Home > Hot For Love (The Bradens & Montgomerys : Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls #7)(8)

Hot For Love (The Bradens & Montgomerys : Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls #7)(8)
Author: Melissa Foster

Shane splayed his hands. “What? All I said was that she and Nick looked cozy on the dance floor, which they did. Right, Jeb?”

Jeb looked apologetically at Trixie as he sat down and said, “You were slow dancing to the fast songs, so yeah. Sorry, Trix.”

“Sable said the same thing.” Brindle glanced at Trixie. “But I told her that if you and Nick were an item, I’d know before the rest of Oak Falls would. Right?”

“Of course,” Trixie said. Brindle and two of her sisters, Amber and Morgyn, were on Trixie’s most-trusted-friends list with Lindsay. Morgyn was married to Nick’s youngest brother, Graham. Nick’s sister, Jillian, was also on that list, although Trixie didn’t confide in Jillian about her feelings for Nick. She didn’t want to make things weird between them.

“Y’all were on the dance floor for a long time,” JJ said, reaching for a sandwich.

“Good for you and Nick, honey,” their mother said to Trixie. She set the bowl of watermelon on the table and joined them. “That young man is a true gentleman.”

Her brothers exchanged smirks.

“If you have something to say, boys, I suggest you come out with it.” Their mother’s knowing gaze drifted to each of them.

Her brothers schooled their expressions and shoveled food into their mouths.

“Well, I have something to say about Nick,” Trixie announced. “He offered to help me get my business started. He knows one of the best miniature horse breeders around, and he has other connections that would be really helpful for me. He’s even offered to help me train the horses. If we can work out schedules with our ranch hands, I’d like to go up this weekend, and stay for a few weeks.”

“Wow. That’s fantastic,” Brindle exclaimed.

“Yeah. I’m really excited,” Trixie said, though now she was nervous, as tension riddled her brothers’ faces.

“I didn’t realize you were ready to get started,” JJ said.

Shane leaned forward and said, “We’ve got miniature horse dealers around here, and Dad’s offered you space on the ranch. Why do you need to go to Nick’s?”

Jeb crossed his arms over his chest and said, “Those are good points.”

Her father watched the discussion unfold. Her parents had always let them work things out among themselves before stepping in. Trixie believed it was one of the reasons they all had such strong personalities.

“What’s Braden getting out of this deal?” Shane asked.

Anger clawed up Trixie’s chest. “He’s helping me because he respects my abilities, not because he’s expecting sexual favors.”

“Back off, Shane,” Trace said. “Let’s hear her out.”

“Yeah, it’s not like we don’t know and trust Nick,” JJ pointed out.

Their father nodded approvingly.

Annoyed that this was even a discussion about anything other than schedules, Trixie said, “Nick’s offering me space, connections, and his time, and I’m taking him up on it. Can you work out the schedule so I can get a few weeks off or not? I know our new guys want more hours.”

“You’re right, they have asked for more hours,” their father said. “But I would like to know why you have to run off to do this.”

A sliver of guilt trampled through her. “I’m not running off, Dad. My business will be located here, like we’ve been talking about. Meggie Tipster has been looking at foreclosures for me, and I heard rumors that the Kincaids might be subdividing their property. I’ve already spoken with Beckett about getting a loan.” They’d grown up with Meggie, who was now a real estate agent. “I’m not going to Maryland for good. But I can’t do what I want and feel good about it here.” She looked at her brothers. “I’ve been talking about doing this for months, and you guys still think my business idea is cute. I get that, but it undermines the value of something that’s important to me.”

“We’re only joking around about party ponies, Trix,” Jeb said.

“I know, but still. You guys have directed what I can and can’t do my whole life. I had to go to Nick’s to learn to stunt ride, and I’m a freaking awesome rider. I love you guys, and I know you’ll support me, but I can’t—no, I don’t want to try to get my arms around my business here, where I’m not taken seriously.”

“Whoa, sis,” Trace said. “You’re a key member of our business. Just because we kid around doesn’t mean we don’t take you seriously. We know how awesome you are.”

“That’s true. He raves about how you get things done all the time,” Brindle added.

“I’m sure he does. But—”

“That’s enough,” her father said sternly.

Her nerves flared. “But, Dad—”

Her father held up his hand, silencing her. “You’ve done enough explaining. We raised four good, loyal men, and we raised you to be a strong woman who speaks her mind. But we’ve clearly made a mistake somewhere along the way, because no daughter of ours should ever feel like she’s not taken seriously. We’ll cover your time while you’re away, and when you come back, things around here will be different.”



Chapter Three



THE REST OF Trixie’s week passed in a whirlwind of packing and outlining a more detailed business plan, getting together with her girlfriends, and accepting apologies from her brothers. She appreciated them, but she was certain she’d made the right decision. When she’d texted Nick to say she’d like to come up for a few weeks, he’d suggested they make it an even month so she could come to his next exhibition before going home. She hadn’t been to one of his shows since last year, and she was excited to see him perform again. A month would give them time to get her miniature horses fairly well trained for general handling. She couldn’t believe she was taking the leap and was finally on her way.

It was late Saturday afternoon, and she was almost done with the two-hour drive to Nick’s. She’d made the drive dozens of times, but this time felt different. She wasn’t just running livestock from one state to the next or going to hang out with Jillian. She was starting a new chapter in her life, and she was getting more excited by the mile.

And more nervous.

She was still overthinking the last time she’d seen Nick.

She tried to focus on her surroundings instead of the formidable distraction she’d felt behind his zipper. Pleasant Hill was bigger than Oak Falls and just as charming, even if more upscale. The center of town was lined by tall buildings and fancy shops, with brick-paved sidewalks, flowering dogwood trees, and wooden benches on every corner. Nick lived on the outskirts of town, on a rural oasis that felt much more like home.

Trixie’s phone rang with a call from Lindsay, and she answered through Bluetooth. “Hi, Linds.”

“Hey!” three voices shouted in unison, followed by giggles. “I’m with Amber and Brindle,” Lindsay said. “We wanted to wish you luck.”

“Thanks, you guys,” Trixie said. “What are you doing tonight?”

“We’re trying to convince Amber to close her bookstore early and go shopping with us,” Lindsay said.

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