Home > Missing Lynx (Kodiak Point #6)(5)

Missing Lynx (Kodiak Point #6)(5)
Author: Eve Langlais

Annoying man. Ruining even her personal fun. She grumbled as she rolled out of bed. She’d only just met the guy and barely tolerated him. Why could she not stop thinking of him?

If an annoying twat like him could attract her, then maybe it was a sign she was well enough to think about dating.

Dating who?

She knew everyone in town. Not one ever starred in her fantasies. Perhaps a brisk walk. Some exercise would clear her mind.

She set out on foot, her snowshoes balancing her weight on the crusty snow. The branches of the forest creaked, something dumping a puff of snow. It was peaceful out here, unbroken by the sound of people. Unmarred by so-called progression.

The sun shone bright, and the air was brisk. It helped to calm her nerves. In these woods, she was safe. She didn’t have to see Mateo. Didn’t have to see anyone.

Except for the delivery person. They were slated to arrive early afternoon, with enough time to leave before darkness fell.

She should check her traps now in case she could send something back for credit on her next visit.

About a hundred yards from her place, she heard the snap and then the creak as one of the snares reacted. Given the bellowing that followed, it didn’t take seeing to know she’d caught something big with a vocabulary that flipped from English to Italian.

What is he doing in my woods?



Chapter 3



“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Mateo could have cursed his stupidity at walking right into the trap. Literally. It tightened around his ankles and yanked him off his feet.

In his defense, he’d not expected any snares. He’d been too busy checking out the tiny cabin he could see through the trees. Smoke poured from the chimney. Given the directions he’d been given, he knew it had to be her place. But whose trap?

Was she in danger? Or did someone set them as a protection for her since she lived out here alone? At least, according to those he questioned, which included the alpha, who’d growlingly warned, “Don’t fuck with her.”

Reverse psychology? Totally worked on his dumb ass.

Because he wanted nothing more than to see her again. Wearing less clothes. Doing the exact thing Reid said not to do.

He blamed a restless night on the fact he’d walked unheedingly and sprung a clever snare. Then to compound his embarrassment, he might have bellowed a litany of curses, which was when he heard her yell, “Calm down. I’m coming.” In but seconds, she stalked into the small clearing, wearing a plaid lumberjacket and moccasin-style boots, a rifle slung over her shoulder. She glared up at him.

“You,” she growled.

“Morning, bella.”

“That is not my name.”

He knew that. But not much else since everyone said the same thing, Leave her alone. “Since you won’t tell me your name. I had to improvise. I chose bella for your beauty.”

The complimentary nickname only served to deepen her scowl. “What are you doing here?”

“Dropping off supplies.” Which was just an excuse to see her. His mate. He’d not been able to get her out of his mind. Frightening in some respects, and yet, he’d heard about the mating urge enough to understand what was happening to him. Humans had love at first sight. Animals relied on instinct and pheromones. He’d not believed in it until the urge slammed into him, demanding he touch her. Mark her. Maybe pee on a few trees in the area to show she belonged to him.

A good thing he’d held off on the urine bit, as she didn’t appear happy to see him. Yet. His mamma always told him he could charm an angel out of Heaven if he wanted.

“I don’t see any supplies,” she pointed out.

“They’re with the snowmobile.”

“Don’t see a machine.” She gave an exaggerated look around.

“Because it’s over there.” He pointed to the woods to the west.

“So you parked it and walked? Why? Trying to sneak up on me? Because I should warn you that’s a good way to get shot.”

“I thought I smelled something.”

“Over the sled’s fumes?”

Drat, she had a reply for every excuse. “I have a good nose.”

“Not that great apparently or you wouldn’t have gotten caught. First time I ever snared myself a tiger. Wonder how much I could get for you in town?” She smirked.

“You laid this trap?”

“Is this where you show your chauvinistic side and tell me it’s not bad for a woman?”

He grinned. “Actually, I was going to say my mother would approve.”

The reply had her chewing her lower lip. “Your mother hunts?”

“Not exactly, but she does cook and believes in only using fresh ingredients.”

She cocked her head. “Do you talk about your mother a lot?”

He could have lied, but a mamma’s boy would always get caught. Best get it out in the open now. “I love my mother. Smartest and strongest woman I know.”

“Apparently not the greatest mother since she neglected to teach you that when a woman says no, I don’t want to see you, you should respect that.”

“I didn’t come to see you, though, but to help out the community. Your regular delivery guy had to fly out and deal with some family problem.” Mainly Mateo giving him tickets to see a hockey game in Vancouver. “I was asked if I could give a hand.” More like he volunteered quite vociferously until Reid sighed and said, Fine but don’t come crying to me if she blows off your balls.

“And you of course jumped at the chance to be a good resident.”

She saw right through him.

So he changed tactics. “Fine. I wanted to see you again. Can you blame me with your sunny disposition?” Yeah, he yanked her tail, and enjoyed it, especially as her expression turned sucked-on-a-lemon taut.

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re annoying? Especially given you’re so cheerful about it.”

“All the time. My mother usually says it’s a good thing I was a cute cub growing up or she would have sold me for money.”

Her face turned to stone before she turned and strode away.

“What did I say?”

She didn’t reply.

“Where are you going? Still hanging upside down in a tree over here!” he reminded.

“I know.”

“Shouldn’t you do something about it?”

She paused on the edge of the clearing and glanced at him over her shoulder. “I’ll release you when I’m done unloading my supplies.” With those words, she left. Like actually took off and a moment later he heard the chug of a motor.

Fuck him, but she really wanted nothing to do with people. Reid had warned him. As had Boris, whose exact words were, “Girl is broken. If you upset her, I’ll break you even worse.” But the one who truly scared him was Boris’s pregnant wife, Jan, who put a gun to the back of his head and whispered, “Keep in mind, while my husband will hurt you, I’ll kill you. Double tap. You’ll never rise again.”

Rather than be afraid, he laughed. How could he not? He’d found his kind of people. Their words told him more than the fact they had a propensity for violence; it spoke of their deep bond with everyone in this town, even for a standoffish woman who’d been hurt.

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