Home > The Princess & The Player (Royally Pitched #1)

The Princess & The Player (Royally Pitched #1)
Author: J. Santiago




29 March


Welston House

“Your Highness? Are you ready for Prince James?”

“Of course, Millie,” Eleanor answered, suppressing a sigh as she struggled under the weight of formality.

Millie curtsied with a slight bow of her head.

Ele pretended not to see her private secretary and closest friend defer to her in the confines of her office. It was feign ignorance or acknowledge her annoyance. She could almost hear her mother remind her of protocol and appearances. Here, in the palace, it was normally easy to don the trappings of her station. But for her beloved twin brother to need an appointment to speak to her seemed foolish.

Millie opened the door and curtsied again as Jamie entered.

“Millie, really?” he said as he touched Millie’s shoulder in greeting.

Jamie’s ability to ease those around him was his special gift. One Ele did not possess. Millie looked at Jamie, and from across the space of her office, Ele could see the adoration deeply embedded in her friend’s gaze. She understood it. It was so easy to adore Jamie. Even now, as he made his way to her, Ele fought the instinct to hurl herself into his arms. His two-week tour of Southern Africa had been thirteen days too long.

When he reached her, she raised her cheek for their customary greeting. Jamie smirked before he pulled her into an impromptu and improper embrace. Royals did not hug in front of staff. Aware of their audience and perhaps Ele’s discomfort, he quickly released her. Ele ran her hands down her skirt, smoothing invisible wrinkles before she turned abruptly and sat in her desk chair. Jamie unbuttoned his suit jacket before folding elegantly into the seat across from her.

Ele looked to Millie and nodded, expecting her to clear the room. Instead, Charlotte, Jamie’s assistant, entered, followed by Robert, the head of Ele’s security, and Will, the head of Jamie’s. Ele looked questioningly at Robert. His impassive expression heightened her latent anxiety. Her heart began a throbbing rhythm, which seemed to pulse through her fingertips. Had the room been filled with strangers, Ele’s routine of fighting the anxiety attack would have gone unnoticed. The folding of her hands to quell the shaking, the deeply drawn inhale and then exhale to fight off the possibility of hyperventilation, the biting down on her lower lip to contain the need to scream.


Ele’s eyes snapped to Jamie’s. Between them, their uncanny silent dialogue commenced.

You are okay.

You shouldn’t have ambushed me like this.

I promise, this is minor.

Are you sure?

I promise you.

The wave of panic receded with Jamie’s silent assurances.

Then, he began as if nothing were amiss, “As a patron of the National Football Federation, I make a number of appearances, especially every fourth year for the World Championship Cup.”

Ele nodded. Each of the siblings championed a number of causes, but there were things more important than others. Ele was interested in bringing clean water to third-world nations. And while Jamie had similar good causes he was devoted to, he loved football. This year was particularly exciting for him because their rather small nation had a chance of advancing far in the World Championship—according to Jamie.

“The national pool was announced last week, and the first official practice is scheduled in three days’ time.”

Ele suddenly knew where this was going.

“The queen informed me that I am to proceed directly to Spain tomorrow even though—”

“You just got back,” Ele finished for him.


“James,” Ele began, “I don’t think—”

Jamie put his hand up, saying, “Just hear me out.”

Ele breathed deep and offered a slight nod.

“Juliana was scheduled to go with me, as both an introduction and an education. She is to take on the Equestrian Society, and the queen insisted she needs”—he paused, probably trying to come up with a word that would not be embarrassing for Juliana—“mentoring.” He winked, and Ele fought a smile. “You wouldn’t be alone.”

Traveling with their younger sister, Juliana, wasn’t much of a comfort. She was the darling of the press corps and the paps alike. The shadow cast by Juliana’s effervescence was both a place to hide in obscurity and disappear in plain sight.

Jamie knew this and hurried on. “It’s a quick meet and greet with the full team. Then, Ramsey and a couple of his players will give you a tour of the training grounds. There’s no speaking required, no questions from the press on the agenda.”

Ele raised a brow, clearly calling bullshit without saying a word.

“Of course, the corps will travel with you, but that’s not anything different than any other public appearance. But just think of it; you’ll get to meet Nico Ramsey.”

Even Eleanor, who gave football as much thought as she gave the mucking of the stables, was suitably impressed to be able to meet Sir Nicolas Ramsey. He’d been knighted when he led their national team to victory sixteen years ago.

“Have you not met him?”

Jamie crossed his left leg over his knee, relaxing now that he had piqued her interest. “Not since I was a tyke. Shame, that.”


“Eleanor, you know I wouldn’t miss this if I didn’t have to. And it’s not like I’m asking you to attend the annual meeting of the philatelic society. It’s our national football team.”


Jamie shook his head. “Stamp collectors.”

Ele grinned. “I’d probably enjoy that more.”

Someone in the room snickered but disguised it as a hacking cough.

“Now, you’re just being cruel.”

“When have I ever said no to you, James?”

The question went unanswered. Everyone present knew Jamie was Eleanor’s Achilles heel. Their bond had been cemented by birth, circumstance, and Jamie’s fight against Leukemia as an adolescent. She would refuse him nothing. This meeting today, this request—the answer was a foregone conclusion. Ele appreciated the ask, but even if James were merely her twin, it wasn’t as if she could refuse the crown prince.

Ele shifted her attention from her brother to Robert. “I assume you have worked out a plan?”

“Yes, Your Highness. You’ll have to leave early. The session is scheduled for ten o’clock. But you should be able to be back here the same night. Millie rearranged your appearances, so everything is handled.”

Jamie had known these details, the small technicalities, would alleviate the stress of the schedule change.

“How much time will we be at the training grounds?”

Ele and Robert exchanged a quick glance.

He cleared his throat. “It’s covered, Your Highness.”

“Can we have the room?” Jamie asked.

Charlotte and Will moved first. Although Jamie had requested time with his sister, Millie and Robert deferred to Ele. She nodded her agreement, and they followed Jamie’s people from the room.

When the door shut behind the entourage, Jamie stood, making his way to the mullioned windows. Rain beat down, obscuring the view and providing a lazy melody in the background. From her chair, Ele could see the worry on her brother’s face but knew there was little she could do to assuage it. The weight of the kingdom was a heavy load to haul.

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