Home > Home Body(9)

Home Body(9)
Author: Rupi Kaur

   can you see them taking over my spirit

   shaking out of my limbs

   to do everything

   they couldn’t do

   when they were alive



   i dive into the well of my body

   and end up in another world

   everything i need

   already exists in me

   there’s no need

   to look anywhere else

- home



   oh but the pussy is brave

   lest we forget

   how much pain

   the pussy can take

   how much pleasure it delivers

   unto itself and others


   how it spit you out

   without a flinch

   now here you are

   using the word pussy

   like an insult

   when you’re not even

   strong enough to be one



   live loud and proud like you deserve

   and reject their bullshit definition

   of what a woman should look like



   women have been starved of space for so long

   when one of us finally

   makes it into the arena

   we get scared that another woman

   will take our spot

   but space doesn’t work like that

   look at all the men in the arena getting stronger

   as their numbers multiply

   more women in the arena means

   more room for all of us to rise

- stronger together



   i am not interested in a feminism

   that excludes trans women



   he says you’re opinionated

   as if it’s an insult

   to have ideas so big

   he chokes on the size of them

- never be quiet



   look for the women in the room

   who have less space than you


   hear them

   and act on what they’re saying

- amplify indigenous. trans. black. brown.  women of color voices.



   why escape yourself

   when you are so beautiful

   get closer to your shine



   on days i could not move

   it was women

   who came to water my feet

   until i was strong enough

   to stand

   it was women

   who nourished me

   back to life

- sisters



   make it a point

   to love yourself

   as fiercely as you do other people

- commitment



   it shouldn’t affect anyone

   what we do with our bodies

   least of all those who haven’t

   walked a day in our shoes



   give me laugh lines and wrinkles

   i want proof of the jokes we shared

   engrave the lines into my face like

   the roots of a tree that grow deeper

   with each passing year

   i want sunspots as souvenirs

   for the beaches we laid on

   i want to look like i was

   never afraid to let the world

   take me by the hand

   and show me what it’s made of

   i want to leave this place knowing

   i did something with my body

   other than trying to

   make it look perfect



   i can’t take my eyes off of me

   now that i see myself

   i can’t take my mind off of me

   can’t believe the tricks

   my hands have been up to

   the sermons i spoke into existence

   the mountains i crushed

   with my fingers

   and the mountains i built

   from all the shit

   people tried to

   stone me to death with

- warrior



   i often daydream about the woman i’ll be

   when i leave the rush of

   my insecure twenties

   and pick up self-assurance on the way

   i can’t wait to make

   my eighteen-year-old self jealous

   of the hell i raise

   roaring into my thirties and forties

   my soul becoming

   more potent with age

   at fifty i’ll sit with

   my wrinkles and silver hair

   laughing about the adventures

   we’ve had together

   talking about the countless more

   in the decades ahead

   what a privilege it is

   to grow into the

   finest version of myself

- aging



   be here

   in what needs to be done today

- that’s how you honor tomorrow



   if the devil hadn’t

   pushed you into a corner

   and forced you to break its neck

   how would you have known

   you were this strong



   there are miracles in me

   waiting their turn to happen

   i am never giving up on myself



   you do not belong to the future or the past

- you belong right here



   get loud

   say what you need to say

   it feels good to reclaim your life



   the way we rise

   from every sorrow in life

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