Home > Ember (Men of Inked : Heatwave #7)(5)

Ember (Men of Inked : Heatwave #7)(5)
Author: Chelle Bliss

“I’m going to make you admit it before tomorrow,” I tell her.

She turns her head, peering over her shoulder, a wicked grin on her face. “I look forward to it,” she whispers before closing the bathroom door so slowly I strain to see her body for every last second before it disappears.


I could seriously fall for this crazy-ass chick I didn’t even know yesterday.

Going to this party is the smartest thing to do.

I need a break before she takes me under, ruining me more than I could ever ruin her.









Twenty minutes later, I step out onto the front porch with Rocco right behind me. I don’t need to turn around to know how close he is; I can feel his presence.

Carmello has his ass planted on the hood of his car, and Carrie is between his legs, laughing as he kisses her neck, whispering something—no doubt dirty—to her.

Fucking Caldo twins.

They are wicked.

No men should be as hot as they are.

And Rocco’s ability to use every inch of his body—his mouth, fingers, cock, and tongue—to bring me pleasure should be absolutely criminal.

“Why you walkin’ so slow, Reb?” he whispers in my ear, his body heat licking at my back.

I glance over my shoulder. My mouth is so close to his, I have to force myself not to touch my lips to his. “I’m not in any hurry, Roc.”

His lips almost touch the corners of his eyes. “Sore, sugar?”

“No,” I lie, trying to walk normally, but goddamn, my pussy feels like it’s been through the wringer.

The moment his hand touches the small of my back, propelling me forward, I suck in a breath and somehow don’t wobble and fall on my ass.

It’s a goddamn miracle too.

“Finally.” Carrie raises her head from snuggling with her very own Caldo. “Didn’t think you two were ever going to be ready to leave the bedroom.”

I stare at her, telling her all the things without telling her all the things. “I needed some fresh air.”

“Uh-huh,” she says, giggling. “By the way you’re walking, I think your lady parts are battered and bruised.”

“Shut it,” I tell her with a glare.

Carmello slides off the hood, keeping his hands planted on Carrie’s hips. “Ready to roll? Everyone’s probably already there.”

“Where are we going?” I ask Rocco.

“The locals have a party in the woods.” Rocco opens the back door for me to get in with one hand, ushering me that way with the other. “It’s perfect for a night like this, unless you want to stay back and…” He waggles his eyebrows.

I fall backward, avoiding him tempting me back inside. “Party sounds great,” I tell him, pulling my legs inside and settling into the seat, resting my weight on one leg to give my middle a rest.

Rocco folds his body inside and places his hand on my thigh, sliding me across the seat with ease.

“What are you doing?”

“Sitting with my girl.” He smiles, snuggling up next to me and throwing his arm around my shoulder.

I slide out from underneath his weight, move to the other side of the car, and grab the seat belt, fastening myself tight. “No, you are not. I can’t sit in the middle. It’s dangerous.”

“Fine,” he tells me, moving over to where I am, pinning me to my door before strapping himself in with the flimsy middle seat belt. “This works too.” And again, he throws that heavy limb over the back of my seat, resting his hand on my shoulder, tangling his fingers in my hair. “Good?”

“You’re relentless,” I whisper, gazing up at him through my eyelashes.

He angles his face closer. “Rebel, sugar, if I weren’t, you wouldn’t have had ten orgasms today. So, let’s not play games or tell untruths. My relentlessness has been more of a bonus for you than me. Now, get those lips over here and give me a kiss.”

I glare at him, trying to pretend I’m pissed, but sitting this close to him feels right. His brown, honey-flecked eyes are trained on me, and all I can see are those thick lips that sent me over the edge so many times I lost count. “No,” I snap. “I get a break. And when I say break, I mean break. Ten minutes. No lips.” I turn my face forward, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to make my body rigid.

He slides his thumb across the sensitive skin near my ear where it meets my jaw. “You sure about that?”

My pussy convulses because the dirty whore living between my legs clearly hasn’t been sedated. “Five minutes,” I plead, feeling my resolve slipping. “Just five.”

What the hell is wrong with me? Can’t I resist this man? Damn it.

I’ve never been so attracted to someone so quickly. And then there is the chemistry, which is un-fucking-believably off the charts and makes completely no sense.

Carrie and Carmello get into the car sometime during the exchange, and she slides over to the middle, wrapping her arm around her man like Rocco did with me.

She is purring in his ear as he fires up the engine, tearing out of the gravel driveway and spinning the tires.

I stare straight ahead, trying to keep my eyes off the hot piece of ass next to me. Plus, I am trying to stop myself from thinking about all the pleasure he gave me earlier and has promised to deliver again later.

Instead of seeing the road pass by, all I can see is Carrie as she nibbles on Carmello’s neck, giving no shits who is watching.

“Carrie, seat belt, babe,” Carmello tells her, but doing nothing to push her away.

“No,” she whines, moving her hand to the back of his head and sinking her teeth into his neck.

He moans, giving up the seat belt fight pretty fucking quick. I can’t see her other hand, but I am pretty fucking sure it is somewhere in his lap, probably stroking his cock through the tight-ass blue jeans he has on.

Rocco takes my hand in his, lifting it to his lips, rolling his tongue around the tips of my fingers.

I close my eyes, knowing the battle isn’t winnable, and right as I am about to cave, the car jerks to the right.

My eyes fly open.

A scream tears through my throat as Rocco’s right arm slams into my chest, pinning me to the back seat.

Oh God.

Oh no.

No. No. No.

The tires screech as Carmello swerves, and Carrie’s scream matches my own, only louder.

Please don’t let this be happening.

“Fuck,” Carmello hisses as the car jerks again, going the opposite direction from the first time.

All I see is the line of trees heading our way. All I feel is Rocco pinning me to the seat. All I hear is the yelling and the deafening squeal of the tires.

But before I can brace myself, everything goes black.









My body jerks, and my eyes snap open.

Reality hits me a few seconds later.

I blink, trying to clear the haze from my vision. Something heavy is in my lap. I bend my neck, seeing it’s not a something, but a someone.


Her body is bent over the front seat, her head resting against my legs. Her back is clearly broken. No one is meant to twist that way, not even the most flexible human being.

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