Home > Freed (Steel Brothers Saga #18)(5)

Freed (Steel Brothers Saga #18)(5)
Author: Helen Hardt

“A guy with a private firefighting company. There are others in the area working on containment.”

“And this person will stay with Dale? Get him to safety?”

Talon nods. “That’s what we paid him for.”

My breath whooshes out in a heavy sigh. “Thank God.”

“This will be tough for him.”

“To wait it out?”

“Yes, but that’s not the only reason.”

I lift my eyebrows. “Oh?”

“Our defenses have been breached, Ashley. The fire has spread to the northern vineyards.”

“No!” I clasp my hand to my mouth.

“Firefighters are working, plus other private people we hired. We’re hopeful that not too much will be lost.”

“What can I do?”

“Pray the wind changes. That’s what will help the most.”

“Do we need to get out of here?”

“Yeah, that’s what else I need to tell you. Get back to the main house. We don’t believe this building is in danger, but it’s best to be safe.”

“I’m staying at Dale’s,” I say softly. “Taking care of Penny.”

“You’ll be safe there as well.”

“What if…”

“We’ll get the fire under control before any of the residential properties are in danger,” Talon says. “We have adequate firebreaks around all residential areas.”

I nod.

“You okay?” he asks.

No, I’m not okay. The man I love is stuck on a mountain with only a stranger for company while his Syrah vines are compromised.

No, I’m not okay at all.



I lie on Dale’s bed, Penny at my feet. I’ve tried watching television, listening to music, and reading. Nothing has helped me get my mind off the fire destroying Dale’s Syrah.

I even tried calling my mother. She didn’t answer, so I left a voicemail.

Jade is most likely at work in town, where she’s safer than she would be here. Yes, Talon told me this was safe, and I believe him. I’m no stranger to fire, living in California since the day I was born. Fires are a part of life there, as they are here, apparently.

I’ve never been in harm’s way, living in the city. Even when we were homeless, we were never touched by fire, though sometimes, when they got close, I could smell them. The scent of burning wood and brush that seemed bright orange but never really had a color.

Penny barks.

“What is it, girl?”

Then I hear it—a knock on the door. I sigh as I rise from the bed and walk out of the master suite. Another knock.

“I’m coming!” I yell.

I look through the peephole.

It’s Brock Steel, Dale’s cousin.

Dale’s extremely good-looking cousin with dark hair and eyes.

Dale’s cousin who kissed me my second night here.

I’m starved for anything to get my mind off Dale in danger, so I open the door.

“Hi, Brock.”

“Hey, Ashley. Uncle Tal said you’re alone here, so I thought you might like some company.” He holds up a game of Travel Scrabble.

I can’t help a laugh. For some reason, Travel Scrabble while a fire is raging on Steel property is ridiculously funny to me.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” I ask.

“I’m home for the same reason you are. Dad wants as many of us as possible out of the office buildings until the fire’s contained.”

“The livestock?”

“They should be fine. We have firebreaks.”

“Like the firebreak that got breached around the northern vineyards?” I can’t help asking.

He doesn’t reply, just holds up the game again.

“I’ll pass on the game,” I say, “but come on in.”

“Are you sure? An educated woman like you will kick my ass at Scrabble.”

I sigh. “What the heck? Sure. Let’s play.”

He gives Penny a pet on the head. “Hey, girl.”

“You want anything?” I ask. “I have to tell you, though, we’re out of pretty much everything. Except kibble.”

Brock laughs. “We’re out of pretty much everything?”

We’re. I said it.

“I mean Dale, of course. He left me with an empty fridge. I’m dog sitting.”

He smiles. “I know. And I also know your heart belongs to my stoic cousin, so I won’t try anything.”

“I never said—”

“It’s so clear, Ashley. Dale’s a lucky guy.”

I’m the lucky one. I don’t say it, though. I can’t even think it when I’m not sure if I’ll ever see Dale again.

I will. I will see him again. I must.

But the Syrah…

“Good news,” Brock says. “I just heard from my dad that the forest service has the fire ten percent contained.”

“That means ninety percent not contained,” I reply dryly.

“I’ve lived through many fires in this area,” he says. “Once they get even a little containment, it’s on the way out.”

Maybe he’s right. I don’t know. Sure, fires happen in California too. I’ve just never lived through one in a rural area. I was either homeless on the San Francisco urban streets or living in the heart of LA.

I walk to the kitchen. “We have water and OJ. Or wine.” I stop at the French doors leading out to the back. It’s gray and murky from the smoke. A brownish-orange haze covers the clouds, and light ash falls from the sky.

Brock grips my shoulders from behind. “This isn’t anything new, Ashley. We’ve lived through this many times.”

“The vineyards are compromised,” I murmur.

“They’ve been compromised before.”

I turn quickly. “They have?”

“Yes, of course. This is the Colorado western slope. Fires are an annual thing. We’re coming out of a drought now, so this isn’t even the worst we’ve seen.”

“But the Syrah.”

He scoffs. “The Syrah will be fine.”

“Talon already said it’s been breached.”

“Like I said, it’s not the first time.”


“Dale will get over it,” Brock says. “He’s done it before.”

“Has he?”

Brock nods. “Of course. Five years ago, half the Cab Franc vines were taken out. Dale survived.”

“Dale’s proud of his Cab Franc.”

“He should be. It’s a great wine.”

I nod. It’s a lovely wine. But it’s not Syrah. Both Dale’s and my favorite. Those vineyards, where Dale escapes to find… What? I have no idea. I’ve been there. Tried to find what he finds.

He can’t lose them.

He’ll lose part of himself.

I can’t say any of this to Brock. He won’t understand. Mere weeks ago, I didn’t understand either. Part of me still doesn’t. I understand only that Dale needs those vineyards as much as he needs air.

He can’t lose them.

He can’t.



Chapter Five

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