Home > The Fae King's Dream(3)

The Fae King's Dream(3)
Author: Jamie Schlosser

“Now for the bad news.” He clears his throat. “This evening, Whitley was in an automobile accident.”

“What?!” My heart misses three full beats.

“I’m afraid this is my fault. Your mother and I concocted a scheme to get Whitley to come to us. Last year, we opened a resort—a dark sky park up in the mountains where there’s a lot of good portal access. It just so happens your mate is interested in astronomy. We thought if we could lure her there, we could send her to you.” He holds up a hand before I can point out how wrong it would’ve been to make her come to Valora without her permission. “I know. Like I said, we were desperate. She was set to arrive tonight. Our plan would’ve worked if there hadn’t been… an interference.”

“Tell me she’s okay!” I want to shake him, but when I reach out, my hands go through his body like he’s made of air.

“Apparently, she decided to bring her parents with her. Her mother and father died instantly when their car went off the road. Whitley was airlifted to the nearest hospital where she’s currently fighting for her life.” He swallows hard. “I’m so sorry, my son. We’ve gathered as much information as we can. Your mother’s abilities are subdued here, but they’re not gone. You know how persuasive she can be.”

I nod.

I don’t doubt my mother had the doctor spilling confidential shit. She’s one of the best Callers I’ve ever known. Although, admittedly, I haven’t met many. Being able to summon someone, to convince them to do things they normally wouldn’t, to get them to tell secrets—it’s a rare power.

Father takes a deep breath. “Here’s what we know. In addition to internal bleeding and some broken bones, Whitley experienced severe head trauma. She’s in a coma, and they’re not sure if she has any brain activity left or what she’ll be like if she does wake up. If they deem it necessary… they could shut off the machines that are keeping her alive.”

That would be the worst-case scenario. Losing her before I even met her. Not only would I remain blind forever, I’d also be tortured by the absence of someone I never had in the first place.

“What can I do?” I rasp, searching my father’s serious face for a hint of hope.

“Visit her dreams. Find out what’s going on in that head of hers.”

For once, my power makes sense—this is fate. It has to be. No one can determine the state of Whitley’s brain like I can.

My vision goes dark as I bolt up in my bed. Heart racing, I sprint from my room, down the hall, and to the stairs.

As I tear through the castle at a speed I’ve never achieved before, I bump into servants, spill trays of food, and knock over vases. I don’t have time to apologize.

Father talked about her accident like it happened hours ago. In Valora time, Whitley’s been injured for months.

I’ve been going about my life, oblivious, while she’s been fighting for hers.

When I make it out the kitchen door at the back of the castle, the night air is frigid on my skin and the grass is dewy under my bare feet. My wings unfurl, ruining my nightshirt. I rip it off as I take flight.

My blindness doesn’t slow me down. I’ve memorized my kingdom. Every rock, each blade of grass, the wind whistling over rocks and rustling leaves—they show me the way. If it wasn’t for the curse, I might’ve never taken the time to become so familiar with my surroundings, but relying on sound, smell, and touch is essential. My other senses are so heightened and honed that almost forget I can’t see.


Heading to my secret spot, I blink against the harsh winds and ignore the ice crystals pelting my face. We’re due for some snow and, judging by the crisp scent in the air, it could be a big storm.

I land a minute later, hitting the ground at a full force run into the enchanted forest. Passing the sprite territory, I duck under branches and try not to disturb the little creatures.

But of course they notice me. To my left, I hear the humming of wings.

“Damon, do you have a task for me?”

I recognize the high reedy voice. “Hello, Gemma. Could you tell me if there was any activity around the stones recently?”

“For a price,” she replies cheerfully.

Cheeky devil. “It’s not enough that I gave you this territory?”

“That was for the many other favors I’ve done for your kingdom.”

Favors we paid ungodly amounts for. “Never mind. I’ll find out soon enough.”

Because I’m almost there—the magical place where my parents leave trinkets for me. It’s not a portal, per se. It’s more like a mailbox where objects can be passed from one world to the next.

This is where I’ll find something of Whitley’s so I can enter her mind.

Lifting a flat circular rock, I feel around in the hollow area beneath it. My fingers brush against an envelope. It’s bulky. When I shake it, an oddly shaped piece of metal falls out. A string is attached to it, like it’s supposed to be worn around the neck. A gust of wind hits it just right, and a high-pitched sound rings from the object.

A whistle. Sleek and small, it’s unlike the horns we have here. Air passes through it again, and it almost sounds like a scream. A haunted wailing.

Whitley’s perfect face flashes through my mind again, only this time, she’s terrified. Her eyes, her dimples, her smile—her face is etched into my mind so clearly. The thought of her beautiful features screwed up in pain is too much to bear.

My heart spasms.

I need to get to her. Now.

Deciding not to waste time going back to my room, I lie down, grip the whistle, and close my eyes.





Car sickness. I knew it was going to be a problem with all the winding roads through the mountains.

Holding a hand to my queasy stomach, I move my gaze away from the window. “How much longer?”

Dad’s brown eyes connect with mine in the rearview mirror. “GPS says an hour and forty-six minutes.”

Ugh. Not sure I can make it that long without needing my designated barf bag. At least we’ll get to the resort by check in. According to the itinerary, dinner will be served at six on the terrace. After that, there’s a tour. Stargazing is at nine.

I’m not sure we’ll be able to see any stars tonight, though. Not with this cloud cover. The sky is so gray it almost looks like evening, not mid-afternoon.

Oh, well. I guess if it doesn’t clear up, I could check out my college schedule instead.

I probably shouldn’t be thinking about school on my vacation, but I’ve procrastinated long enough. Classes start on Monday. I’ll be a junior this year, so I’m familiar with the campus, but I don’t even know who my teachers are or how long it’ll take to get from one class to the next. To be honest, I’m not thrilled about my major. Psychology seemed like a good idea a couple years ago, but I’m not sure I can see myself in the field for the rest of my life.

The car doesn’t slow as we follow a curve, and I cover my mouth while suppressing a gag. “Dad, could you take it easy on the turns? I’m about to lose my lunch back here.”

“Would it help if I sing?” There’s a smile in his voice. “I think it would.”

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