Home > Rules of Engagement (The Everyday Heroes World)(8)

Rules of Engagement (The Everyday Heroes World)(8)
Author: Jessika Klide

Now, I know why I’m here. Jocko and his dog are the ones tracking the missing man. Sidney touches my arm, smiles, and starts helping me unbuckle my seatbelt. I glance back at him, but I can’t tell if he's looking at his dog or me until he gives a very masculine head nod.

My tummy flip flops. It was his cock I was holding, and holy shit, what a dick! An embarrassed grin slides across my face, while a sexy as fuck grin spreads across his.

Then he slides the helicopter door open as the engine winds down and jumps out. His whole demeanor has changed. He's no longer a cocky boy strutting his assets, showing off; although there are elements of him remaining, obviously; but the man jogging toward a group of men approaching the helicopter moves fluidly with grace and power, oozing competence and confidence.

Geez-ma-neez! He is fine! Straight legs, thick thighs, nice tight ass, culminating with thick broad shoulders.

Sidney taps me on the shoulder, and I pull my eyes off Jocko’s magnificence to look at her. Her eyes are twinkling, and I know she set me up. I smirk as she shouts, “GO. You're on the ground with Jocko.”

I nod, then crawl to the edge of the aircraft. As I swing my legs over and prepare to jump down, I scan the area. We've landed in a field behind a house. There are cop cars in the drive. As well as an ambulance, plus a score of other vehicles. A relatively large group of people are watching as a small group walks out to meet Jocko.

When he arrives, he takes his helmet off and runs his hand through his hair. The familiarity of that old habit sends a little jolt through me, and the past six years fade away.

Shaking hands, the men speak to each other, and several of them point toward the woods. Jocko raises his arm, then drops it. The K9 bolts, leaping out of the helicopter and runs full speed to him as the small group of men return to the larger group.

The blades start to rotate faster as the engine begins to wind back up.

Oh, crap! I jump down and run across the field. When the dog reaches Jocko, he sits, focused on every move his handler makes. The degree of trust and devotion is evident and impressive.

Jocko kneels next to him to remove his flight gear. Glancing back as he stores the items in his backpack, his pearl-white teeth shine against his tanned skin when he grins, seeing me running to him.




Jorja’s mop of dirty blonde hair blows around her face as the wind from the helicopter lifting off swirls around us. She's wearing straight leg, tie-dyed, yoga shorts, and a matching u-shape sports top. Her toned mid-drift is exposed, and as her shapely legs carry her to me, her tits bounce playfully from side to side. The hard-on she gave me in the helicopter has no reason to ease off. Her body's better than I remember. She's all woman. All grownup. Full, curvy figure. On a scale of one to ten, she's a ten times ten.

I stand as she arrives, towering over her, and enjoy the view of her beautiful ample breasts from this vantage point. She's out of breath, so they're surging up and down.

Ummm, I've literally whacked off to that vision hundreds of times.

A grin plasters itself on my face, and she tries not to smile, but it flirts with her features as her big amber eyes framed by perfectly arched brows, roll around looking for somewhere to land other than my grinning face, embarrassed she was clutching my cock.

I reach for her head, and she stiffens, then her eyes lock onto mine. The memory of the last time I held her sparks between us, and the urge to kiss her is overwhelming. I let my eyes tell her how much I want to, but this isn't the time nor the place.

“You aren’t going to need these now.” I gently ply her headset off, trying not to pull her hair. Her face softens as she submits, and I promise myself that I will see that look again as she moans with pleasure. I have six years of fantasies to fulfill with her, and I intend to complete every last one.

“We need to get going. The sun's setting, and daylight is fading.” I tell her as I shift my backpack off one shoulder to stuff her headset inside. “I recommend you ride the mule with the sheriff.”

Her eyes widen. “Mule?”

“It’s an ATV, all-terrain vehicle, a jazzed-up golf cart if you will.” I hoist the bag on my back with a bounce.

“Oh … but I ….”

Hooking Lucifer’s twenty-foot lead on to his collar, I smirk. “Don’t worry, City Mouse. You won’t miss a thing. You’ll be right behind me.”

“Okay.” She nods, and Lucifer leads the way to the search party.




DING! A text hits my phone. It’s from Sidney.

Don’t forget to take pictures.



Don’t worry. I’m on the ground now. Lol.



Jocko dips his broad shoulders, letting the backpack swing to the ground as the sheriff holds out a plaid shirt. “Mr. Romano wore this yesterday.”

He takes it as he nods at me. “Jorja’s with you.”

“Sure.” The sheriff reaches down to grab the backpack. “I can take this too.” He gives it a tug, but it barely budges. “What do you have in here? Bricks?”

Jocko laughs as he scoops it up, carries it to the mule, and sets in down in the back. “Gear.”

He looks at me. “You all set?”

I nod. “Good luck.”

“We don’t need luck. We need a good scent.”



Chapter Six




Seated in the mule, phone camera at the ready with the search team gathered around, I watch Jocko take charge. He gives them a quick overview of what the dog will do and instructs them to stay behind, out of the way, then he says, “No man left behind. Let’s go bring Mr. Romano home.”

A couple of “oorahs” follow as he leans down, holds the shirt with the man’s scent for the dog to sniff, then gives him the command to “track.”

The K9’s nose goes straight to the ground. He takes off across the field we landed in.

The sheriff gives the mule gas, and we follow behind. “I sure hope that dog isn’t taking us on a wild goose chase, and he can find the old man. We combed these woods this morning.”

We follow along silently for a few minutes. “Jocko’s a Navy SEAL.”

His mouth turns down at the corners with an ‘is that so’ expression. “That explains a lot.”

“I thought it might.”

“Chief Malone called around 3:30 and offered Jocko and his K9 to help us out. It'll be a miracle if they can find him.”

Watching Jocko and his K9 work impresses the hell out of me. Jocko gives him the full rein, running beside and behind him, but letting the dog work independently of commands. The dog stays focused, and its pace is brutal. The rest of the search team spans out on their ATV four-wheelers and keep a safe distance behind.

As we ride, the sheriff asks why I’m here. I explain my job, then my assignment to get a story on Jocko for an Everyday Heroes article.

After about twenty minutes, Jocko stops and waves us over. The sheriff pulls alongside him. “Did you lose the scent?”

Jocko is breathing hard and sweating, but he answers as he walks to the back. “No. We need to hydrate. We've been running for twenty minutes.”

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