Home > How To Rope A Rough Cowboy(9)

How To Rope A Rough Cowboy(9)
Author: Anya Summers


Hope that her future might not be the boring cycle of endless repetition, with the same tedious people who were all vying to outdo one another in a never-ending loop of social gatherings.

Hope that her life might hold possibilities for a different path. One that fed her soul and filled her with peace instead of crippling anxiety and dread.

Back at her cabin, Bianca carted her purchases inside and stowed them away. Then she tackled her luggage. Since she was staying for five weeks, there was no reason to keep her clothing in her suitcases. She unpacked case after case. She even had to go into the spare room to grab more hangers—to her unending shame. On her next trip to the market, she would pick up a few more hangers. But otherwise, she was set up nicely.

She unloaded her toiletries, storing them in the vanity drawers, and arranged the bathroom for ease of use.

When she’d finished those tasks, she headed into the spare room and stripped the bedding. She folded the sheets and stored them on the shelves in the closet. She had just slid the closet door closed when a loud, pounding knock thudded against the front door.

Bianca walked to the front door, floating on breezy happiness. She opened the heavy oak door with a smile on her face, but it froze in place the moment she spied the bloody cowboy on the porch.

“Princess.” The big rangy cowboy, Maverick, tipped his hat. Those golden eyes assessed her from head to toe. Heat curled in her belly.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her spine stiffening as she fought the desire to put her hand back on his shoulder.

He cocked a dark brow. “As far as I know, we’re here to move some furniture out for you.”


Maverick shifted on his feet and she finally caught a glimpse of the cowboy behind him. The unknown cowboy was blond like her, with an engaging smile, and just as tall as his friend.

“Ma’am, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Tanner, and I see you’ve already met Maverick. Amber mentioned that you were needing the space. We should be able to get it all in one trip.” He nodded to the two big trucks parked outside the cabin.

“Um, yes, won’t you come in? I already removed the bed linen,” she explained, feeling like she was fumbling as she glanced at Maverick again.

The two cowboys wiped their boots on the outdoor mat before stepping inside. Suddenly, Bianca’s cabin was suffused with oodles of testosterone. These weren’t dandies pontificating at the club after a polo match. These were rugged, testosterone-laden men, and they made no apologies for who they were.

While Tanner was a gorgeous specimen with his golden looks, he didn’t hold a candle to Maverick, or cause her entire body to tighten and pulse with need, like Maverick’s nearness did.

Ignoring the wild fluttering in her stomach, she strode down the hall, the men’s heavy footsteps following behind her. At the doors to the rooms, she gestured to the smaller one. “It’s this one.”

“What do you plan to do with the room? Need more room for your luggage?” Maverick asked drolly, letting her know that he considered her nothing but a piece of fluff.

“I was thinking more along the lines of a sex dungeon,” she commented with a shrug, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Both cowboys’ eyebrows rose at the offhand response. Tanner laughed and winked at her. “Well, I would be happy to be your first victim—um, partner—if that’s the case.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Sex dungeon?” Maverick inspected her, his gaze roving up and down her form like he was taking her measure. “You don’t have it in you.”

“You don’t know me well enough to make that evaluation. But if you really must know, I will be using this room as an art studio during my stay. My supplies will be here tomorrow.”

“So you’re an artist?” Tanner asked, appearing interested.

He was rather adorable. Maybe she did need to have some hot sex while she was here. But the instant she thought that, her brain and body conjured the man who was swiftly becoming the bane of her existence. “I dabble. Why do you ask?”

“Well, if you need a model, I would be happy to assist. I’d even pose nude, if that’s your type of thing.” Tanner was laying the innuendo on thick.

Bianca could appreciate him. He was handsome and forthright. And friendly, which was more than she could say for the other one. That one—his dark sensuality made her desire naughty, wicked acts she had no business contemplating, and he also made her want to do him bodily harm.

“If you could quit flirting with the princess, we can get this stuff moved out faster.”

“It’s Bianca, not princess. I’ll let you gentlemen handle this, as I’m sure I haven’t the foggiest idea how to move this stuff out properly.”

“We’ve got you covered, Bianca,” Tanner said with a friendly smile.

Maverick just leveled her with a frank stare. Like he could see through all her pretenses, past the face she wore, to the very heart of her being—and found her lacking. It hit far too close to home. And it spurred her into retreating into the living room. She withdrew cash from her purse to hand them when they were finished, and laid it on the kitchen counter.

Needing something—anything to do, really, she opened a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. There was no way she was getting through the next twenty minutes without a drink.

She really was rather hopeless when it came to the kitchen. But that was why she had picked up some ready-made meals. The two cowboys carted the mattress and box springs out to the trucks like they weighed nothing. There was some deliberation, as they took the wooden bed apart, on how best to fit it in the truck with the dresser.

Through it all, every time they passed, Bianca locked gazes with Maverick, then experienced a deep blast of energy that was three parts desire, one part fury. She couldn’t be attracted to the big lout. If she was, then she had really driven off the deep end.

What had she been thinking, joking with them about a sex dungeon? Who said stuff like that? She did, apparently, which was what made appearances at the charity events and polo matches so much fun. She would speak, and heads would turn—and not in a good way. More in a: can you believe that came out of her mouth? sort of way.

“Bianca, we’re all finished. We even rolled up the rug and stored it in the closet for you. So be careful if you open those doors,” Tanner said with a smile, standing near the front door.

“We’ll get out of your hair, princess,” Maverick said.

“Wait,” she said, grabbing the tip off the counter. She handed Tanner and Maverick the cash. Maverick’s fingers connected with hers, and she sucked in a breath at the livewire that flash-fried her nerve endings. Her gaze shot his way, needing to see if he had felt the jolt as well.

But the dratted man merely stared, like he had her number and wasn’t impressed.

“Well hells bells, I’m heading into town and getting a steak dinner with this. Thanks,” Tanner exclaimed. “Would you like to join me?”

His sweet offer hung in the air, with Maverick glaring at him as if he had lost his mind. As much as Bianca might like to stick it to the cowboy, she wasn’t interested in going anywhere this evening.

“I appreciate the offer, Tanner, truly. It’s been a long day, and I’m still experiencing some jet lag. Thank you both for your help this evening,” she said with small smile.

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