Home > Chosen Wolf (The Marked Wolf #2)(3)

Chosen Wolf (The Marked Wolf #2)(3)
Author: Jen L. Grey

Samuel took a step toward him. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“See … he threatened me.” Finn’s body shook with rage. “I told you we couldn’t trust them.”

“He was protecting himself,” Samuel said as he shoved his friend in the chest, making Finn fall back a few steps. “You’re being an aggressive asshole.”

I turned my back, showing him I didn’t fear him in the least. Yes, it went against everything in my nature, but if I treated him like a threat, he would act worse. “Unlike you, I’m well aware that, to protect the coven, we need to finish the job and get out of here.” I picked up the dead guy’s legs and glanced over my shoulder at Finn. “Unless you’re the one who doesn’t care about keeping them safe.”

Finn’s eyes narrowed with hatred, but he couldn’t say anything to that.

“He’s right. The longer we’re here, the riskier it is.” Samuel motioned to the guy next to Finn. “Now, let’s get to work.”

Samuel siding with me didn’t make the situation better, but Finn had to realize I wasn’t his punching bag. Eventually, I’d strike back.



Chapter Two






After my shower, I still felt numb and floaty. The past twenty-four hours had changed everything for me. I didn’t even feel like the same person.

As I toweled off, I tried thinking about anything other than last night, but it was impossible. The mirror was fogged from my shower, so I reached over the sink to wipe the condensation away. The reflection staring back at me was almost unrecognizable. My olive skin seemed a tad lighter, which darkened my gray eyes. Even the cleft of my chin seemed more pronounced.

I ran a brush through my long blonde hair and turned my head to the right, moving my hair aside. I looked at the black birthmark of a star. It looked more like a tattoo than a birthmark now that I was really taking the time to examine it, but it had been there since I was a baby girl.

The door to the bedroom opened, and Aidan stepped inside. He turned his head toward the bathroom where I was standing. Blood and dirt marked his face, but he still looked handsome.

“I could get used to walking into a room and finding you naked.” He grinned, causing my insides to burn. “If we weren’t in a hurry, I’d coax you back into the shower.”

“That is tempting, so I’ll take a rain check,” I said as I made my way into the room and picked up a pale blue bra from the bed. Sex would be an amazing distraction. Last night flashed through my mind. It had been the first time for both of us, and it had been more amazing than I had ever thought possible. No matter how much I wished we could enjoy another round, it wasn’t possible. The wolves could arrive at any moment.

“I’ll be quick.” He headed into the bathroom, turned the water on, and stripped.

It was physically impossible for me not to watch the show. His body was muscular and something to marvel at. “Sounds good. I’ll begin packing.” We didn’t have much, so it would only take me a few minutes.

When he stepped into the shower, I focused on getting dressed.

By the time he got out of the shower, I was ready and had everything packed except for the clothes and towels we were leaving behind.

He quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a black shirt. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest. “Are you okay?” His eyes lightened to a near yellow.

“No.” I wouldn’t lie to him. Hell, even if I’d wanted to, he’d know. That was one of the pains about being a shifter. The sulfur smell was our tell. “But with you by my side, I’ll make it.” I had to.

“There is no place in the world I’d rather be.”

The fact it wasn’t a lie put some of my paranoia at ease. I only hoped that one day in the future, he still wouldn’t regret choosing me over his family. I hadn’t made him choose—it had been his brother—but still. Family was important. No one knew that better than an orphan.

“Hey,” he said as he touched my face, bringing me back to the present. “What’s wrong?”

“I hope you still feel the same way in ten years.” I hated being vulnerable, but losing him was my worst fear.

“I swear to you I will.” He leaned down and touched his lips to mine. After a second, he pulled back, his minty breath hitting my face. “I’m all in, in case you can’t tell by now.”

A slow grin spread across my face. “Good, because I’d hate to hunt you down.”

“Keep threatening and I may just cause more trouble.” He kissed me once more.

A loud howl broke whatever small spell we’d been under.

They were almost here.

Aidan grabbed the tote with our stuff and ran to the door. “We’ve got to go.”

Without missing a beat, I followed behind him, and we raced down the stairs to where Amethyst and Beatrice waited.

Amethyst was holding the door open as Beatrice rolled out a suitcase from her room.

“We need to figure out which cars are left over,” Beatrice said in a panic.

“We’ll take my car.” Aidan motioned her on. “I don’t want my dad to find my car here anyway. I’m sure the two packs are working together now.” He reached into his pocket and took out his cell phone. He threw it hard on the ground, smashing it. “And now Dad can’t track me if he gets desperate enough to try.”

“Okay then,” Beatrice agreed. “We need to check on the others.”

“We’re good.” Amethyst smiled as we ran out the door. “Beth, Coral, and Rowan are taking the Honda. Finn, Samuel, and Sage are taking their truck.”

As she spoke, we saw the rest of our group running from the houses to the cars like Amethyst had described. We all rushed to Aidan’s car, and he opened the trunk.

Another howl sounded no more than a mile away. They were taunting us, expecting us to cower in fear.

“What about the older man who was shoveling?” It didn’t feel right to leave anyone behind.

“They left a few minutes ago.” Beatrice hurried to the rear passenger door. “We’re the last ones.”

“You can sit up front.” It felt disrespectful for me to take the front seat.

“We don’t have time for this.” Aidan pointed to the tree line as a dark wolf appeared. “Get in now.”

Not bothering to worry any longer, the four of us got into the Jeep. As soon as the last door closed, Aidan squealed out of the driveway and headed straight toward the wolf.

The other two vehicles pulled out and filed in behind us.

The wolf ran toward the road, and as soon as he reached it, two others came into view.

“Shit,” Aidan grumbled as he gunned the car.

“What’s wrong?” I feared that the wolf wouldn’t move. Would he sacrifice himself for the cause?

“That’s Bradley.” His strained voice rang clear. “I smashed the damn phone too late. Bradley called Dad, and they fucking tracked me. That’s how they found us so damn fast.”

His brother intended to force him to stop the car and turn me, his fated mate, over. What kind of asshole would force his own flesh and blood to either run over family or hand over his mate?

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