Home > A Sea of Smoke(7)

A Sea of Smoke(7)
Author: Karen Lynn

Then there was Kristen, the beautiful lioness. He smiled remembering her delicate rosy complexion, smoldering yellow-green eyes that whispered the story of every fleeting emotion. Her thick, fiery copper hair, voluptuous body, vibrant smile that lit up the room. Her passionate, stubborn streak, childlike contagious laughter, delicious lips…

Fuck! If I don’t wipe her out of my mind, I’ll go crazy!

Back at the club he vowed not to get drunk, frightened by a repeat performance of the previous week. He had to stay in control.

Things were moving along smoothly until Marty and Tia appeared. Tia ran up to him, planting her lips on his. Pulling back with a shy look on his face, Jake found himself emotionally charged when Marty approached. It was the first time he'd seen her since Ray's disappearance.

“Jake, nice to see you.” Marty paused to wipe away tears misting her eyes. “Have you spoken to Kristen?”

Tia, busy downing her free beer, surveyed the crowd a few feet away. Jake self-consciously pushed his hair back. “No. Why should I?” His voice was so soft, he couldn’t determine if Marty heard him. He needed to tell her how sorry he was about Ray. It was impossible.

Marty could see the pain that still burned in his eyes, the same pain she felt whenever Ray's name was mentioned. “That's too bad, Jake, I really thought you two were made for each other, in a crazy kinda way.”

Jake blinked, his anxiety increasing. This was one conversation he never expected to have. “Yeah… well, that's life I guess. She's a married woman.”

“Unfortunately.” Marty cringed, squeezing her eyes shut to block out the thought. “They just dropped the investigation, like he didn't exist.”

“I know. I'm really sorry.” He touched her arm just as Tia bounced back into view.

Marty shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “Me too. Hey, here's my number if you hear anything or want to talk about Kristen.” She shoved a post-it into his hand.

As an afterthought, she brought her lips close to his ear. “By the way, do you know anything about Marcus?”

Jake couldn't hide his surprise. Why would I want to talk to her about Kristen? Lost in thought, he did a double-take when her question sunk in. “Ray’s brother? He’s still in the military last I heard. Why?”

Tia grabbed Marty’s arm, anxious to steer her to the dance floor. “Just wondering. His sister mentioned him. Be careful,” Marty whispered in his ear, snapping a glance at Tia.

He stood watching them for a minute, wondering who she was warning him about, then shook it off as a thirsty crowd converged on the bar.






Once he saw Tia, Jake knew it was all over for him. There was no way he wouldn't take her home. Aware of her powers, she used them well, running up to him to confidently link her arm through his just as he prepared to leave with Ben. Marty looked on with a gloomy expression, then got into her car and drove home alone.

His hesitance about bringing Tia to his place disappeared as soon as she slid next to him in his truck. She teased him, her hand falling to his knee, inching higher until it rested by his crotch.

I need her, it’s the only way I can get Kristen out of my mind—at least for a while.

Tia wasn't looking for any type of commitment, just pleasure. For as long as it lasted, he was her conquest. As long as he didn't let her under his skin, she would be his as well.

They spent hours having sex before finally passing out just as the sun began to rise. When he finally woke up it was almost 3:00 pm. He found her looking down at him with curiosity.

“Whose clothes are those in your closet?” She wrinkled her nose, an obvious gesture of disdain.

At first Jake was perplexed, then it occurred to him. There was no way he was going to discuss Kristen or any of his issues with Tia. Not now, not ever.

She laughed, looking at him like he was insane. “Don't tell me that's still her stuff?”

“That's not your business, Tia!” On impulse, he pushed her off of him. Almost toppling to the floor from the impact, she managed to grab onto the blanket to keep her balance. “Why don't you get dressed.” It was more of an order than a suggestion, his voice cold as he quickly stood to put on his underwear.

She came behind him, her arms fastening around his waist, her skin flush against his. Aroused despite his resistance, he let her roam his body, then whirled her around, throwing her back onto the bed.

Why not make the most of it?

He would show her he wasn't a joke, and then she could leave.




“Where are you going?” She watched while Logan rushed to finish dressing.

“I have to go to the office for a while.” He didn’t waste a second, planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

“I thought you were going to help me with the nursery. Why can't you work here?”

The furniture had been delivered a few hours earlier and Kristen was anxious to set it up with the bedding and accessories. She tried to hide her disappointment, but it was impossible. He didn’t even bother to look back at her. She followed him to the door, his unusual rush creating growing suspicion in her.

“I'll be back in a few hours.” He dashed out, barely giving her a weak wave.

She stood pouting, remembering what happened the last time he said that. Going to the refrigerator, she fought the desire to open a beer.

Being pregnant sucks!

Depressed and lonely, she found herself calling Marty.

For a few seconds, Marty was speechless, then she could hear the heartache in her voice. “I saw Jake last night at the club.”

Kristen couldn’t breathe. In the back of her mind, she was hoping Jake would come up in conversation, but once she heard his name she felt miserable. “What were you doing there? Who'd you go with?”

“Tia finally got me to go with her.”

Kristen felt the tears sliding down her face.

Of all the women in New York City, why Tia?

“Oh... are they together?”

“No! Kris, I know he still loves you. He could hardly stand talking about you. But Tia…she goes after what she wants…”

“What are you saying exactly? Are they dating?” Kristen jammed her knuckles into her mouth, biting down hard to keep from sobbing out loud.

When am I going to get over him?

“No, it’s not like that! Tia doesn't date. I'm sure it’s just sex.” Hearing Kristen's sobs, she rushed to change the subject. “How's the pregnancy going? Did you find out the gender yet?”

Kristen took desperate, jagged breaths, finally answering, “It’s a boy. Seven more weeks.” The thought should've enlightened her, instead her world was turning blacker by the second.

“A boy! Do you have a name yet? Did you ever tell Jake?”

“Jake? No, why would he care?”

“Stop it, Kris, you know why. What if it's his, how will he feel? You should give him a chance.”

“He had his chance, Marty. He called one time after he left New York, then disappeared. If he'd been around, we'd still be together.”

“Kristen, you know that's not true, not with Logan around. Will you tell him after he's born at least? What if he doesn't look like Logan, you know, if he's darker? It’s not like it would be hard to tell. They look nothing alike.”

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