Home > Montana Cowboy Daddy (Wyatt Brothers of Montana #3)(9)

Montana Cowboy Daddy (Wyatt Brothers of Montana #3)(9)
Author: Jane Porter

“That was thoughtful of you.”

“But you’re awake.”

“It’s okay. I’m a fairly light sleeper,” he answered, crossing the kitchen floor. “But don’t worry about Tommy. He sleeps like the dead.”

“Do you know what time it is? I left my watch upstairs.”

“Three thirty, maybe.”

“I can’t get him to stop crying.”

“Does he have a fever?”

“I don’t think so. Maybe he’s just overstimulated. It was a big day.”

“All those Wyatts are enough to terrify even the most manly of men.” Billy smiled crookedly. “Let me take him, and you go back to bed.” He’d reached her side and lifted the baby from her arms without waiting for her to answer.

Erika didn’t protest. If anything, she looked grateful. “Normally, I’d ask if you were sure, but I’m so tired. I can hardly keep my eyes open.”

“Then don’t. Go to bed. Get sleep. I’ve got him.”

Uncertainty flickered over her features. “Do you know anything about babies?”

“No, but I’ve delivered foals and calves, and given nearly every animal a bottle, from kittens to lambs and even a fawn Granddad found after his mom had been shot by hunters trespassing on our property.”

Her fist pressed to her mouth. “What happened to the fawn?”

“We raised him until he could manage on his own.”

“Did he?” she asked. “Manage on his own?”

“We think he’s the big buck that comes around sometimes, and stands at the edge of the property looking at us. We’ve gotten close to him a couple of times, but then he leaves. I’m pretty sure that’s Rudy.”


“As in Rudolph. Tommy named him.”

The corner of her mouth curved as she gave him a sweet sleepy smile. “I have a feeling you guys are full of stories.”

“So many,” he agreed. “Too many. But now, go sleep. And you don’t have to worry about Beck and me. I can manage giving a baby a bottle, and if I need you, I will get you.”

“I’ve made a bottle up for him already. It’s on the counter by the stove, but Beck didn’t want it. He’s just cranky tonight. Sometimes I wonder if he’s missing his mom.” Her voice cracked. “And then I want to cry.”

“That’s because you’re thinking too much. It’s never good to overthink, not in the middle of the night. Go to bed, sleep. Things will be better in the morning.”

She pushed a heavy wave of golden hair back from her cheek, even as her troubled gaze met his. “Will they? He still won’t have a mom, and I’m not sure he has a dad—”

“Stop. If I’m his dad, he has a dad. I’m going to take the test, and will know the truth soon, and then with facts in hand, we will come up with a plan.”

“What if you’re not the father?”

“I thought you were pretty confident I was.”

“I wouldn’t have driven this far if I didn’t think so.”

“Then don’t torture yourself anymore tonight. Get sleep and we can discuss this, and whatever else you want tomorrow.”

Her gaze clung to his, deep purple shadows etched beneath her eyes, revealing her fatigue. “Promise?”

“I promise.”


Despite being utterly exhausted, Erika couldn’t fall asleep right away. Her room was still chilly and she shivered under the covers, head pounding, eyes dry. She drew her knees up to her chest, trying to get warm, but instead of drifting off, she kept picturing Billy in the kitchen with the baby, the infant tiny against his big shoulder, and it made her insides do an uncomfortable wobble. She had such mixed feelings about Billy Wyatt, discovering quickly he was hard, self-absorbed, and uncaring. She’d decided she didn’t like him, or respect him, but then he’d appeared in the kitchen in the dead of night to take care of a baby he wasn’t convinced was his. He didn’t have to come downstairs. He could have remained in bed and pretended he didn’t hear the crying. But he didn’t, and that changed her assumptions about him.

Not completely, but just enough for her to realize she didn’t want to like him. It was easier to resent him for getting April pregnant and then disappearing on her. It felt good to be angry with him. She wanted to be angry with someone. April deserved more kindness in life, more support. But neither April, nor she, had been born into a family that offered unconditional love. Their family had rigid views based on a very strict faith. Step out of the faith and you were punished. April and Erika’s mothers, sisters, had been banished. It wasn’t until April’s mom returned to the family, and the church, that she was forgiven. April hadn’t wanted that life for her and she’d paid the price.

Covers pulled tightly to her chin, Erika remembered dinner tonight and the boisterous Wyatt men around the table. They’d teased each other mercilessly during the meal, and their laughter had made their mother smile, albeit somewhat reluctantly. Summer was rather reserved, and yet she’d been kind to Erika, and her sons clearly loved her. This was the kind of family Erika had seen on TV shows, the kind of family that had made her want more from life, that made her want to help others to want, and have, more for herself.

If Beck was a Wyatt, he’d be loved. Deeply loved.

A lump filled Erika’s throat and she squeezed her eyes closed, overwhelmed by emotions she didn’t really understand, because this was what she wanted for April’s baby. She pictured Beck downstairs, nestled against Billy’s broad chest, and felt yet another pang. Erika could see why her cousin had fallen for the Montana cowboy. He was ridiculously handsome, as well as tall, muscular, rugged, strong. He was a man’s man, which women would love.

But why hadn’t April told Billy about the baby?

Why had she kept it secret from Billy?

Was it possible she wasn’t sure Beck was Billy’s?

Had Erika possibly gotten it wrong… that Billy wasn’t the father? Her heart fell and she rolled onto her back, and stared up at the beamed ceiling.

If he wasn’t, what then? Where did Erika even begin to track down Beck’s real father?

Worn out, she told herself to stop thinking, at least for tonight. The best thing to do was take it all one step at a time. Have Billy take the DNA test. Discover the truth.

And maybe pray that Billy was the father, because the Wyatts were good people. They were a close family, and yes, filled with testosterone, but they’d protect Beck, and they’d do right by him, not just now, but always.

And with that thought in mind, she finally fell asleep.


It had begun snowing again sometime in the night, creating a glorious winter wonderland—at least for those who could stay in the cabin. Melvin and his grandsons all had chores to do, and Erika came down to the kitchen in search of Beck, and found him asleep in Summer’s arms. Summer was seated at the kitchen table while the Wyatt men were lounging in various positions around the kitchen, discussing their strategy for the morning. Joe and Granddad would tend to the livestock. Billy and Tommy would snowplow the roads. The snow had fallen most of the night and it’d take all day to get the road down to the public highway snowplowed, and that was even with Joe later taking a turn at the wheel.

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