Home > Guarded by Grayson(9)

Guarded by Grayson(9)
Author: A.J. Andersen

I’m looking out the window trying to get control of my raging hard-on when the squeak of the bathroom door alerts me to her presence. I take a deep breath, preparing myself mentally for the fact that I’m tucking her into her little bed and leaving, despite how urgently I want to strip her bare and have her spread out beneath me. Do the right thing, Gray. The voice of my conscience sounds just like my mom and it helps me grasp the unraveling threads of my self-control.

“Ready?” I rasp, turning to face her. My eyes devour her trim, tan legs under lace-edged, white cotton shorts and a tight pink t-shirt with a rainbow-haired unicorn stretched tight across full tits highlighting the pebbled tips. Her answering nod is shy and adorable as she plucks self-consciously at the hem of her shirt. She’s too fucking cute standing there, one bare foot on top of the other, watching me. My heart grows painfully large in my chest, the wall of ice I spent years erecting around it crashing to rubble when her wary eyes meet mine and she smiles.


“Then in you go, doll.” I step to the side of the bed and lift the covers, making a space for her to crawl into. She follows my instruction wordlessly, slipping between the blue-flowered sheets and resting her head on her flat pillow. I already can’t wait to move her into my place. To find us a house. A real home. I know it’s too fast, but for once in my life, I’m ready to throw caution to the wind and jump headlong into something. Someone.

No, not someone… Nikki. Only Nikki.

I need to get out of here. Before I throw my inhibitions out the window and join her in her bed that’s small enough that there’s no way we could both fit in it comfortably. Not that comfort would necessarily matter if I had her in bed with me. Under me. She’s unleashed something in me that I don’t fully comprehend, but I don’t need to understand what’s happening to know that it’s right like nothing ever has been before. And because it’s right I’m going to do what’s right. Starting with tucking the covers around her small body and letting her sleep before she has to work again.

“Good night, sweetheart.” I kiss her cheek and the tip of her nose, making her giggle again. Damn, I love that sound. I want to hear it daily, starting right now.

“Good night, Gray.” Her voice is already thick with sleep, reinforcing that leaving her to rest is the best thing for tonight. Straightening, I back to the door, my eyes never leaving her face. She doesn’t move an inch when I open it and flip the switch shutting off the light. Turning the flimsy lock, I step into the hall and pull the insufficient door closed. I don’t like leaving her unattended without better security. Maybe I’ll just sit out here in the hall until she wakes up in the morning.

Leaning against the wall I take my phone out of my pocket for the first time in hours. Texts. Half a dozen of them. All from Xavier. Guess I’m heading back to Luminoso after all.



Chapter Six






A silly smile breaks across my face at just the thought of his name. It’s been a long time since I woke up… happy. Yep, that’s what this feeling of lightness is. Happiness. Bright sunlight is already streaming through my windows, lighting up my small studio apartment. I don’t usually sleep so long, but by the time Grayson (sigh) walked me to my door, it was late. Even later by the time he kissed the hell out of me and I ground my needy body against his until I shocked myself by having an orgasm, even through the barrier of all our clothes. I’d be embarrassed, but he didn’t seem to mind that I didn’t reciprocate. I still can hardly believe the sweet way he tucked me into bed with goodnight kisses. I can’t remember ever feeling so safe and cared for as I did in that moment.

Even now, in the warm morning light, that feeling of security lingers. I can’t wait to see him again! About halfway through dessert, we decided to meet at the same café after my shift tonight. He really meant it when he said Tassels isn’t somewhere he usually spends time. The café is basically halfway between my apartment building and the club. I’m working the early shift today, so I’ll be out of there before it gets late enough to be crazy like last night. Who knows, maybe if I invite him in today he’ll stay longer… maybe even all night.

Padding across my room to the corner that functions as my kitchen I put water on the two-burner hot plate to make my usual breakfast of oatmeal and dried fruit. Not my first choice, but it’s filling and inexpensive. That is right up my alley. Mama taught me how to live on a small budget; I can thank her for that if nothing else.

Rushing through my breakfast, I hurry to get ready, throwing on the same jeans I wore last night with a fresh t-shirt and lightweight hoodie before shoving my feet into my boots and running downstairs and out onto the sidewalk. I don’t like the job, but there’s no way I’m going to be late on my second day even though my gut is telling me nothing good can come from me working there. One of these days I will pay attention to those feelings, but today my need to pay rent overrides my trepidation.



For the most part, my shift has been slow, and with how distracted I’ve been that suits me fine. I have a small handful of tip money tucked in my pocket, mostly from helping Sebastian, who told me to call him Bas. Star felt like me working behind the bar was going well so I don’t have to work the floor unless it’s busy. That suits me because I’m way more comfortable doing that than I am waiting tables. Working at Tassels might actually be tolerable if I can keep working with Bas. Maybe I’ll even be able to wear something other than the skimpy uniform. The other bartenders get to wear jeans and a black t-shirt with the club’s logo on the left side. I’m going to talk to Starla about it Sunday when we meet for brunch. It’s her week to pay, so I know that we’ll be catching an Uber to the Strip for whatever casino has the best buffet planned.

Stripping in the small changing room, I slip out of my work clothes and back into my own faster than I did last night, my desire to spend time with Grayson burning in my belly. I wasn’t even this excited by the prospect of going out with Ronny when he first started pursuing me, and that had been the most exciting thing to happen in my life for years. If not ever. Pushing open the door I step out into the light. It’s easy to lose track of what time it at Tassels since it’s always dark inside.

Walking in the direction of the café and my apartment, a nondescript white van catches my attention. Vans have always made me nervous, especially big ones without windows, like the one just up ahead. For a second, I consider crossing the street so I don’t have to walk right by it but shake my head at my own silliness. I live in a city now. There are going to be vans. It’s not reasonable to think that I can cross the street every single time I see one parked nearby.

Feeling the need to hide I pull my hood up to cover my brightly colored hair, clutching my purse tight. I keep my other hand free of my pocket and approach the vehicle, ready to run or fight if needed. My heart thuds heavily in my chest. I wish I knew why vans freak me out so bad, but I have absolutely no recollection of being around one before. It’s probably nothing more than something scary I saw on TV as a kid that stuck with me, but I still give the vehicle a wide berth, passing quickly and staying as close to the buildings as I can. Why is the damn sidewalk empty? I swear there are usually people around everywhere, but the one time that I’d be happy to see anyone, there isn’t a soul in sight.

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