Home > Saving Ren(8)

Saving Ren(8)
Author: Lesley Jones

When the song ends, he goes back to his mates on the dance floor as they cheer, but as ‘American Pie’ starts to play, the whole place erupts, and the redhead jumps up on a chair, her mate follows.

The overhead downlight is shining right on her, giving me a clear view of her face. If I had to guess, I’d say she was around my age. She has the bluest of blue eyes and a tiny little upturned nose, all set in a round, smiling face.

She belts out a word perfect, all six verses rendition of the Don Mclean classic, pointing the bottle at the crowd every time they reach the chorus; she’s getting more attention than the band. I find myself smiling as she again points the end of the bottle towards everyone on the dance floor and orchestrates using her other hand.

“What the fuck are you grinning at?” Zac asks from beside me.

“Who’s the redhead with Jo?” I ask, not taking my eyes off her.

“No clue mate, but she’s obviously got your attention. . . Oh, I can see why. You are such a tit man.”

“Fuck off, I noticed her because she’s fucking gorgeous,” I lie. I was totally staring at her tits. They’re a decent size for such a little frame and hard to miss.

“Who is?” Cooper asks, flanking my other side.

“The redhead with Jo. You know who she is?” Zac asks him.

“Nah, but you can ask Jo herself, she’s on her way over here.”

In practised, perfect unison, we turn away from where we were watching the girls dance and face the bar, me, making a slight adjustment in the ridiculous skinny chino things I’d been convinced by my twelve-year-old daughter to purchase.

“Dude, stop touching your dick. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Zac whisper shouts as the three of us stand in a row at the bar.

“Fuck off,” is my mumbled reply.

“You caught a dose of something nasty from Alysa, or one of your harem girls?” Cooper asks.

I narrow my eyes on him before raising my brows and stare for a second.

“First off, fuck you, and fuck you.” I look between my brothers.

“Second, I’ve not seen Alysa in months. Third, I don’t have a fucking harem. Fourth, I just got tested when we had the company medicals.”

“They were three weeks ago,” Zac interrupts.

“If you’ll let me fucking finish,” I snap back. “I’ve not been near a bird since we had the medical, and those results state that my dick is squeaky clean because fifth, I do not dip it anywhere without wearing an overcoat. I got caught once remember, and as much as I love Ava, that will not ever be happening again.”

“You’re single, and haven’t fucked in three weeks? Mate, that’s a serious drought you got going on there.”

I ignore Zac’s comment.

“You don’t want more kids? Dude, you’re only thirty-five, way too young to make that call,” Cooper advises.

“Thanks for the advice, Master Shredder, but procreating is not at the top of my list of priorities right now. Fucking, yes, making babies, definitely not, but thank you.”

“Anytime, as your big brother, I feel it’s my responsibility to keep you informed.”


“Hey, Jo. How’s it going?” Zac elbows me as he speaks to Jo, who’s now standing next to him waiting to get served.

She turns our way, takes her time drinking us in, eye-fucking each of us as she does, and smiles. “Evening, boys. How are you all?”

“Good, yourself?” Zac asks.

Before she can respond, Cooper asks, “What you after, Jo? I’ll get these.”

“No, I’m good thanks, Coop, I’m in a round with the girls.”

“That’s cool, I can stretch to a drink for them too. What you having?”

She stares at Cooper for a long moment. We all watch as she tongues the inside of her cheek, exuding confidence and sex appeal, before breaking out in a smile. “That’s really nice of you, Coop. I’ll have a G&T, two vodka, lime, sodas, and a Jack and coke.”

Cooper repeats the order, adding our drink requests to the barman. Zac gives me another small nudge before moving from between me and Jo to stand the other side of Cooper.

“Gabe, how are you?” Jo leans in and gives me a quick cuddle and a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m good. You’re looking extra gorgeous tonight. What’s the occasion?”

She flicks her hair over her shoulder, still giving me that all-knowing, seductive smile of hers. Jo’s one of those no-bullshit kind of women. I think that’s what it is about her that’s always appealed to me. There’s no drama, no pretence. She’ll happily take you home, fuck you senseless, and expect nothing more from you in the morning. A few of my mates have been there, most always hopeful for an invite back, but have never got one. She’s smart, successful, and knows exactly what she wants, and it’s definitely not a relationship.

“No occasion, just a girls’ night.”

She turns and leans her back against the bar as she scans the room.

“Cool, who you with?” I ask casually.

“Lou’s the tallest brunette, Jemma’s the other one, and Lauren’s the redhead you’ve been staring at since we walked in.”

My head jerks back like I’ve been slapped. Jo slowly turns her head, knowing brown eyes land on mine.

“I’m an accountant, Gabe, it’s my job to be observant and let nothing go unnoticed. We’re out tonight to cheer her up.”

“Why, she got shit going on? I ask.

“That, we don’t know. A few more drinks and we’re hoping she’s going to spill.”

“That’s a bit slippery, Jo. Does she know that’s your plan?”

“That’s women, Gabe. We can be slippery in more ways than one. I thought you’d know all about that?”

I have no immediate response. I smile and shake my head, and after a few moments pause, I lean into Jo.

“Let me add a round of shots to your drinks. What dya fancy?”

“You’re very kind. We’ll have a round of Cowboys please.”

“Can you add seven Cowboys to that round please, mate?” I ask the barman, passing Cooper a fifty to help cover the cost.

Turning back to Jo, I ask, “So, your mate, is the shit she’s got going on bloke related?” Not wanting to appear desperate for information, I force my eyes to roam the bar as I talk, but they snap back to Jo when she throws her head back and laughs.

“Gabriel Wild, you want the tea on my girl, then you need to man up and go ask her yourself.”

As if they’d heard what she’d said to me, the three women Jo arrived with throw their heads back and laugh.

We both study them in silence for a beat. Cooper slides a tray laden with the girls’ drinks along to Jo. “You want me to carry them over for you?” I ask.

“Gabe, really? It’s as if you don’t know me at all. Come closer, hun, and I’ll let you into a little secret.” Jo crooks her pointer finger, and I move in. “Two things I’ve learned to handle expertly in my life, men, and alcohol. So, thank you, but I think I’ve got it.”

Again, all I can do is shake my head, let out a sigh, and chuckle.

“You’re killing me, Jo, just make sure shorty knows the shots are from me.”

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