Home > Israel (The Adlers Book 8)(5)

Israel (The Adlers Book 8)(5)
Author: Avery Gale



Chapter Three



Israel knew the effect he was having on his newly discovered mate. The earthy scent of her arousal circled them in a haze so thick, it was pushing him dangerously close to the edge of his control. Pulling her against him, Israel brushed his lips lightly over hers. Bristol’s quickly indrawn breath made him want to kiss her again… and again until he felt the first layer of her reluctance fell away.

“You’ve been spending time with the wrong people, Bristol. I know the background check seemed intrusive. I’m sorry about that, but it couldn’t be helped. If you will stop and think about it, I believe you’ll see it’s working to your advantage. We already know all the things you’re worried about.” If he hadn’t been completely focused on her, Israel would have missed the brief flash of relief in her eyes.

“As I said before, we don’t know each other well enough for you to trust me, but you will. That also goes for my family. They aren’t snobs, Beautiful. You’re brilliant and beautiful, and I suspect you have a killer sense of humor lurking within. You’re going to fit in perfectly. Hell, Asia and London will probably want you to move in.” The three women had a lot in common, and he looked forward to seeing how much she enjoyed their company. Hopefully, they won’t scare her off.

“I haven’t met London, but I’ve read several of her published papers. She does remarkable work. Her discoveries are going to revolutionize the way vaccines are developed and distributed.”

Israel wasn’t surprised to hear Bristol was already a fan of London’s work. Physicians who understood the importance of vaccines but didn’t blindly swallow big pharma’s narrative loved London’s ‘err of the side of the angels’ view. Insightful people are always drawn to others who seek the truth. Bristol and London would likely become fast friends.

“Traditionally, scientists were easily compromised because their research was funded by big pharmaceutical companies. Government oversight was minimal at best until you started wading through the bureaucracy of the FDA. Every stage is a money game.” Bristol’s passion for her patients’ care was easy to hear in her voice.

“Holy shit, if you don’t claim her, I’m going to adopt her. She just spoke to my heart.” Israel looked over his shoulder and grinned when he saw London standing behind him. Flanked by Asia, Paris, Catalina, and Brooklyn, the group would have seemed intimidating if they hadn’t all been smiling like cats who’d just swallowed the proverbial canaries. London always reminded him of a sprite, a petite ball of barely contained energy. She’d calmed down some since she’d become a mother, but without the boys here this weekend, the old London was shining through.

“Come on, Bristol, Israel has kept you to himself long enough. Time for some fun. Tobi is going to teach us line dancing.” As the oldest of the girls, Asia rarely missed an opportunity to take charge. She and London stepped forward, each grabbing one of Bristol’s elbows, intent on leading her away.

“Hold on, ladies.” When Israel moved to intervene, London elbowed him aside.

“Back off, Barney. We’ll bring her back after we’re finished enjoying ourselves. Austin is looking for you, anyway. He can’t keep Charlotte in her chair. She wants to walk because she’s having cramps. Austin is bitching about her being fifteen months pregnant and swearing he’s going to tie her to a chair if she doesn’t sit down and put her feet up.”

“Cramps? What kind of cramps? Where is she? Come on, let’s go.” Israel watched his mate slip out of her heels and take off running with the fluid grace of a shifter. He smiled when she instinctively ran to one of the small enclosed areas where a small group was gathered. He stopped to scoop up her shoes, grateful to be able to do a small act of service, making their connection seem more intimate than it had a few seconds ago.

“You are fucking pathetic, man. Shoes? Small act of service? Shit, you should be forced to surrender your Man Card.” Israel didn’t need to turn to know Luke Grayson was standing beside him. Brooklyn Adler’s husband had two incredible skills—a gifted telepath and computer hacker extraordinaire. Everybody Israel knew wondered if the two talents were connected, but it was a chicken and egg argument, Israel considered a waste of time attempting to unravel. Anybody with an IQ above dull-normal knew the two were indelibly linked.

“Fuck you, Grayson. Didn’t anybody tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” Israel didn’t remember there being an exemption for telepathic snooping.

“Sure, all the time. I just don’t give a shit. Besides, you think loud, so it’s on you.” Luke flashed an unrepentant grin and shrugged. “Come on, we don’t want to miss the action. I hope Denali doesn’t mind having her wedding day overshadowed by a baby.”

“In this family, the odds of having a special occasion derailed by another family member are increasing exponentially.” Israel couldn’t imagine Denali being upset but decided to check in with her just in case. As he approached where she was standing with Kenz, all he felt was concern for her new sister-in-law. Pulling her into a hug, he held her until he finally felt her take a deep breath.

“That’s better.” He set her back alongside her new husband but kept his hand on her shoulder. “How are you doing, sweetness? Unfortunately, this is one of the perils of a large family.”

“Perils? I don’t understand what you mean.” He could feel the confusion pulsing around her.

“I’m sure Charlotte is worried she is upstaging your big day. I can’t imagine she’d have come today if she knew this would happen.” Denali’s expression morphed from confusion to horror.

“Are you kidding? This is the best wedding present anyone could ever receive. I’m getting a niece or nephew. This adds another layer of joy to the most amazing wedding day ever. We’ll be able to celebrate forever, and the whole family will never forget our anniversary. Seriously, how much better can it get?” Israel pressed a chaste kiss against her forehead before turning to Kenz.

“She is perfect. Take very good care of her.” Turning his attention to the sudden shift in the energy behind him, Israel focused on his mate, grateful he could easily tap into her thoughts.

Shit. We’ll never get Charlotte to the hospital in time. I hope the club’s first aid station is well stocked. She sounded stressed but not panicked. Israel wanted to reach out to her telepathically, but he didn’t want to be a distraction.

“Let’s get Charlotte moved inside, so we can minimize the disruption to Kensington and Denali’s reception.” She’d been speaking to several of the people gathered around Charlotte. When Austin started to lift his wife, Bristol put her hand on his forearm. “I’d like you to stay for a moment, please. Walking will help her muscles relax, and I’d like to speak with you privately. I have a request, and I know everyone will do a great job getting Charlotte settled.” Austin’s eyes widened in surprise, but he nodded before giving his mate a quick kiss and assuring her he’d be right behind her.

Bristol moved, so she was standing directly in front of Austin, her bare feet a few inches apart, and her hands held loosely at her sides. Her body language exuded a level of easy confidence he knew was well-practiced. Israel smiled, knowing she was making a deliberate effort to put Austin at ease. Her calm demeanor and cool professionalism made it easier for everyone around her to do what needed to be done.

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