Home > New Girl on the Street(6)

New Girl on the Street(6)
Author: Donna Jay

The door closed and Justin came back in grinning. “You can thank me later.”

“Maybe I like talking to them.”

“Is that why you hid?”

No, I hid because I thought it was Bella. So much for vowing not to hide out in her own home.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

“I do, actually.” He squeezed her shoulder. “But I worry about you. Are you okay? Not lonely?”

“I’m fine. I like my own company.” That much was true, but if she was to be completely honest, there were times when she wished she had a special someone.

Casual sex was great, but it lacked the intimacy she craved, the contentment of falling asleep snuggled up to a lover.

Justin put his plate in the sink, tipped back a glass of water and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Thanks for lunch.”

“You’re welcome.”

The second they stepped outside, Lisa’s gaze flicked to the fence separating her property from Bella’s.

“I see you have a new neighbour.”

“I do. A woman.” Lisa kicked at the ground, debating how much to tell him.

“Is she hot?”

“Yeah. I went to school with her…had a crush on her.”

An airplane flew overhead, and they both looked up, shielding their eyes from the sun. When she met Justin’s gaze, her expression must’ve said it all.

“Not that girl.” He snapped his fingers, thinking. “What’s her name?”


“That’s it. Have you been to say hi?”

“Why would I do that?” Irritation prickled along her skin. Justin knew perfectly well what had happened. She’d been gutted afterwards, and more so once Bella blew out of town. The only one she’d been able to vent to was her brother.

“You liked her,” Justin said, his gaze loving not mocking.

“So what? She caused me a whole lot of trouble and then fucked off and left me to deal with the aftermath.”

“I doubt she sold a house—her parents’ home—and made the choice to move. There’s a story there.”

Not willing to concede, Lisa pursed her lips. “And I don’t want to hear it.”

“You always were bull-headed.” He ruffled her hair playfully. “But don’t forget, people change. It was a difficult time to come out in ninety-five.”

“It’s a difficult time to come out now.”

“And maybe she has.”

“Or maybe she’s married…to a man. She wears a wedding ring and there’s a pair of bloke’s boots by the back-porch steps.”

Justin cocked an eyebrow. “And you know this how?”

Trust her to put her foot right in it. “Because I’m a nice person. I baked some muffins and welcomed her to the neighbourhood.”

“That’s a start.”

She shook her head. “Drop it, bro, before I drop you.”

He danced around like a boxer, feigning a jab here and there. “Bring it.”

She laughed. “You know I’d kick your arse like when we were kids.”

“Once.” He held up a finger.

When they were teens, she’d accidentally clocked him with her elbow during a play fight. It hadn’t been hard enough to break his nose, but she still liked to tease him.

“Bye, sis. Say hi to your neighbour—when you stop acting like you’re five.”

“I was fifteen.”

“Your point?”

“Piss off.” She shoved him in the side, grinning despite herself.



Chapter 5


Lisa gathered up the last of the cable and their tools and handed them down to Paul. They’d finished the electrical fit-out with a day to spare.

“The boss is pretty happy,” Paul said.

“He should be.” If they went over the deadline, it cost him big money for each day they ran behind.

“Looking forward to next week?”

“Yes and no.” They had a week between projects, which meant a week of doing residential work—something that was as enjoyable as it was challenging. Doing commercial jobs meant they didn’t have to deal with customers.

“It’s only four. Should we grab a coffee before we blow this place?” Paul suggested. Lisa smirked, and he shook his head. “You have a filthy mind.”

“Hey, that’s your mind. I’m not even into—”

“Stop”—he held up a hand—“or you’ll be paying for your own cappuccino.”

He started walking, and Lisa fell into step beside him. They dumped the leftover cable and conduit into the van, then returned to the Plaza. Once they had their drinks and were seated opposite each other at a café tucked away in a corner, they resumed their conversation.

“How are things with your neighbour?” Paul blew on his coffee.

“How so?” Lisa wasn’t ready to admit she’d been spying on Bella.

“Have you seen her?”

“Of course. She lives next door.”

He tapped his thumb and forefinger together imitating pliers. “Don’t make me pull teeth.”

“Fine.” Maybe talking about it would help put things in perspective. “Thing is, she keeps weird hours.”

His eyebrows drew together. “That doesn’t sound unusual.”

“No, not in itself. But here’s the thing—she always heaves two suitcases into her car before she goes out at night and then lugs them inside again once she gets home.”

Paul leaned back in his chair. “Not that you’ve been looking.”

“Not at all.” She glanced away, feeling a tad sheepish.

“She goes out and comes back the same night?”

“Correct. And the other thing is, once she takes the bags inside, she tosses a whole lot of cleaning gear in the car and disappears early in the morning.”

“Maybe she’s a serial killer. Chops them up and stores them in the freezer, then goes back and cleans up the crime scene.”

Not believing that for a minute, Lisa burst out laughing. Paul polished off the last of his drink, leaving a milk moustache on his upper lip. Lisa handed him a paper napkin.

“Thanks.” He wiped his mouth. “What’s your theory?”

“Fuck if I know.” She finished her cappuccino. “Maybe she’s a thief. Robs rich folks’ homes while they’re away. Once she’s certain the coast is clear, she goes back the next day and vacuums up the broken glass from the window she smashed to get in.”

It sounded ridiculous, but she was running out of ideas, and the not knowing bugged her more than she cared to admit.

“A thief with a conscience.”

Paul stood, and she did the same, pushing in their chairs before they left the café.

“No, I don’t think she’s a thief.”

“Why don’t you ask her?” Paul asked as they made their way towards the exit.

“Because that would involve speaking to her. Not to mention, it would be incredibly nosy.”

“Says the girl spying on her neighbour.”

“Am not,” Lisa protested weakly.

“Then talk to her.”

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