Home > Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir #2)(9)

Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir #2)(9)
Author: Jen L. Grey

"Is there anything you can do?" Mason's voice sounded rough.

I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his waist. He leaned back into my arms.

"Yes. No other healer can except me. The fae can heal almost all ailments except for a broken heart." He reached down to take out a clear crystal and wrapped it in his hand. "This quartz crystal helps to strengthen my power." After a few seconds, he closed his eyes, and the air began to stir inside the house.

A white glow poured out of his hands, and he placed them right on the skin above Dehlia’s heart. The glow poured into her body, and the wind began to circle the room.

"What the ..." Ella started, but Louis reached out and covered her mouth with his hands.

"Movf yur hnd," she tried speaking through his hands.

He stared directly into her eyes as he removed his hands slowly and placed a finger to her lips.

It wasn't long before the wind died down, and that's when I noticed the glowing of Teague’s hands begin to fade. When I looked at Dehlia, I had a hard time believing what my eyes were seeing.

Her face was a healthy olive color, even more so than I'd ever seen. Her hair was once again thick and gorgeous.

"Oh my God." James rushed to her bedside and took her hand. "Dehlia?"

Her eyelids fluttered at the sound of her name, and when she opened them, the jade in them was vibrant. "James?" Her forehead lined with confusion, and she glanced at the fae before she scooted over to James's side. "How did I do that? I haven't moved in..."

Ella shoved Louis off of her and jumped in front of her dad. "Mom, thank God." Tears ran down her cheeks. "I thought we were about to lose you."

"Did you find me a healer?" Dehlia's eyes flickered back to Teague. "He smells fae."

"No, we didn't find you a healer. Elena did." James took a deep breath and turned toward me. "Thank you for doing this."

"I know what it's like to lose loved ones." That was an understatement. "I wasn't willing to let another family be lost if I had the power to fix it."Go hug your mother.

Mason chuckled as I let go of him, and he scooped his mother into his arms. "I guess that means you'll be cooking my favorite dinner tonight."

"I wouldn't miss out on that chance for the world." She grinned and hugged him back just as tightly.

"It would be best if you keep this crystal. It’ll help keep your heart strong so your wolf won’t attack it again.” Teague picked up his bag and pulled out a thick cord. He touched the top of the crystal, and a small hole appeared. "Wear it like a necklace."

"Thank you." She let go of her son and stared at the man. "I never thought a fae would heal our kind."

"It's not normal, I agree, but wolves have done more for me than my own kind." He nodded his head as he held the crystal out for her to take.

"Thank you." She placed it over her head and let it drop around her neck before glancing at everyone in the room. "Is that the European Prince?"

"Don't start." Ella lifted her hand. "He's got a big enough head as it is."

"Ella…" Dehlia scolded her daughter.

"What?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"He's a prince, for God's sake." She shook her head.

"You better get used to it now that we have a queen in the family." James beamed at me and bowed his head. "She's been in the position for less than a couple of weeks, and she's already cured you. I’m honored to call you our Queen.”

“I … I didn’t heal her.” All of a sudden, something tugged inside of me, and I could feel a pack connection with James and his pack. I could feel their happiness and contentedness even though Ella’s link was filled with annoyance. I hadn’t been expecting an onslaught like this or for him to submit to me.

"That was not me. That was King Adelmo and Teague's doing." I wasn't about to take credit for something I'd only coordinated.

"You did more than that." Mason came back to my side and pulled me into his chest. "If you hadn't asked, then this wouldn't have happened." You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met.

Between the new connection and all of their kind words, I was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable. "I'm going to go outside and get a breath of fresh air."

Are you okay? Mason narrowed his eyes, taking in my expression.

Yeah, just need some air. I'd been a loner for most of my life, so receiving all of this attention didn't sit well with me. I'll be right back. I promise.

Okay, let me know if you need me. Mason could probably feel the struggle inside me. He kissed my forehead before letting me go.

I will. I headed out the door and took a deep breath once I was alone.

"You okay, kid?" Mona leaned against the house as she scanned the area for any issues.

"Just needed to get away." I hated to feel this way, but I needed space for a minute. "I'm going to take a quick run."

"Now ..." Mona tilted her head at me and glared.

"Please." I pointed to the woods right next to us. "I won't be long."

"If you tell Kassie, I'm going to kick your ass." Mona shook her head. "I know this is wrong, but you've been through so much. You have ten minutes, and if you’re not back by then, I'll come looking for you."

"Thank you." I raced to the tree line before Kassie or Mason could see. As soon as I was in the woods, I stripped down and shifted.

Within minutes, I was pushing my legs, getting some air and distance. The birds were tweeting all around, and the squirrels were running through the trees.

I loved everyone back there. That wasn’t the problem. It was still hard for me to not have any time alone. All of that attention was too much. I needed to break free if only for a moment.

I connected with my wolf and enjoyed just being one with nature. Suddenly, the back of my neck tingled. I spun around, and that's when I finally noticed that all the animal noises were gone. A sweet, sickening smell hit my nose. Holy shit, a vampire was near. Right when I turned in the direction of home, a tall vampire stepped directly into my path. His familiar cold blue eyes met my own. Holy shit, this was the same vampire who had been tracking me when I worked at the Flying Monkey. He'd obviously been stalking me for a while now, and I had no clue what he wanted.



Chapter Five



"Well, hello. Queen Elena." He arched his eyebrow as he took his time scanning me. "That auburn fur looks ravishing on you."

I hated that I couldn't talk to him. However, I wasn't about to shift back to my naked human form here.

"See ... we have a huge problem." He licked his lips as his eyes focused on my neck. "Your uncle had an agreement with us. A verbal contract if you will. He provided us with royal blood to drink and allowed us to run as we saw fit."

What? I had always been told that our blood killed vampires, and here he was, wanting my blood. How was my uncle able to do that? He wasn’t the rightful king. I growled at the vampire. If he thought I was his personal walking food supply, he was going to learn how wrong he was.

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