Home > Shawland Security : Book 2(9)

Shawland Security : Book 2(9)
Author: KM Lowe

“I spoke with Michael. He’s some bigshot Sargant Major now. More like a fucking goon!”

Aria sets to cleaning my hand, wrapping it in gauze and a bandage. She has gentle hands. Not once has she hurt me, not that I’d mind. It’s all I deserve.

“What do you two plan on achieving here? What did you expect to get from calling the army?” Caleb asks.

“I expected to call in a few favors. Ya know, since I worked my ass off for them. I put my life on the line every goddamn day! But that counts for nothing.” I shake my head and let the anger course through my veins.

“And achieve what?” Caleb asks again.

“What?” I snap my head up to my brother, as does Carrick.

“I’m being serious. What’s the end game?” Caleb folds his arms over his chest and Aria places a hand on each of my knees.

“You just want her home, right?” She swallows deeply and I can see the tears in her eyes. “Dead or alive. You need to know.”

I nod. I do want her home. I either want to feel her beating heart under my hands, or I want a resting place to visit her. I can’t do either under the circumstances. Shay’s family church held a service for her, but it doesn’t seem real since there’s no body to mourn.

“Can you remember when Caleb wanted to fight Chicago Police Department on my behalf?”

I snigger, because as much as I thought my brother was being ridiculous, I admired him for sticking by his woman. He would have fought any amount of battles to bring her justice.

“Well, I say you do the same for Shay. Does the Mayor of Chicago know what life is like for our heroes? Does he know what happens when one of their top trauma medics goes M.I.A? I say you bring it to the public’s attention. The Mayor, the president, anyone who will listen.”

“What? Like a campaign?”

“Like whatever it takes. You want the public to know what you guys go through out there. What families go through back here when their loved ones disappear.” Aria points over at Carrick. “I bet no one from the army has been near your parents to offer help or support in this time. I bet your parents have been left, just waiting for that knock on the door. Am I right?” Aria stands and addresses Carrick.

“They’ve had no help or support. They’ve had to make all the phone calls, trying to find out what happens next. And, like Clay, they had no joy. Brick walls all the way.”

“Right. Well, now you’re both coming over to our house for dinner. We’ll order Chinese takeout and just have a night to reflect. Tomorrow, you use all the resources you’ve got here on your own doorstep. Get the media involved, contact the mayor and any other governing body you can think of. He who shouts the loudest is heard, right?” Aria shrugs. “Well, you scream the loudest. This is a fight you need to face head on. And let’s face it, Shawland Security has made a name for itself over the years. You don’t give in. It’s one of your best qualities.”

I stand up and wrap my arms around Aria’s waist. She rests her tiny hands on my chest and I just stand taking in everything she said. It amazes me how strong and courageous she is after everything she’s been through. She’s been my sounding board on many occasions while she fought her own demons. She listened to me reminisce about Shay. That’s how she knows so much about Shay already.

“I fucking love this woman, bro.”

“Yeah, you and me both.” Caleb smiles warmly and walks over to pick up Sharlynn’s baby chair. “Come by the house for dinner when you’re ready. I’ll get Chris to come over.”

I lean down and place a kiss on Aria’s forehead. She links Caleb’s arm and pats Carrick’s shoulder on the way out.

I was at breaking point less than a half hour ago, but because of that woman, we might just have a plan of action.

Not a pretty plan of action, but a plan all the same.



Chapter 6

5 months earlier


I honestly wish I still felt like a space cadet from all the pain drugs Keir pumped into me. I’m getting my strength back every day I’m here, but I still feel like a shell of myself. My legs are still weak, but I’m more determined than ever to get back on my feet. I need to get out of this room. The white walls are driving me insane. I’m imagining butterflies and monkeys fluttering about imaginary trees; anything to keep my mind from dying while sitting here. Anything to stop me from wondering what goes on outside of this medical wing. Keir seems genuine, but I just don’t understand any of it. How can this place go unnoticed? There are so many unanswered questions running around my head that I doubt I’ll ever get any legitimate answers to, or answers that I’m going to like.

“Afternoon.” Kier walks into my room and puts a tray of food down in front of me.

The food is just slops. There is nothing appetizing about the look or smell. It looks like someone has thrown up on the plate. I force it down my throat, feeling every lump until it reaches my stomach. Eating is the only way I’m going to get stronger.

“How’s it going?”

“How do you think? Have you seen Josh yet?”

I’ve been stuck in here for weeks and I haven’t seen Josh once. I don’t know where he is, or even if he’s still alive. I don’t believe he’s okay. I won’t believe it until I see him. I don’t want to be separated from the only person I know and trust. He got me out of that goddamn blast. He put his life on the line for me. I owe it to him to get him out of here.

“I haven’t seen him, but that’s a good thing, because he doesn’t need medical attention. I only see people with medical issues. I don’t have a free pass to walk around camp either. I only get out when I’m with trusted soldiers.”

“He could be dead already.”

I shake my head and push away the roll-away table my lunch is on. I’ve suddenly lost all appetite, not that I’ve had one since being held prisoner. I’m sure I’ll rattle with all the medication I’ve been given. There is something very off-putting when you take so many pills before a meal.

“You need to eat, Shay.”

“And you need to start being honest with me!”

“I have been honest with you. I’ve answered all your questions as honestly as I possibly can. I can’t tell you what I don’t know.” He pulls over the stool and sits down. “I’m as much in the dark as you are. I’ve fit in here because I don’t make trouble. I don’t answer back. I do the job they ask of me. What else can I do?”

“Who runs this place?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen the American that founded it, but the Iraq government has a big hold over this place. It’s all the little minions that keep it ticking over. I don’t want to see the top dogs Shay; the cretins that run everything day to day cause enough death and destruction as it is.”

I shudder at that thought. “Why would Americans be involved in this?

“Why would anyone be involved in this?”

“How do you know it was an American who founded this place?”

“I know a good amount of the language here, but no one other than you knows that. When the soldiers talk in their own language, they think I don’t understand. I’ve found out more than I’d like to admit.”

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