Home > Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy #1)(7)

Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy #1)(7)
Author: Michelle Heard

The spit dries in my mouth at the sight.

Holy mother of saints.

Fear soaks into my bones. If they’re paired and team up with their brothers, my family and I are as good as dead once someone hires them to assassinate us.

Carson has the same blond hair as his brother, and when his dark eyes flick to me, it sends a chill rushing over my body. Vigilant and deadly.

Slowly he tilts his head, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Winter Hemsley.” His low voice makes my name sound like a warning.

‘Show no fear,’ I hear Cillian’s voice in my mind.

Lifting my chin, I lock eyes with him. “Carson Koslov.”

The corner of his mouth twitches again. “Not what I expected a princess to look like.”

Wanting to make a statement, I lift my hand and brush my hair back over my shoulder, so the scar on my neck is clearly visible.

“I’m no ordinary princess,” I murmur.

I begin to walk again, my gaze moving from Carson to Damien as I pass right through the middle of them. For a moment, pressure builds, and I’m inundated by the testosterone coming off them in waves.

Show no Fear. Not ever.

I keep my chin high, and when I reach my quarters, I take hold of the doorknob and glance back at the men. They’re both watching me, probably sizing me up.

Pushing the door open, I step inside. I lock it behind me and then let out a breath of relief.

Instead of crumbling in fear, it only makes me more determined to become the best. I have two years to train in combat and armory.

Walking to my bedroom, I pick up my bag, and pulling my phone out, I dial my father’s number. I already called him to tell him I arrived safely, but now I need to warn them.

“Twice in one day. Do you miss us already?” Father’s warm voice comes over the line.

“Carson Koslov and Damien Vetrov,” I get right to the point. “It seems they’re already pairing up.”

“Fuck,” Father hisses. “You saw this with your own eyes?”

“Yes.” I take a trembling breath. “Go back into hiding. I need to know you and Sean are safe until I’m done with my training.”

“I’ll send more guards for you,” Father says.

“I won’t step off the grounds. Don’t worry about me. I have Cillian. You need to leave as soon as possible. Let me know when you reach the island.”

The island’s not easily accessible. Any plane, helicopter, or boat can be taken out before they reach land. Right now, it’s the safest place for them.

“We’ll leave within the hour. I’ll send out a tracker to watch Alexei Koslov and Demitri Vetrov. As soon as they move in our direction, I’ll alert you. It will be better for you to join us then.”

“They won’t try anything at St. Monarch’s. No one dares the risk of being banned,” I remind Father. Being banned comes with a steep price on your head. An open contract that will have every assassin in the world coming after you. “The Koslov and Vetrov families have honor. They’ll wait until I leave the academy. I’ll see the rest of the attendees at dinner tonight. I’ll notify you if there are other families we should be keeping an eye on.”

“Do that.” Father clears his throat.

“Let me know as soon as you reach the island,” I remind him.

“I will. Stay safe, my princess.”

“You too, Father.”

We end the call, and I quickly dial Cillian’s number.

“Poppet?” he answers, his voice tight with worry.

“I’m fine. I’m just calling to let you know Damien Vetrov and Carson Koslov are here.”

“Fuck,” he spits the word over the line.

“Be careful,” I warn him.

“I will.”

“I have to get ready for dinner.”

Cillian lets out a heavy breath. “Remember, keep your head high and show no fear. I’m right outside St. Monarch’s.”

I nod. “Vince Blanco is also here. I didn’t tell father.”

Another curse escapes Cillian. “Christ, poppet.”

“I’ll be okay,” I try to ease his worry. I lick my lips before I continue, “But the moment we leave St. Monarch’s, I want him dead.”

“Consider it a graduation present,” Cillian promises.

“Stay safe,” I murmur before I cut the call, and knowing I only have an hour and a half left to prepare for dinner, I run myself a bath.

Tonight I get to dress up. I’ve picked a light gray dress with a heart-shaped bodice. The top layer of chiffon shimmers, reminding me of diamonds, and the bottom layer is stained red. That’s why I chose it. Tonight I’ll be the proud Blood Princess, here to remind my enemies I’ve survived death once, and I can do it again.

I’m not some weak girl they can swat out of the way. Never. I’m a fierce woman with Hemsley blood running through my veins. I’m a force to be reckoned with because I have too much to lose.





Dressed in a black tuxedo, I let out a sigh as I leave my room. I’m not in the mood for this dinner, but it’s obligatory.

Another door opens down the hallway, and I glance in its direction. I suck in a sharp breath at the sight of Winter Hemsley. She looks absolutely breathtaking, her hair curled and pinned back with a diamond comb. The moment she starts walking toward me, the dress moves, and I get glimpses of red as the fabric swishes at her feet.

She keeps impressing me. First with her fighting skills when she dropped Paulie in eight seconds, then wearing her scar like a warning to all that she’s a survivor. Now elegance and pride exude from her with every step she takes. It makes her irresistible.

Winter lifts her chin, once again giving me a view of the scar on her neck. Her eyes lock on mine, and when she’s only a couple of steps away, she murmurs, “Thinking of how you’re going to kill me, Vetrov?”

It doesn’t escape my attention that she didn’t say try to kill her, which means I’m the biggest threat in her eyes.

“You’ll be here for a couple of years. I don’t plan that far ahead.” I let my eyes drift over her body before bringing them back to hers. “For now, I’ll admire the view.”

She stops in front of me, the corner of her mouth lifting. “Care to show me the way?”

Clever girl.

If I agree, it will show the other families I’m giving her the time of day. They’ll think twice about coming after her because they’ll think I’m her ally.

I shouldn’t waste a second of my time on her, but I still find myself nodding. Winter links her arm through mine, resting her palm on my forearm. Instantly her touch sends a spark through my arm.

As we begin to walk, I shorten my strides to match hers while dismissing the obvious attraction I feel toward her.

“Paulie says you’re the best. You’ve beaten your brother’s records?” Winter’s voice is nothing but a soft hum, threatening to spin a web around us.

“I have,” I murmur, keeping my own voice low.

“And you’ll be paired with Carson Koslov?” she asks another question.

This time I only nod as I realize what she’s doing. Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. This is a strategic move on her part and has nothing to do with making a statement to the other attendees.

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