Home > Rules of Engagement (The Everyday Heroes World)(5)

Rules of Engagement (The Everyday Heroes World)(5)
Author: Jessika Klide

Lucifer wanders around, sniffing everything. But when we walk out onto the back porch, he bounds out into the big yard. I take the handball out of my pocket and throw it for him. He takes off after it at top speed.

Maxine stops chatting about all the benefits of this ‘beauty’ and asks, “Do you regret not following a career in baseball?”

I’m surprised by her question. It’s so... unimportant. I look at her as if she is an alien. She laughs, uncomfortable, and slightly embarrassed.

“No,” I answer, honestly.

Lucifer returns with the ball, so I toss it up. He jumps, snatching it out of the air, then hands it back to me to throw or toss again.

As I rear back to launch the ball long, she asks, “Do you know who your next-door neighbor is?”

I grin as I release it, then turn to look her dead in the eye. “Yes, I do.”

She smiles as if I have given her a juicy tidbit of gossip, and I guess I have.



Chapter Three




Sitting at my desk at Modern Family Magazine, sipping my caffeine and fingering my cake, I remember the last time I saw Jocko Malone’s cocky ass. He was hovering possessively over me after planting a kiss on my lips that rocked my world. The memory still takes my breath away. He was staring into my eyes, daring me to deny the desire coursing through my veins for him, and when I couldn’t … he left me standing there … humiliated.

Everyone started talking about “the goodbye kiss” and how we were passionately making out in the lockers. Even Joseph Pruitt got on board and told everyone that Jocko had threatened to beat his ass if he so much as looked at ‘his girl’ again.

After that, I couldn’t even buy a date to the prom. No one would dare stand up to Jocko. No one wanted their ass beat over a girl like me. It didn't matter that he was off in the Navy. He would come home one day, and they feared that there would be hell to pay on that day.

Joseph Pruitt put it in perspective for me. “Jorja, you're pretty and all, but you aren’t worth the risk that I'll get my ass handed to me by Jocko.”

No matter how hard I tried to tell everyone Jocko and I weren't involved, that he was just bullying me one last time before he left, no one would believe me. Not even my best friend, Margie.

“Girl don’t pretend your toes weren't curling with that kiss! And don’t pretend you weren’t kissing him back! I saw you!”

The only person I ever convinced was my reflection in the mirror. She understood the depth of the humiliation he intentionally inflicted on me and the subsequent chaos his kiss caused in my life.

And now, Jerk-off Jocko’s back.

Gawd, I hope the rumors don’t start up again, and please lord, let him leave me the hell alone.

I take a bite of cake, and a splash of latte then swirl it around my mouth.

Just then, my boss, Sidney Malone, the Editor in Chief, glides through the door, and once again, I wish I had half the grace she has. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has her shit together. I hope one day I can be half the woman she is.

She smiles at me as she floats over. “Good morning, early bird.”

“Good morning, boss lady.”

“Have you heard the news?”

I answer with what I hope's a casual, emotionless tone. “I've heard that Jocko Malone's back in town if that's what you mean. Margie told me when I picked up my breakfast this morning.”

I study her face. I've worked at Modern Family for years, but I've only recently been promoted and now work directly under Sidney, Frank Thorton’s daughter, the owner of Thorton Publishing, and the owner of Modern Family Magazine. She's married to Grayson Malone, Jocko’s first cousin, and I've no idea if she's asking me because it’s big news in Sunnyville, or because she’s heard the rumor that Jocko and I had a fling in high school.

She smiles sweetly, “His return has certainly caused the town to start spinning again.”

“Seems that way.”

“Grayson and Luke were discussing heroes this morning over breakfast. Grayson explained to Luke how the real world doesn’t actually have superheroes to save it from evil. The real world relies on everyday dudes to do heroic things against men who do evil.” She smiles and looks me right in the eye. “I have decided that Everyday Heroes is going to be the theme for our entry into the contest.” She barrels ahead, not waiting for my reaction, and I wonder where she's going with this. “And I've decided you're going to write our entry.” She pauses, eyeing me even closer, then drops the bomb. “I want you to do a full spread on Sunnyville’s recently returned everyday hero, Jocko Malone.”

My face freezes as the voice in my head screams. Fuck my life! It figures!

“Why me?” I manage to ask.

She tilts her head, and a slight scowl hits her brow.

“Because you're my best writer, and you deserve the recognition winning this contest will bring you.” Then she turns on her heel and walks into her office before I have a chance to question her further.

When her door's closed, I hang my head in my hands. I should be stoked over this assignment! This is a massive vote of confidence from Sidney. She trusts me to write our entry for the First Annual Thorton Publishing House Contest. This is a very big deal! There are ten magazines under Thorton Publishing. The competition's going to be steep.

I drag my hands down my face, pulling my bottom lip and popping it. Then I get up and go to the Ladies Room. Splashing cold water on my face, I look into the mirror and see the truth staring back at me in my reflection, but I ignore it. Instead, I mull the dilemma I face right now.

I can’t write a winning entry without talking to him. And when I do, and he talks to me the way he used to, will it tick me off, or will it make want to get down and dirty with him? I look in the mirror again, and the undeniable truth stares back. That fucking kiss changed everything.

I sigh, and ask my reflection, “When I do the naughty with him, ’cause God knows, Margie's right, he was 6’4” of glorious gorgeousness. His kiss rocked my fucking world. How do I keep from being humiliated again when he dumps me because I’m nothing more than a grown-up groupie prostrating herself for his attention?”

She … me … has no answer to that question.

I sigh as the pit of my stomach knots. “I won’t, will I?”

The truth stares back. “No, I won’t. I'll be humiliated all over again.” I hang my head and indulge in a moment of pure self-pity.

The door opens, and Fran and Lilah come in. I shake my pity party off, square my shoulders, and walk toward them with my head held high. Totally faking the way I feel inside.

“Good morning.” I tell them as we pass.

“Congratulations.” They say at the same time.

I nod. “Thanks.”

“You're going to kill it!”

I nod again and put a smile on my face. “I hope so.”

When I sit back down at my desk, a group email has arrived.

Subject: Congratulations goes out to Jorja Jones.



Sidney Malone <[email protected]> 8:45 AM (5 minutes ago)

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