Home > The Most Eligible Viscount in London(9)

The Most Eligible Viscount in London(9)
Author: Ella Quinn

“I’ll do that.”

The older lady turned and smiled. “Georgie, I shall give the matter some thought. I’m sure there is a solution.”

“Thank you, my lady.” Although, what the dowager could do Georgie had no idea. Lord Turley might be looking for her, but despite what her friend thought and what she wished, that did not mean he had suddenly fallen in love with her. And that put them in the exact same place as before.

“It is my pleasure.” The dowager patted Georgie’s cheek. “All things work out as they should in the end.”

That is what her grandmother always said. She prayed it was true. The lady left via the open terrace doors and skirted around the side of the house.

“Where is the dower house?” Georgie asked.

“It is in the opposite direction about a half a mile away.” Adeline grinned. “My grandmother-in-law resides there. Mama-in-law lives in a house Frits’s father bought for her in the event he predeceased his mother.”

“That showed excellent forethought.” As much as they liked each other, Georgie could not imagine her mother and grandmother living in the same house. Then again, her grandmother had solved the problem by purchasing a house with the duchess.

“I have come to understand how thoughtful Littleton men are.” A soft smile grew on Adeline’s face.

One by one Georgie’s friends were finding love and marriage. She had even received a letter from Augusta announcing her marriage to Lord Phineas. If only Georgie hadn’t fallen in love with a gentleman who did not return her feelings. She sighed. Then again, her sister Meg had been betrothed twice before finding true love with the Marquis of Hawksworth, and her brother Kit had been on the Town for so long that their father had finally made him promise to find a lady and wed before he’d fallen in love with Lady Mary Tolliver. Perhaps that was what Georgie would have to go through as well.

“She is right.” Adeline leaned over and placed her hand over Georgie’s. “It will all work out.”

“I know.” Now if only she could make herself believe it.

There was a knock at the door and the Littleton butler bowed. “My lady, Lady Turner and Mrs. Fitzwalter have come to see you. I put them in the blue parlor and told them I would ascertain if you were receiving.”

“Yes, I shall see them shortly,” Adeline said. “Have you already arranged tea and biscuits?”

“Yes, my lady.”

As the butler left, Adeline glanced at Georgie. “You do remember that Miss Tice married Mr. Fitzwalter and Miss Martindale wed Lord Turner, do you not?”

“I do, but why are they not in Town for the Season?” Just about everyone was, and Lord Turner was active in the Lords.

Adeline’s lips formed a thin line of disapproval. “As to that, I am not the only lady expecting a blessed event. Once old Lord Fitzwalter discovered her condition, he refused to fund a Season for her and her husband. He insists the air is better for her here.”

“Well, he is absolutely correct about that. But still, she cannot be very far along at all. Attending the Season would not have harmed her.” It seemed as if the old man was intent on causing problems, as he had with the weddings. Thankfully, Mr. Fitzwalter had thought of a way around his father’s demands.

“The real truth is that he is an old skinflint and thinks it’s a waste of money.”

“And, of course, Miss Martindale—I should say Lady Turner—would not go without her dearest friend.”

“Naturally.” Adeline tucked her needle in the cover. “Poor Turner has been bolting to Town every time there is a meeting he must attend.”

“Fortunately, it is not far.” Georgie set her cover down and rose. “Do they visit often?”

“Not too terribly often.” Adeline set aside her cover as well and stood. “When they have business in Littleton. They have a very nice market town near them, but we have an excellent milliner and finer fabrics. I must say that marriage has improved them both.”

That was saying a great deal. Last Season Miss Tice had attempted to compromise Frits into marrying her. Fortunately, Georgie and Adeline had overheard the scheme.

They entered the parlor and greeted the ladies. What Adeline had said was immediately apparent. Neither lady giggled or simpered as they had when they’d been single. In fact, both presented a mature and elegant countenance.

“Adeline.” Lady Turner held out her hands. “I am so pleased to find you at home.”

“Mary, good day to you.” Adeline turned to Georgie. “You remember Miss Featherton?”

Mary Turner smiled brightly. “Yes, of course. It is good to see you again.”

Georgie returned the smile and could truthfully say, “It is good to see you too.”

Amanda Fitzwalter greeted her and Adeline as well. “The Season must be very dull if you have come to our little area of the world in the middle of it.”

Now what was Georgie to say to that?

Fortunately, Mary responded, “We have heard that it is not as exciting as usual.”

“Yes, indeed.” Amanda exchanged a smile with Mary. “That is the reason we decided to have a house party.”

“It will be at my house,” Mary said. “And we hope you will both be able to attend some of our entertainments.”

“Lord Littleton as well,” Amanda added.

Adeline glanced at Georgie. A house party would provide a diversion. She inclined her head slightly.

“Yes,” Adeline said as she poured the tea. “We would love to attend some of the events. What do you have planned?”

“There will be a garden party with rowing on the lake,” Mary said. “As well as a ball at the end of the week. There will also be a dinner we would like you to attend, as well as some other events.”

“We are still putting it all together,” Amanda added. “We would dearly like to do something different.”

“It sounds like a great deal of fun.” Georgie took the cup of tea and three ginger biscuits. She had not eaten very much during the past few days, and suddenly she was famished. Perhaps it was time to forget Lord Turley. He might be looking for her, but that probably only meant he wanted to try to talk her around. And that she would not allow to happen. Not only that, but he had taken months to come up to scratch. Georgie would not permit him to break her heart again. She would have love or nothing. Now that she considered it, it would not surprise her to discover he simply thought he should marry, not that he actually wanted to wed her. She would have to harden her heart. Perhaps she would meet a gentleman at the house party who interested her more than Turley.

“An excellent idea,” Adeline said approvingly. “When do you plan to have it?”

“In a week’s time,” Amanda answered. “We shall send the invitations and a schedule in the event you would like to join us for our other activities.”

“We have invited other local families as well,” Mary added.

“I am looking forward to it. I’m sure it will be delightful.” Georgie had finished the last of her biscuits and set her cup down.

Amanda and Mary rose. “We should be off,” Mary said. “We shall see you again soon.”

Once the ladies left, Adeline rubbed her stomach. “I am famished.”

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