Home > Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3)(5)

Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3)(5)
Author: Kaylee Ryan


Me: How has your day been?


I wait, my eyes glued to the screen to see if she’s going to reply. It took her hours for the first response, so when I see the little bubbles pop up telling me that she’s typing, I’m pleasantly surprised.


Aurora: Good. Yours?


Me: Great, actually. I met someone I’d like to get to know better.


I see the bubbles pop up and then disappear. This happens three more times before they disappear altogether. I know that the bakery is closed. They’re open from six in the morning until noon. I’ve already familiarized myself with their website. I wasn’t able to gain any personal knowledge. There is nothing listed about the staff. The only thing I learned was there are so many more items I want to try, and the hours of which I can stop in to do just that. I can only hope that Aurora is there the next time I stop in.



For the second day in a row, I find myself entering the doors of Warm Delights. The name fits this place perfectly as the smells of sugary sweetness warm my senses. I take my time making my way to the counter, seeing that Aurora and her sister, Aspen, are both standing behind the counter. I hold back, waiting for them to finish with the customers they are with, before stepping up to the counter.

“Morning, ladies.” I make brief eye contact with Aspen, but then my eyes lock on Aurora, and I can’t look away. Today, her brown hair is braided, and her gorgeous hazel eyes show her surprise, but the smile never leaves her face.

“Good morning, Grant,” she replies.

The way my name rolls off of her tongue, it causes me to have to shift my stance. “Aurora,” I reply huskily.

“What brings you back today?” Aspen asks.

“Two things actually. One, I’m addicted to sweets, and two, I was checking on our girl here.” I nod toward Aurora.

“W-What?” she stutters.

“You didn’t text me back yesterday. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” It’s not a complete lie. I had a feeling she was fine but avoiding me. I’m not going to let her do that. Not until I have a chance to explore why my heart races as soon as I lay eyes on her or why she’s consumed my thoughts over the last twenty-four hours.

“I-I’m fine. I was busy.” Her eyes glance over at her sister before darting back to me.

“You didn’t tell me he texted you,” Aspen says to her sister, who is suddenly very fascinated with wiping down the counter.

“How about I buy you a coffee?” I offer.

“You want to buy me coffee in my bakery?” she asks.

I can’t stop the smile from that little slice of information pie she just gave me. “Didn’t know you were the owner,” I confess.

“Go, have a cup of coffee. I’ve got this,” Aspen assures her.

The bell over the door chimes, and I know Aurora is going to use that as an excuse to turn me down. She opens her mouth. I’m sure to do just that, but I speak before she does. “You close at noon, how about lunch?” I offer before she can.

“I have a lot of work to do to prepare for tomorrow.”

“You have to eat.”

“Thank you for the offer, but I just have too much to do.”

“I can handle things here. As the man said, you have to eat.”

“Aspen,” Aurora hisses. She then looks around me. “Welcome to Warm Delights. How may I help you?” she asks, stepping to the side to greet her new customers.

“What’s her favorite?” I ask Aspen. My eyes are tracking Aurora’s every move. I can’t seem to stop looking at her.

“What’s her favorite or what does she eat?” Aspen asks.

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “She doesn’t allow herself to eat her favorites.”

“Why the hell not?” I ask, finally turning my gaze to Aspen.

“That’s a story she’s going to have to tell. Her weakness is pizza and pasta. But she usually eats a salad or a wrap for lunch.”

“Thanks.” I nod, my mind already going through the local options and my schedule. I didn’t even think about what I had going on today when I asked her to lunch. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I scan my calendar, and there is nothing keeping me from leaving the office. I fire off a text to both Layla and Sawyer, letting them know not to schedule me for anything for the rest of the day.

I stand back, waiting for Aurora to finish waiting on her customers, before walking to where she stands at the end of the counter. “I’ll see you around noon for lunch.”

“I told you I’ve got too much to do to leave,” she counters.

I give her my smile, the one that my brothers and I are known for. The same one that my momma says melts her heart. “That’s why I’m bringing lunch to you. See you in a few hours, sweetness.” With those parting words, I turn on my heel and exit the bakery. It’s not until I’m in the elevator headed to the top floor of the Riggins Enterprises building do I realize I left empty-handed. That’s fine. I got a lunch date, which is even sweeter.



Chapter 4





I watch him leave until I can no longer see him. I can feel Aspen’s eyes boring into me, but thankfully I’m saved by the bell. Literally. The next four hours pass by in a blur. The bakery is busier than ever, with a constant flow of customers—many who inquire about our catering services. I’m all too happy to give them a rundown.

Normally, I’d be willing the conversation to end so that I can get busy prepping for the next day, but not this time. Not only does it keep me from my sister's prying questions, but it keeps my mind busy. Focused. I need to think about anything but Grant. The sexy man who walked into my life just over twenty-four hours ago.

“Finally,” Aspen says dramatically as the final customer walks out the door. “I didn’t think I was ever going to get you alone. What was that this morning?” She stands with her hands on her hips. I can see the defiance in her hazel eyes, ones much like my own. We both have our mother’s eyes—something Dad always said was a blessing. I’m not getting out of this.

“That was word getting out about the bakery. Word of mouth is the best form of marketing.” It’s not a lie. Most of today’s customers were a result of someone telling them about us. However, I know that’s not what she’s asking. I’m deflecting, and we both know it.

“That’s great, and you know I’m thrilled for you, thrilled for us, but let’s get back to the matter at hand. Grant.” She gives me a pointed look.

“What about him?”

“He’s into you.”

“He doesn’t know me.”

“No, but he’s about to.” She nods over my shoulder, and I close my eyes. From the look on her face, I already know what I’m going to see when I turn around.

“Aurora.” His deep sexy voice greets my ears.

After pulling in a slow, deep breath, I exhale before turning around. Grant has his dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, his tie no longer present, and his sleeves are rolled up to his forearms, giving me a chance to rake my eyes over his tattoos. He’s all bad boy mixed with the air of a responsible professional. He’s lethal, and I can’t let myself fall.

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