Home > The Beauty of Being a Beast(6)

The Beauty of Being a Beast(6)
Author: Jennifer Estep

“Down here!” I yelled back.

Silence. Then Drury and the villagers all started talking at once.

“Lady Mottern is alive!”

“Fetch her a warm blanket! And some hot cider!”

“She saved us from the Razors!”

More shouts sounded, along with claps, cheers, and whistles. My smile widened. I started to move forward, to head into the woods and climb back up to the castle, but that icy wind howled over the riverbank, making my teeth chatter again.

I stopped, closed my eyes, and reached for my newfound magic—or perhaps it was the same power that had been inside me all along. Either way, it only took me a few seconds to transform back into my usual, comfortable, beastly self.

“There,” I whispered, my breath frosting in the chilly air again. “That feels better.”

And it truly did.

Still smiling, I left the riverbank behind to head back to my castle and my people. Oh, I would tell Drury that I had broken the curse, and I would shift back into my human form for all of the villagers to see—tomorrow. But for tonight, it was cold out, and I wanted to be warm, and I couldn’t think of a better way to do that than by putting on my fur coat.

And that was just part of the beauty of being a beast.



About the Author



Jennifer Estep is a New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling author who prowls the streets of her imagination in search of her next fantasy idea.



In addition to her Elemental Assassin series, Jennifer is also the author of the Crown of Shards, Gargoyle Queen, Section 47, and other fantasy series. She has written more than forty books, along with numerous novellas and stories.



In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys hanging out with friends and family, doing yoga, and reading fantasy and romance books. She also watches way too much TV and loves all things related to superheroes.



For more information on Jennifer and her books, visit her website at www.jenniferestep.com or follow her online on Facebook, Goodreads, BookBub, Amazon, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also sign up for her newsletter.



Happy reading, everyone!



Other Books

by Jennifer Estep



The Crown of Shards series

Kill the Queen

Protect the Prince

Crush the King



The Gargoyle Queen series

Capture the Crown



The Section 47 series

A Sense of Danger



The Elemental Assassin series

featuring Gin Blanco




Spider’s Bite

Web of Lies


Tangled Threads

Spider’s Revenge

By a Thread

Widow’s Web

Deadly Sting

Heart of Venom

The Spider

Poison Promise

Black Widow

Spider’s Trap

Bitter Bite



Venom in the Veins

Sharpest Sting

Last Strand




Haints and Hobwebs

Thread of Death

Parlor Tricks (from the Carniepunk anthology)

Kiss of Venom


Nice Guys Bite

Winter’s Web



The Black Blade series

Cold Burn of Magic

Dark Heart of Magic

Bright Blaze of Magic



The Bigtime series

Karma Girl

Hot Mama


A Karma Girl Christmas (holiday story)





The Mythos Academy spinoff series

featuring Rory Forseti

Spartan Heart

Spartan Promise

Spartan Destiny



The Mythos Academy series

featuring Gwen Frost




Touch of Frost

Kiss of Frost

Dark Frost

Crimson Frost

Midnight Frost

Killer Frost



E-novellas and short stories

First Frost

Halloween Frost

Spartan Frost




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