Home > Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir #2)(3)

Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir #2)(3)
Author: Jen L. Grey

“Let me make it clear, she’s mine.” Mason’s voice was deep with a hint of violence.

“You can force the bond with my son.” King Adelmo pointed at Louis. “Then, the problem will be solved.”

“That option is off the table.” There was no way I’d ever leave Mason. I’d walk away from the crown if I had too. “How about we head to the dining room and continue this conversation over food.” I hope they’re just hangry.

That better damn well be the problem. Mason’s eyes stayed locked with the King’s.

Somehow, I had to recover this night, or my first act as Queen would be an utter failure.



Chapter Two



The entire group made their way to the dining hall. It was off to the right side of the house with open windows all around, giving us an amazing view of New York City. The view was gorgeous, but I hated living in the city. Being here, I’d always felt suffocated. Mason didn't know that the whole reason I wanted King Adelmo here was for more than ensuring our alliance stayed intact but also about saving his mother. Ever since I became Queen, he hadn't mentioned he’d like me to help her, not even one time. I wondered if he felt like he couldn't ask now.

"I’d forgotten how impressive the view is here." King Adelmo strode straight to the window and looked out. "I do say I prefer your Hampton house over this one though."

Wolf shifters in general felt that way. Here in the city, it didn't have an earthy or natural feeling at all. It smelled of piss and pollution. "Me too. But this is where most of the business side of things take place for our country."

"Of course, I understand that." He huffed and chose to sit on the side of the table that would have his back to the majority of the view. His doting wife sat on one side of him while his son sat on the other.

Something must have changed to cause him to be so callous. I remembered him being far more polite with my father. "I wasn't insinuating that you didn't but rather trying to fill the air with small talk."

You failed to mention how much of a pompous douche this guy was. Mason grumbled through our link.

In my defense, I didn't remember him being this way. I took the seat on the other side of the table, directly across from the European king, and Mason sat next to me, facing his wife with Ella facing their son.

"I hope your travels to the United States weren't too uncomfortable." I was trying to remain regal and polite.

"We had our private plane, so it was perfectly nice." The king huffed as he snatched the napkin and fluffed it out several times as if he was putting on a show.

"Oh, dear, don't be so testy." Elizabeth smirked as her eyes settled on me. "She probably doesn't remember what it was like to travel as royalty."

"With how high your nose is stuck in the air, I guess the altitude change didn't bother you at all." Ella leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs.

"Excuse me." Elizabeth's mouth almost dropped to the floor.

It took everything inside of me not to burst out laughing. They kind of deserved it after how they were acting.

"Oh, did you not hear me?" Ella flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. "I said ..."

"We heard you just fine." The king grumbled, and his eyes landed on me. "Are you going to allow her to talk to us this way?"

For some odd reason, I figured this was a pivotal moment for my future. What kind of queen was I going to be? Maybe it was time to rock the boat. "Well, we are in America, and we have freedom of speech. I'm sure you're aware that we take our freedoms quite seriously here. So what's a girl to do?"

Louis snickered as his eyes scanned me.

"You're her queen." The king puffed his chest. "She is your subject and should act as such."

"She's my best friend and my family." Was this the type of shit I was going to have to put up with? Speaking of which, where are Kassie and Mona?

They are guarding the doors. Mason reached over and took my hand in his.

"I'd hoped this would be a good and pleasant conversation between us." I lifted my chin and straightened my shoulders. "But we might as well lay our cards on the table." The door to the left of the room opened, and a tray of food rolled into the dining room. I didn't want to say too much with prying ears. A girl who couldn't be much older than me, and a man who had to be in his thirties, picked up three trays each and carried the meals over to us. The girl laid ours in front of us, her hands quivering as she placed them down.

"Thank you." I wasn't quite sure why she was so afraid, but I wanted to put her at ease.

"Your welcome." She barely breathed the words. "Is ... everything okay?

"Yes." I looked at the rare steak that was on my plate and the roasted potatoes. "It smells wonderful."

After we were all served, the staff left the room, leaving the six of us alone once more.

Mason released my hand as he placed the napkin in his lap.

"You were saying?" Louis grinned as he stared at me.

Not wanting to seem too eager, I picked up my fork and knife to cut a piece of meat off before popping it into my mouth. I chewed for a few seconds and then swallowed. "My uncle is dead, and I'm the rightful heir to the throne. I remember you being polite to my father. So why isn't the same respect given to me?"

"Because you have been in hiding for the past twelve years and haven’t earned it." He took a large bite of steak and met my gaze. "What kind of leader does that?"

"Hey, now." Mason's hands clenched, and his eyes narrowed on the king.

I reached over and touched his arm. Please calm down. We have to make sure to be completely open and honest. I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves. "Well, after my uncle killed my parents and also attempted to kill me twice, you can't criticize me for my past decisions made as a child."

"Are you insinuating that your uncle killed your parents?" Elizabeth placed a hand on her chest.

"She's not insinuating anything," Mason growled. "After he found out she was alive he sent some of his guards to kill her. When that didn’t work, he tried to coerce his other guards to shoot her as an imposter when she confronted him. Had he not, he wouldn't be dead right now."

The sordid news somehow didn’t strike a chord with the King. "Actually, I can blame your decisions." His eyes flashed with what appeared to be anger or something very similar. "A good leader puts their needs on the back burner for their people. That’s something you American rulers need to learn."

"Well, when you watch your parents die right in front of you, then we can continue this conversation." I couldn't back down; otherwise, the alphas under me wouldn’t respect me either.

Louis glanced at his father. "She does have a point ..."

"Silence." The king's voice was laced with his alpha will and maybe something akin to either rage or fear in his eyes. "That is not an excuse. An alpha couldn't keep their wolf in check."

Well, I did struggle with that, in all fairness. I wasn't sure whether I should tell him the reason.

"I disagree." Mason's voice was strong, and he locked eyes with the king. "Maybe she's a stronger alpha since she could keep hers below the radar. From what you said, you wouldn't be able to hide yours."

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