Home > Out (The Omega Collective #3)(9)

Out (The Omega Collective #3)(9)
Author: Mina Carter

“No!” he snarled as she started to struggle. He wrapped arms like steel around her to hold her still. “Stay still, female! You need to stay still!”

She froze, something in his tone making her obey him. Before she could say anything, he started to make that strange rumbling noise again. This time, she responded with something just like it. The sounds combined into something that calmed and relaxed them both.

He smiled, pressing his lips against her temple in a soft kiss she would never have believed him capable of.

“That’s better. You’re safe, little star. I have you. Always.”






He’d claimed his omega, bitten her and knotted her. She should be in heat by now. But she wasn’t.

Kinn grumbled under his breath as he returned to his quarters… their quarters now, to find that she’d moved the tiny nest she’d made yet again. When he’d brought her back here, he’d provided all the necessary materials, but she’d only taken half, making a small nest not in the huge bed in the master bedroom but in the closet in the second bedroom. It was only large enough for her, not for them both.

He hadn’t mentioned it, figuring she was still adjusting to her new nature, especially when he’d managed to tempt her to share his bed every night since. It had taken some work, plenty of snarling and spat insults from her at him, but he’d managed it, knotting her again and again and making sure to quell her panic each time. He’d been so sure that her nests would get larger, that she’d accept her true nature and her place in his life… but she hadn’t.

“What is this?” he demanded, motioning to the nest under the table of all places as she stood, her arms folded over her chest and a mulish expression on her face.

“You tell me. I’ve never been one for blanket forts before, and now I can’t seem to stop making them.” She glowered up at him. “This is more omega weirdness. Isn’t it?”

“Nesting is normal omega behavior, yes. The way you are doing it is… not.” He frowned at the small pile of blankets and pillows. “Is that comfortable for you?”

“No. It’s weird and I don’t like it. It’s bad enough my body keeps wanting things my brain doesn’t. But now I purr and want to make soft places to sleep. You did this to me!”

He beckoned to her, a silent order to come to him that she ignored with a glare. “I didn’t do anything to you.” He sighed. They’d been through this. “You are an omega. These are your natural instincts expressing now that you are near your alpha.”

“This is bullshit,” she snapped back, putting the table between them. “One, I wasn’t a damn omega before you assholes arrived and two, my sis—” She slammed her mouth shut so fast he was surprised she didn’t break teeth.

“Your what?”

“Sister omegas. I’ve seen a few claimed ones. None of them did this.” She pointed at the blankets.

He’d have bet good money that wasn’t what she’d been about to say, but nothing ever came easily with his omega. She was as prickly as a salla berry vine, and her words cut sharper than a warrior’s blade. Had Var and Rath had this much trouble with their females? He wasn’t about to ask them. It would be an admission of weakness, but still… those few moments when she submitted to him were a heaven he’d never dreamed could actually exist.

He sighed. “You cannot fight your nature forever, little star. You are mine. The Lord Overseer has already given his approval.”

She turned away with a small huff. He took a step toward her, intent on putting an end to this nonsense once and for all, but his movement was altered by a knock at the door.

A frown creasing his brow, he strode over, waving his hand over the access plate in irritation.

“What?” he demanded, finding the beta Mother Superior standing in the corridor. A quick, assessing glance over her revealed she was paler than usual, her gaze cutting past him toward Serena.

“Lord Healer, may I speak with your… err, may I speak with Serena?”

“He’s not my anything, and of course you can speak with me,” Serena said before he could speak.

“I am your alpha,” he growled.

She shot him a sidelong look as she moved past him. “So you keep saying.”

“Mother Superior, what brings you here?”

The small female bowed her head, her white hair falling forward to hide part of her face. “I have news about a… mutual acquaintance.” Her gaze slid to Kinn. “It is a private matter.”

He folded his arms. “Anything you want to say to my omega, you can say in front of me.”

Serena shrugged. “His royal pain in the ass, lord of the healing hall doesn’t like to be left out of things. Even when they’re none of his business.”

He folded his arms and scowled, frustrated to be having this conversation yet again. “Anything that concerns you is my business. You are mine.”

“Ignore him. I need to hear the news. Who? What’s happened?” Serena asked.

“It’s about your sister. Once I knew you were here, I sent word out hoping it would reach anyone missing you. I just received word back.” The pale woman bowed her head again, her hand lifting to touch the religious symbol at her throat. “I’m sorry, Serena. The news isn’t good. Max was wounded. Badly. They’ve done all they can but…” She bit her lip and shook her head. “I thought you’d want to know.”

He saw the blood drain from her face, and the slight wobble before she locked her knees.

“Your sister?” he demanded softly, crowding her. He didn’t like the stricken look on her face. “You have a sister? Where? Is she an omega like you?”

Her eyes lifted to him and the expression there was like a punch in the gut. She was scared… no, she was terrified. “Yes, I do. Not here. No, she isn’t.”

Her words were clipped as she looked past him to Mother Superior, but the other female had already gone, her duty discharged.

“I need to go. Now,” she said suddenly, trying to brush past him. He caught her, his hand latched around her upper arm.

“Where? I will come with you.”

“You can’t. It’s not. No. That’s not going to work.”

He snarled. “You don’t go unless I am with you. Ever.”

She tried to pull out of his grip and failed. “You can’t come. They’ll kill you,” she hissed.

It took him three very long seconds to process that statement. She meant it. But who were they and what could a human do against a Tolathian warrior?

He bared his teeth, his fangs dropping. “Are you saying I’m too weak to protect my omega?”

She laughed. The short bark was filled with bitter amusement. “You won’t need to protect me. If anything, I’ll be protecting you.”

Her words didn’t make sense and he frowned down at her. Then he smiled, stroking his fingertip down the line of her jaw. “You didn’t argue that you’re my omega.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, really?” She shoved at his broad chest. “Alright, yes! No, I didn’t argue. Yes, you can come with, but don’t come crying to me if they kill you. Okay?”

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