Home > The Freshman (College Years #1)(8)

The Freshman (College Years #1)(8)
Author: Monica Murphy

Dad takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he whirls me around the dance floor. They actually have a live band playing, and the singer is crooning some ballad from the nineties, I think.

It’s kind of awful.

“He’s no good.”

That’s a very blanket statement, and it doesn’t say much. Meaning he’s probably never had a conversation with Tony before in his life. “You know him?”

“I know enough.”

“So you know him personally? You two hang out? Golf buddies, maybe? At the very least, drinking buddies?” I prod further.

Irritation flits across his face. “No, I’ve never personally spoken to him.”

Just what I thought. “Then how do you know he’s no good? Making assumptions about people you don’t know isn’t fair,” I tell him.

Anger makes the color rise in his cheeks. And my father is usually such a cool customer. Nothing rattles him—with the exception of my mother. And sometimes me. “His father is a complete asshole.”

“Maybe he’s nothing like his father.”

“The apple never falls far from the tree,” Dad points out, and I laugh.

“I’m nothing like you.”

“You’re more like me than you’d ever want to admit.” He grins, his hand tightening around mine. Talking about himself always seems to please him. “Just—leave that kid alone. I didn’t even know Sorrento had a son, let alone one that’s about your age.”

“Then how do you know who I was talking to?” My tone is innocent, but I’m trying to dig. I want to know exactly why my father feels this way toward the Sorrento family.

“I saw you speaking with him earlier and I asked who he was.” Dad sends me a stern look. “Stay away from him.”

Silly man. This makes me only want to talk to Tony more. Don’t parents realize that? If the one you’re interested in suddenly becomes forbidden, all you want is what you can’t have.

My gaze starts scanning the room as I continue to dance with my father, but I don’t spot Tony anywhere. It’s also kind of dark since they dimmed the lights once the music started, so it’s difficult to see.

“May I cut in?” asks a smooth, male voice.

I glance up to find it’s the plastic surgeon’s son, Joseph. My father gets a huge smile on his face as he releases my hand, steering me toward him.

“Please do.” Dad winks at me before he quickly exits the dance floor, leaving me with Joseph and no other choice but to dance with him.

He pulls me into his arms, holding me at a respectable distance before we start to move. He’s smooth, I’ll give him that. Wonder if he had cotillion lessons—I did. I was supposed to be a debutante, but I convinced my parents it wasn’t for me. Both of them pushed hard, though. All that money spent on cotillion lessons for nothing? They were pissed. I’m sure they’ll do the same to Palmer.

“I’m glad we finally get to meet,” Joseph says after a few seconds of silently dancing.

“Me too,” I say, a weak smile curving my lips.

“Your stepmom has told me a lot about you,” he continues.

“She’s not my stepmom,” I correct.

“Oh. Well, your dad’s girlfriend then. She’s really sweet.”

“Sure. Yes. She’s okay, I suppose.” I send him a curious look, not wanting to discuss Lauri with him. “Why aren’t you at school right now?”

“Oh. I came home for the weekend. It’s my father’s birthday tomorrow.” His hand shifts on my back, dropping lower. If he keeps going, it’ll eventually be on my butt, and I won’t stand for that. I barely know this dude.

“How nice. Is there a party?”

“Yes, tomorrow afternoon at our house.” His face brightens. “You should come. Lauri and your father are both invited.”

“Maybe I will, though I have to head back home tomorrow.”

“Where do you live?”


He makes a face. Everyone is so snobbish about Fresno. “Why?”

“I go to Fresno State.”

“What’s your major?”

“Liberal arts.” He frowns at my response. “I want to be a teacher,” I explain.

Joseph laughs. “Let me guess. For first graders?”

I don’t know why his accurate guess irritates me, but it does. Maybe it’s his mocking tone. The amusement in his gaze makes me think he’s making fun of me.

“Sorry. I need to use the restroom.” I withdraw from his arms before the song even ends and flee the dance floor, exiting the room as fast as I can. I find the hallway where the restrooms are and push my way into the ladies’ room, hiding away in a stall so I don’t have to look at anyone while I cool down.

Joseph seriously infuriated me. Why can’t rich people have simple dreams? I could be anything I want, that’s what my father always told me, ever since I was a little girl. So why does he balk at me being an elementary school teacher? And why does everyone else think it’s a big joke?

I don’t get it.

The bathroom door opens and I hear two females talking, their voices low, as if they’re trying to keep it down.

“No one’s in here,” one of them says. Her voice is familiar.

“Are you sure?”

Oh shit. That voice is definitely familiar.

“Positive,” the other woman says firmly. “Now hurry and tell me what’s going on before someone comes in here and interrupts us.”

“It’s Joseph,” says the more familiar voice. “He wants me to go to his father’s party tomorrow.”

“And why wouldn’t you? They always throw the best parties.”

“Because he’ll try and make a move on me again. I know he will.”

I cover my mouth with my hand, shock coursing through me. That’s Lauri who’s speaking. And she’s claiming that Joseph—the guy I just danced with, Mr. Future Plastic Surgeon, is trying to make a move on her. When she’s already with my father.


“What’s wrong with that? I mean, I know we’re both with older men, but sometimes I really miss young dick.” The other woman laughs.

“I know, though Brian doesn’t lack, if you know what I mean.”

Oh God, she’s talking about my father. I do not want to hear this conversation. Not like I can reveal myself though, because then they’ll know I heard it all.

“Anthony is so tired all the time, and when he drinks too much, he deflates.”

“Can’t get it up?”

“Yes, and then he passes out and snores so loudly, I go sleep in one of the guest bedrooms.” A sigh escapes her. “What did you think of my new stepson?”

“A hottie,” Lauri says firmly. “Tall, dark and mysterious.”

“Right? Oh my God. He’s gorgeous. And full of resentment toward Anthony. I wonder if he’d be willing to get back at his father by fucking his dad’s wife behind his back.”

The two women burst into laughter, and I realize the other woman is Tony’s stepmom.

Double ew.

The door suddenly bangs open and a slew of chattering women enter. I wait it out a few more minutes, praying Laurie and Tony’s stepmom have left, and by the time I exit the stall, I see the coast is clear. I hurriedly wash my hands and leave the bathroom, practically running down the corridor in hopes I can find my father and warn him that Lauri might be having an affair with someone my age when I come to a complete stop.

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