Home > The Specialist (Norcross #3)(6)

The Specialist (Norcross #3)(6)
Author: Anna Hackett

“Ready?” he asked.

She jolted, then tapped the screen so it went to sleep.

But not before he saw that she was on a banking website.

“Ready.” She rose, gathering her things.

Easton followed her to the conference room. She sailed in, moving to the side table, to check the drinks and snacks.

The door opened.

“Easton,” Larry Miller boomed. The man was in his late fifties, with a wide, easygoing smile. “Good to see you.”

Then the man spotted Harlow and his eyes and smile widened. “I see you traded in that bossy, old dragon lady of yours. Well done.”

Easton felt a flash of annoyance. “Mrs. Skilton is on leave. This is Ms. Carlson.”

“A pleasure,” Miller drawled.

Harlow gave him a small, professional smile.

Easton sat at the head of the table. “Let’s talk business.”

The meeting went long. Miller talked a lot, but he was a savvy negotiator. Another assistant brought in lunch.

Harlow bent over, arranging the food.

Miller let out a low, appreciative noise and leaned closer to Easton. “Is your lovely, new assistant single?”

“Yes, but you’re not,” Easton bit out. “How is your wife?”

“Happy when I leave her to her own business.” Miller laughed.

Easton kept his face blank. Asshole. “Let’s get these final contract points decided.” Then Easton could get Miller out of here.

They ate their lunch and finished their business.

“Always a pleasure doing business with you, Norcross.” Miller eyed Harlow again.

“I’ll see you out,” Easton said.

“I’m going to say goodbye to the delectable Ms. Carlson.”

Easton gritted his teeth together. “No, you aren’t.”

Miller’s grin slipped a little. “Norcross—”

“You’re not going near her.”

The older man nodded and winked. “Ah, I see you’ve got your eye on her yourself.”

“Just go, Miller, before I change my mind about doing business with you.”

The businessman left looking disgruntled. Easton didn’t give a shit.

“Right.” Harlow bustled up to him. “You have a call with New York shortly. Zane Roth.”

Easton nodded. He enjoyed working with the finance billionaire.

“And lawyers from Cartwright, Dolan, and Bird sent some contracts over. Legal has marked some things for you to take a look at. It’s all on your desk.”


They crossed the floor, and reached her desk.

“You also have a two o’clock with Eva Morales from FlexDash. I’ll let you know when she arrives.”

God, she was more organized than Mrs. Skilton.

“There’s also fresh coffee on your desk. And a dark chocolate and pistachio cookie.”

His favorite. His gaze narrowed. “Firstly, how did you know about the cookies? And second, how did you organize that?”

She winked. “A good assistant never reveals her secrets.”

And yet, Easton wanted hers. He studied her face. “You’re really okay after last night?”

Her smile dimmed. “Yes.”

“When you were late this morning—”

“I met my father for breakfast.” She turned to face her computer.

She sounded normal, but every one of Easton’s instincts, honed sharp by the Army, itched.

She slid a wireless headset on. “This is Harlow.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Mr. Roth is on the line.”

Easton nodded and headed for his desk.

One thing a good interrogator needed was patience.



Harlow sipped her Earl Grey tea and burned her lip.


She set the mug down on her desk and massaged her temples. She’d had too much coffee today and had switched to tea. She heard the rumble of Easton’s deep voice in his office. He’d been on this latest call for over an hour.

Her phone rang and she saw it was her bestie, Christie.

“Hey,” Harlow said.

“You still breathing?” Christie drawled. “Or has Mr. I-Own-the-World Norcross done you in?”

“Ha ha. If I don’t make it, it’s because he’s made my head explode.”

“Well, at least you’ll go out with a killer view.” Christie hummed. “Anytime that man visits our office, my heart takes off like my feet when I hear there’s a shoe sale on.”

Harlow snorted. Christie worked at Tenneson Industries. Harlow was well aware of the stir in the office when Easton visited her boss Meredith.

“Is it true that he has tattoos under those delicious suits?” her best friend asked.


“God. Hang on, how do you know?”

“At the end of the day, he sometimes rolls his sleeves up.”

Christie made a sound. “Sorry, having a little orgasm.”

“Stop it. You’re happily married, remember?”

“And I love Charlie, but my darling hubby doesn’t even own a suit.”

No, Charlie was a landscape designer. He favored boots and shorts.

“You’re as bad as all the women who stop by to give Easton a file or a report. I have to beat them off with a stick.”

“My money’s on you. You’re mean when riled.” A pause. “You aren’t tempted by the sexy bod, the tattoos, and that face?”

“Working for him for about thirty seconds cured any heart eyes.” Oh boy, she was lying to her bestie now.

“We should get together for a coffee soon.”

“With Easton’s schedule, that’ll probably be next September.”

“Easton, huh?”

Harlow shifted in her seat. “That’s his name.”

“So, have you narrowed down any horrible house wrecks to buy and flex your reno skills on yet?”

Harlow’s stomach plummeted and she struggled to keep her tone even. “Not yet.”

“Why did your voice go funny?”

Damn, she hated her best friend sometimes. “What? No, it didn’t.”

“Spill, Carlson.”

“I haven’t found the right place.”

“Hmm.” Christie sounded dubious. “How was your date last night?”

“A dud.”

“Ugh. I don’t miss the dating merry-go-round.”

“The tyrant actually saved me. He needed me back at the office. Then when I got home, a mugger grabbed me on the street.”

“What?” A screech. “Why didn’t you call me and Charlie?”

“I was fine. Easton scared him off.” She couldn’t tell Christie about her dad. Harlow nibbled her lip. She wouldn’t drag her friend into this mess. She’d deal with it.

“Easton, again. So, your sexy boss played hero?”

“He dropped me home.”

“You sure you’re okay?”

“I promise.” Harlow’s cell phone rang. “I have to go, babe. Coffee soon?”

“If your hunky boss lets you out. Oh, and Charlie and I are heading down to San Diego for a week, remember?”

“Lucky duck. Bye. Love you.” She snatched up her cell phone and saw her sister’s name.

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