so interested in me having Finnegan’s kids, anyway?”

That thought is so fucking vile it makes my stomach churn. “You’re not having his kids.”

She blinks. “I know. That’s why I want the birth control.” Her nose wrinkles. “Wait, did we just go in a circle?”

Yes. We did. We’ve been dancing around each other our whole lives. But here’s the thing, there’s no way in hell I’ll let Finnegan Fucking Perth cut in.

Alessa is mine, and I’ll never let her go.









“You okay, honey?” Mom asks from beside me in the back of the SUV. We’re on our way home. Every other Saturday, we have a girls’ day. Today she took me to get our nails and hair done. Then we stopped and did a little shopping.

I normally enjoy our girls' days, but there is this black cloud that’s been following me around since I found out I was going to be getting married soon. No matter how many times I tell myself that there is no other choice, my mind always seems to drift to Torino.

“I’m great.” I force a smile. I don’t know why I try to fake it with her. She can see right through it.

“I don’t care for lies. Especially from my own daughter.”

“Sorry.” I smooth the wrinkles out of my dress. “Do you think Torino is going to see me as the enemy now?”

“Is that what’s bothering you?”

I shrug.

“He’s been angry with me since he found out about me getting married.” I’m not sure which is worse. When he pretends I’m not there or when he’s barking orders at me. I’m starting to get tired of it.

“Give him time. You know how these Rossi men can be. He’ll come around soon enough.” She says it with such confidence. “Since you’re all dolled up, I thought tonight would be perfect to have the Perths over for dinner. It will give you and Finnegan time to get to know one another.”

“Tonight?” I squeak. My heart starts to race. Why am I freaking out? I knew this was coming. But I hadn’t thought it would happen so quickly.

“You’re not changing your mind on me, are you?”

I shake my head.

“Good. Hopefully, tonight the peace between the two families can begin.” I can feel my mom's eyes on me.

“I understand, Mom. I know this is important.”

“It is, but nothing is more important to me than you.” She reaches out and grabs my hand. I know she loves me. I can’t help but wonder what she would say if I told her I didn’t want to marry Finnegan.

“Oh, I almost forgot.” She reaches into her purse and pulls out a small box. “Your ring was delivered this morning.”

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