Home > Say You're Mine (The Gallaghers Series)(15)

Say You're Mine (The Gallaghers Series)(15)
Author: Layla Hagen

“You never make things easy, do you?”

“Not my MO,” I agreed. “Though now I was just trying to get a rise out of you.”

He grinned, stepping back and pointing to the door. “After you.”

“Who serves the cake so early?” I asked as we descended the staircase.

“Lars. He says people are too drunk later on, and he’s right.”

Everyone had gathered in the main living room, where the buffet was. Lars gave me a glass of champagne. Brayden was nodding and smiling at everyone, wearing that charm like an armor. The only time he seemed to lower it was when we were alone. I longed for more moments like that: raw and honest. I was also longing for more of those delicious kisses, but all instincts warned me to stay away.

Lilian was shooting daggers at me. I felt oddly proud, flashing her a satisfying smirk.

Thomas wheeled out the cake a few minutes later. It looked more like a wedding cake, with three levels and figurines of the band on top. There were also a billion candles.

“Folks, don’t count the candles,” Lars said loudly. “You don’t have to know how old I am.”

Everyone laughed before they started to sing “Happy Birthday.” The crowd formed a half circle in front of him. Lars ran a hand through his black hair, flattening it. He was wearing a blue shirt that highlighted his eyes. He looked elegant. Next to him, Harvey couldn’t look more different, with his light blond hair messed up in every direction and a ragged T-shirt. Thomas was like a mesh between the two with a buttoned-up black shirt and rugged jeans.

Where is Brayden? He hasn’t left, has he?

A second later, I realized he was right beside me. I smiled and was rewarded with one of those gorgeous, real smiles I’d only seen on him when we were alone. This was just for me. It didn’t even matter that we were surrounded by a bunch of people. Everything seemed to fade away... at least until they started clapping after they finished singing.

Lars blew out the candles, and then everyone lined up for cake. I hurried to get a paper plate, but not before hearing Brayden whisper in my ear, “Don’t go after the cake. We’re leaving tomorrow, and I want to spend a few more hours with you.”

“Where are you going?” I asked. My stomach bottomed out. Sasha hadn’t mentioned it, and I’d hoped to find out a few more general things about the band.

“Nashville. It’s always a hotspot for creating buzz around new albums.”

“When are you coming back?”


I couldn’t shake off the feeling of disappointment, even though that was ridiculous.

And while I totally planned to make the most of the evening, we never got the chance.

Once everyone had eaten cake, Lars demanded we all go to the entertainment level.

“I want everyone to play a round of darts. Yes, that includes you, Brayden. No sneaking up to the rehearsal room.”

The look on Brayden’s face was priceless. He clearly didn’t want to tell Lars off on his birthday, but the prospect of spending the night surrounded by guests clearly wasn’t thrilling him. So I set out to make this as pleasant for him as possible.

“Hey, come on. Don’t spoil the fun. I’ll cheer for you again.”

Brayden grinned. “So I’m being bossed into playing darts and I’ll lose? How can I say no to that?”

“How indeed?” I said.

Lars winked at me. Brayden laughed, shaking his head as we all followed Lars upstairs.

The whole night, I felt tethered to Brayden, even in the huge darts room, as if our kiss had sired a physical connection between us. Every time our gazes met, I couldn’t help smiling. I felt butterflies in my belly.

We didn’t even get one chance to be alone for the rest of the night, but I had no doubt that once he was back from Nashville, all bets were off.



Chapter Seven



I spent half of my Sunday sleeping, because I’d gotten home from the party at three o’clock in the morning. When I woke up, I already had messages from Josie, Tess, and Skye. I punched my pillow into a comfortable position and read them while lying in bed. I planned to be lazy the whole day.

Josie: How was the party? I need details. Pleaaaaase.

Tess: Can you tell us who your guy is now?

Skye: So I did some research on the band. It’s Brayden, isn’t it?

Damn, Skye knew me well.

Grinning, I made a group, adding all the girls, and named it The Curious Club.

Isabelle: Since you’re all asking about the same thing, we might as well have a group.

Josie: Hell yes.

I also noticed a message from Brayden. He’d sent it late last night.

Brayden: Did you get home safe?

It was endearing to me that he always double-checked.

Isabelle: Sorry, I fell asleep right away and just woke up.

Brayden: I figured as much.

Isabelle: Already in Nashville?

He called me the next second. I put a palm on my belly, barely able to contain my joy.

“Yes. We already have a radio interview lined up. Starts in ten minutes. Then we have a photo shoot.”

“Poor you. I plan to be lazy all day.”

“I’d love to be lazy with you.”


“Wait, don’t finish that thought. We’ll talk when I’m back, okay? Face-to-face.”

I smiled, drumming my fingers on my stomach. I wasn’t ready to stop this flirty thing we had going on, so I said, “Okay.”

“I’ve got to go. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

Damn. If he said swoon-worthy things like that when we met, I was done for.

As soon as the call ended, I glanced at the screen. The Curious Club was alight with messages.

Time to bring my girls up to date.


My lazy Sunday turned out to be exactly what I needed to recharge, but the next morning, I still barely dragged myself out of bed. I was a bit slow on Mondays in general. I took a cup from the cupboard that said “Just another fabulous Monday” on it and filled it with steamy hot coffee. Leaning against the kitchen counter, I checked my phone. I had a message from Brayden.

Brayden: I have an idea.

Isabelle: Holy shit, so early in the day? I’m barely sipping my first coffee.

Brayden: Good.

I chuckled.

Isabelle: You think chatting me up on a Monday morning before I’ve even finished drinking my first cup of coffee is a good idea? You’re in for a surprise, mister. I need at least two to stop being grouchy.

Brayden: Then I’ll wait until you’ve had two.

I grinned at my phone, dying to know what he wanted to say. It took me all of five minutes to drink both coffees. I’d never been that fast. And it amused me that he waited for me to actually do it.

Isabelle: I’m done.

Brayden: Someone’s in a hurry.

Isabelle: You made me curious.

Brayden: Sasha scheduled a meeting for us with you on Friday. I want you just for me after that.

Warmth coursed through me, and my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I wanted to say yes. I very much wanted to, but was it a good idea? I laughed at my silliness. Why was I overthinking this? It was harmless flirting. And a few smoking-hot kisses.

Isabelle: Why?

Brayden: You know why. Can I call you, or are you in a session already?

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