Home > Bad Crush (Campus Nights #2)(9)

Bad Crush (Campus Nights #2)(9)
Author: Rebecca Jenshak

“Maybe. Just as long as you don’t get up there and regale them with tales of your heroic performance on the hockey team.”

“Dr. Salco hates hockey, so I doubt that would help me.” Something about it being responsible for too many injuries, yadda yadda. I mean, that’s why we wear pads and helmets.

“All right. Will you at least read over my speech and let me know if it sounds okay?”

“Of course. Email it to me. I’ll send you mine when I figure out what I’m going to write.”

“I’ll be looking for it the day before the banquet then.” Janine starts to gather her stuff into her backpack. So much for getting together to prepare. But I have a better idea of what I don’t want to do now. “Are you going to the mixer?”

“Haven’t decided. You?”

She shrugs. That’s a yes.

“What else do you think they’ll be judging us on?” she asks as we take the stairs to the first floor.

“Everything, probably. Are you bringing a date to the banquet?”

“My boyfriend, Sean, is coming with me. What about you?”

“Nah. I think I’ll fly solo for the event unless my sister wants to tag along or something.”

She frowns.


“I could be wrong, but I get the feeling Dr. Salco likes that I’m in a serious relationship. She told me once that the only reason she got through school without being evicted from her apartment for forgetting to pay rent or utilities was because her husband took over the bills and everything else so she could concentrate only on studying.”

“She told you that? That’s so personal. Also, I can’t picture her young or married.”

“The professors pat you on the back for a good game, and they let personal things slip to me. We each have our secret weapons.”

“Well, thanks for the tidbit. I’ll take my chances. Maybe they’ll think being single is a pro for me—fewer distractions.”

Janine looks behind me and smiles. “Heads up,” she says without switching her gaze.

I open up my stance to Dr. Salco coming along our path.

“Good to see you both. Did you get my email?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Janine says.

“I included the details for the mixer tomorrow night. It isn’t mandatory, but it might be nice to get to know the committee before giving your speeches at the banquet next month.”

I nod. “We’re looking forward to it.”

Dr. Salco smiles that pursed-lip upturn that I can never quite read. “Will your boyfriend be joining you? I so enjoyed getting to meet him at the department party. He reminds me a lot of my Michael. Having a support system is so important when you’re in medical school. It can be really overwhelming.”

“He will be there, and I agree,” Janine says, smiling smugly at me.

“And you, Adam? Will you be bringing a date? A partner, friend, or family member are all welcome.” Dr. Salco looks to me expectantly.

“I will,” I say, keeping it vague. The one time in my life I don’t want a date, turns out, I need one.









Today is the day! Seize it. Grab it by the balls! You know all those cliché sayings? OWN them. The world is your oyster! Scared to start a new job? DO IT ANYWAY. Letting fear stop you from asking out your crush? PUH-LEEZE. Who could say no to you? Whatever has been weighing on your heart, go for it!



Today is the day!!! I tossed and turned all night trying to decide how to tell Adam, or if I should tell him, but this morning’s horoscope couldn’t be any clearer. There will always be a reason not to tell him. Lots of really good reasons. Like, he might not feel the same and break my heart. They are called crushes for a reason after all.

We’re all going out tonight to The Hideout and I’m going to do it. I am! Probably. Hopefully. No, definitely! I pack tissues and wear waterproof mascara in case it goes badly and wear my favorite panties in case it goes very, very well.

“Are you almost ready?” Dakota calls from the living room. She’s always ready before me. Fifteen minutes tops. She’s so confident in her choices, so unlike me, who changed five times before deciding on my favorite jeans and a cropped sweater.

“Two minutes,” I yell back. “Is Ginny riding with us?”

“No, she went ahead with the guys.”

I shove my lipstick and mascara into my giant purse and take one last look in the mirror. “Seize the day,” I mumble under my breath.

The Hideout is a local restaurant and bar. It’s the guys’ hangout on nights they want to get out without worrying about kicking people out of their place at a decent time.

Get in, have a drink, talk to Adam, and then… we’ll see.

It’s loud and packed as we push through the bar area. The hockey team is at their usual table. Ginny stands from her seat next to Heath and throws her arms around my neck.

“You made it.” She hugs me and then Dakota. “I saved you both a seat.”

Maverick moves his legs off the two chairs. “Kota, Rea, looking great as always.”

Dakota slides in beside him and then I take the other chair. The pitcher is passed our way and the waitress brings extra glasses. I glance around, looking for Adam.

“What’s wrong?” Ginny asks.

I’m still sitting here, the pitcher and an empty glass in front of me.

“Do you want something besides beer? I can grab the server.”

I stop her. “No. Beer is fine. I was just wondering where Adam is.”

“Sulking,” Ginny says at the same time Rhett says, “Hiding from girls.”

“That too,” Ginny agrees. “He’s at the bar.”

“Sulking about what?” I pour a drink and try not to sound too interested. Ginny and Dakota know about my crush, obviously, but the rest of the group gives me a pass and at least pretends not to know.

“There’s this scholarship. He thought it was a sure thing…” She waves her hand around. “He’s fine. I think it’s just everything with our parents, plus the breakup, and now this. He’s had a lot going on and you know how broody he can get.”

I do know. Although I’ve never known him to sulk and hide at the bar. My stomach sinks. Here I am ready to dump more on his lap when all he seems to need is a friend.

“I think I’ll go check on him and buy another pitcher for the table.”

I fiddle with my hair and calm my nerves as I weave through tables and groups of people standing around to get to the bar. I follow it around all the way to the far-right corner before I spot Adam. He’s positioned behind a pole and the cash register stand where all the servers work. The perfect cover for a guy of his size. Even so, he has two girls standing nearby sneaking glances. They’re angled toward him, smiling, completely oblivious to his body language. It’s easy for me to tell that he isn’t happy to have been found. Elbows on the bar, his eyes are downcast into his beer.

I second-guess adding to his harem, but he glances over and spots me. A slow smile spreads across his face and he sits tall. “Reagan.”

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