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Ruined Promises (Promise #1)(3)
Author: Stefanie Jenkins

“I’m sure you are all wondering why I called you all in here at 4:00 p.m. on a Friday. I promise I haven’t lost my mind. Well, not any more than I previously had.” Everyone laughs. “I will keep this short and sweet. Effective as of”—he looks down at his watch—“two minutes ago, I no longer own Maritime Media.” I gasp for air, completely caught off guard.

“What?” The staff erupts into chatter, asking questions. Mr. Jennings waves his hands in the air to quiet everyone down. Is this why he came into my office earlier? I’m at a loss for words; I can’t believe this. My hand covers my mouth, unsure what even to say.

“Now, everyone, please don’t worry. Nothing is going to happen to your jobs. I have made sure that you’ll stay on board in your current roles. This sale has been in the works for a little bit; I just did not want to say anything until it was final. I have always held and encouraged an open-door policy here, so I apologize for keeping this a secret.”

His eyes connect with mine, and I see the apology in them. “When I started Maritime Media, twenty-two years ago, I started it in my basement. My wife thought I was crazy, and maybe I was, but then one publication turned into two and eventually three and would expand to the business we are today. I couldn’t have done that without each one of you, so please give yourself a round of applause.”

Everyone slowly claps when he begins to clap first. I look over at Lacey, and she shrugs when I mouth, “Is this for real?”

“Monday morning, your new owner, Mr. Harrington, will be here for the morning staff meeting, and I hope that you all give him the same respect you’ve shown me over the years. I spoke to him not long ago, and he is very excited about this opportunity. So, here is what I want each of you to do: pack your things up, and enjoy your Friday evening. I know that many of you usually work late.” His eyes meet mine again, and I avert my gaze. “But not tonight. I want everyone to go home and enjoy themselves. Now go on, everyone.”

He dismisses the meeting, and everyone slowly walks up to him to hug him and say goodbye. I stay back so that I’m the last to do so. I try to gather my thoughts, the closer I get to him.

“You knew that when you came into my office earlier.”

He nods. “It’s been in the works for a few months, but I didn’t want anyone to worry and treat me or their jobs differently.” He pulls me into his arms. “I meant every word I said in your office earlier.” He pulls back. “I mean it, Lexi. You are a fantastic leader and organized. I know, without a doubt, the world is not ready for the amazing potential that comes out of Lexi Baker.” I wrap my lips around my teeth to fight back the emotion, but a few tears slip out. “Now go on. Enjoy your evening. Do whatever it is you youngins do these days.” I laugh. Mr. Jennings isn’t that old.

“Yes, sir.” I give him one last hug before grabbing my notepad. I turn from the doorway, “Thank you for everything, Mr. Je…” He tilts his head, knowing I’m about to call him Mr. Jennings. “Paul.”

“Have a good night, Miss Baker.”

With that, I head back to my office. I tidy up my desk and for once am leaving the office in record time. I sit back in my chair, processing this afternoon. Mr. Jennings sold the company, which means no more Mr. Jennings, which means no more having to see Dominic when he claims that he is here to see his father. After I first caught him cheating and things ended between us, he kept stopping by the office, trying to talk to me. No matter how many times I told him to leave me alone and there was nothing he could do to salvage our sorry excuse for a relationship, he didn’t get the hint. Once his father even had security escort him out of the building because he would not leave me alone. It was then I made the declaration that I would never get involved with anyone not only in the office, but also associated with the office. Dominic may not have worked for Maritime Media, but being the owner’s son, he could pop by at any time or any event and have a legit reason for being there.

Now, this is definitely worth celebrating. I pull out my phone and open my best friends’ group chat.

Me: Get ready bitches! We are going out tonight.

Me: Now, before you start your bitching we have some celebrating to do.

Hadley: OMG! Is Lexi Baker admitting that she is leaving the office at a decent hour on a Friday?

Me: Yes, that is precisely what I’m saying. In fact, I am walking out of the office RIGHT NOW!

Hadley: *gif of Chris Pratt shocked

Hadley: *gif of Will Smith fainting

Brynn: What are we celebrating?

Me: Well, Mr. Jennings just announced that he sold the company.

Hadley: And that’s cause to celebrate why??? OMG! Do you still have a job?

Me: Yes, I still have a job, and we are celebrating because that means I am officially through with Dominic “Can’t keep it in his pants” Jennings. No daddy here means no random drop bys and using him as an excuse.

Hadley: *gif of little girl excited dance

Brynn: Hmm, and I thought his middle name was Paul LMFAO

Brynn: So what do you want to do? Cal and I were going to have a movie night. You guys can join us.

Me: As much as I love torturing your roomie with our chic flicks, I want us to go out. Cal can come with us, but I want to go dancing.

Me: *gif of Snoop Dog dancing.

Hadley: How about Eiffel Park? I know the bouncer there.

Brynn: AKA, she slept with the bouncer and just wants to make it known that she slept with the bouncer.

Hadley: Whatever, at least I get laid. *mic drop*

Me: Alright, you two, Eiffel Park is perfect.

Brynn: Cal and I will meet you guys at your place around 7.

Me: We can have a celebratory drink and then take an Uber to the club.

Hadley: Always a planner. *eye roll*

Me: Whatever. You love me. *Kisses* See you soon.



I arrive home and find Hadley already in the living room. After I had found Dominic and his secretary together, I’d gone to Hadley’s. She opened the door to me being a complete mess, eye makeup running down my face, and sans shoes. Hadley let me sleep in her guest room for a few nights, and when I argued with her that she needed her space and I would find a place of my own, she smacked me on the side of my head and insisted I stay. She told me that she had the extra room, and it would be just like old times living together.

The next day, with the help of our other friends, we moved my stuff out of Dominic’s and my apartment and into Hadley’s. The apartment building is closer to Maritime and just a block over from where our other best friend, Brynn, lives with her childhood best friend, Callum. He prefers to go by Cal; the only person who gets to call him Callum without getting an earful is Brynn. They have a strange relationship. They swear they are strictly platonic and have never messed around, but they have some of the hottest chemistry I’ve ever seen. We are just waiting for it to implode one day.

I met Hadley and Brynn at the start of our freshman year at WCU. We all shared a dorm suite. Brynn and Cal have been best friends since birth, so wherever she goes, so does he. He became an honorary tribe member of our group.

It was as if Brynn, Hadley, and I had known each other for years. People had a hard time believing that we had just met. During our sophomore year, Hadley and I had both begun seeing this guy. With it being new, neither of us gave away too many details, not wanting to jinx anything. That is until he showed up at our door, and we both realized we were dating the same guy. We gladly kicked him out when he tried to explain and spent the night laughing at how we didn’t figure it out sooner over a bottle of tequila.

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