Home > Sinners MC : A Motorcycle Club Anthology

Sinners MC : A Motorcycle Club Anthology
Author: Evan Grace


Chapter One




A bright light sliced through the dark, smoke-filled room from the opened side door. Most of the clientele turned to see who entered, only to turn back to their tables without a second glance. The newcomer meant nothing to them. Huffy couldn’t make out who was entering Bunny’s bar and lounge, but she looked almost angelic with the sun shining at her back. She stood there in the door frame with her halo surrounding her, surveying the room. Letting the door slam behind her, she walked confidently to the bar without looking at `anyone.

What kind of woman waltzed into a biker bar in the middle of the day like she owned the damn place? Certainly not alone, at that. He took a drink of his beer, studying the woman over the top of his mug. Huffy had to admit she was a hardbody. He wouldn’t turn down an evening with her as company. Maybe she was slumming. If she was looking to be a house mouse, he was number one in line.

She was slender. Her jeans were just tight enough. They looked pristine and expensive. Her leather jacket had no colors. Not a single patch adorned it. She leaned over the mahogany bar. Her long, silky blonde hair pooled on the polished wood. Cogs grinned and placed a beer in front of her before going around to the back office. Huffy walked slowly toward the woman. He rested his arm on the side of the bar and waited for her to look at him. She took a pull off her beer bottle as if he wasn’t standing three feet away.

“What’s your name?”

She didn’t bother to face him. “Bonnie.”

“With a body like that, Bonnie, you don’t need to try so hard. Name brands or not. Fancy or not, they all look the same in a pile on my floor.”

She eyed him from bottom to top. “Do lines like that actually work?” She scowled before turning away.

Huffy didn’t expect her to speak to him so directly, so confidently. A house mouse would usually do or say anything to please a guy in leather. Guys certainly didn’t need to work for it.

Cogs’ old lady, Cherry, spoke up from the end of the bar. “I’d watch yourself, Huff. She looks like she’d turn you inside out.”

Cherry was in her late forties. Time wasn’t great to her. The cigarettes, booze, and half her life on a bike with the wind in her face added a decade to her looks. She was a hell of a woman, though. She looked out for everyone. There wasn’t a guy there who didn’t at least listen to her advice. Not all were smart enough to take it, though. Like himself.

“Cherry, I just want to know if her pussy tastes as sweet as she looks.” He grinned and winked in Cherry’s direction. The stranger turned to face him head on. She walked toward him, stopping an inch from his body. His cock jumped as her breast rubbed his arm as she leaned into his ear.

“It’s sweeter.”

Huffy grabbed onto her ass. It was firm, and he wanted to bend her over the bar to get a better look. All thoughts halted when a familiar voice boomed through the room.


No one had ever put the fear of God into him with nothing other than his name except his father and Lunchbox. When the president spoke, you listened. Huffy froze in place. A smile slowly spread across her lips. “Guess you’ll never know now.”

Huffy looked to Cherry, who still wore the same smile on her face. He wouldn’t get too much shit from Lunchbox. She may be his new mouse, but she was still just a mouse. Eventually she’d belong to the club. It sure as fuck explained her entry. Not a fear nor fuck given as she stood there alone. He turned to watch her ass sway as she approached Lunchbox.

“Hi, Dad.” She smiled.

Dad? He turned to Cogs. “What the fuck, dude? A heads up would’ve been nice.”

“Nice? Yeah. Fun? Hell no.” He laughed.

Son of a bitch. When LB talked about his little bunny, he always assumed she was a kid. Not this grown woman before him. He never even thought to get background information on her. In three years, he’d never seen her before. He just assumed she was long gone from her father and his way of life. She was hot as hell too. He was in hot water.





Her father grabbed her in a big bear hug. “There’s my Bunny. You’re early. I thought you wouldn’t be by for a few hours.” Lloyd “Lunchbox” Malone towered over her. He was well over six feet with broad shoulders and hands as big as a catcher’s mitt. He was an intimidating man.

“Mom was doing that thing again, so I decided to come by early. Is that all right?”

He snickered. “Of course. She should know by now; you’ve never been one to follow rules.”

She shrugged. It’s not that she didn’t follow rules growing up. She just didn’t take anyone making her decisions for her, including her parents. Not that her dad said much after he moved out. She didn’t see much of him in her teen years. Her mother was left on her own raising a bullheaded teenage daughter. Bonnie knew it wasn’t an easy task for her mother.

“Cogs, get me a shot of whiskey and something off the tap.”

He sat on a stool at the end of the bar, patting the leather seat next to him. Bonnie took it. Cogs handed her a fresh beer of her own.

“What? No shot with your pops?” He grinned. “I get it. It’s okay to be afraid, Bunny.” Last time she went shot for shot with her father, she ended up puking her guts out in his bathroom. He was baiting her. She knew it. He knew she would never back down if she thought it was a challenge.

“I’m not afraid. I drove. I’m a responsible adult, Dad.” She paused. He continued to grin. Ugh, why did she let him do this? “Can I crash in a spare room?” He nodded; a huge fucking smile spread across his face. “Sure, why not? Line one up for me, Cogs.”

She tapped the side of his glass with hers, and they knocked the whiskey back. She closed her eyes, relishing every moment of the familiar burn. One she could feel to her toes. She opened her eyes slowly. The man from the bar was staring at her. Their eyes locked briefly.

He was sexy as hell and he knew it. Bonnie had been around men like him her whole life. You learn early. If you act like prey, you become prey. Not that anyone in here would lay a harmful hand on her. Her father would have them in a hole by sundown. She watched him talking to Cherry. His dark hair was cut short on the sides and back. It was long and wild on the top. The stubble on his face gave him an edgy, I can’t be bothered look.

Her father’s voice pulled her away from the handsome stranger. “So, what did you need to talk about that you couldn’t say over the phone?”

“There was some chatter last night. I was working midnights last week. A member of River City Renegades came in with multiple stab wounds. I was dressing the wound when his partner got a call. He told him it was a tip the Fallen Angels were behind the attack.”

“Fuck,” he spat.

“Is it true?”

“Hell no. We may not always be on the right side of the law, but I don’t ever hit first.”

“Dad, listen, I’ve seen what these guys can do. They don’t fuck around. You need to find out who’s setting you up.”

“I appreciate the intel, but don’t worry about me. It’s my job to worry about you.”

“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

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